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Image Comments posted by ekaufman1


    I did view your portfolio - you have some gorgeous images. As far as this one goes, I think I would prefer a tighter crop for a couple of reasons (all matters of taste- not technique) 1) The inclusion of the woods at the far back detracts from the beautiful DOF in the field of flowers 2) There is an interesting directionality in the field of flowers (diagonal from left to right that could be emphasized with cropping and 3) the whiteness of the tree in the center of the view at the top of the frame drags my eye away from the well focused subject in the foreground. All that said - these are matters of taste and opinion - you have a great eye and a wonderful image. Cheers.


    I think the composition works well here but you might look at adjusting the color balance a bit - but then again color can be very much an issue of individual taste. Cheers.


    I usually don't like wide angle distortions like this one but you have managed to control the critical elements to produce a striking image. I particularly like how the angle of the shadow at the base of the campanile on the left complements and enhances the angle of the line of the tower and is continued by the angle of the line of clouds on the right side of the image. Very nice!


    Thanks for the candid comment.The object on the left is horno - an outdoor oven - they are ubiquitous in the pueblo environment and to my eye its as much a part of the image as sky or the ground. Its good to see the image from the perspective of someone who does not know the context. The composition was intentional and was meant to add an abstract element and a curved line to an otherwise linear-documentary image. Perhaps I should have spent more time looking for a better angle. Thanks again for sharing your eye. Much appreciated.


    Thanks for the comments. I often hesitate to post images like this one on PN because simplicity is seldom appreciated. I don't know about everyone else, but I find that the more simple the image, the less forgiving. I have taken hundreds of images of windows and doors like this one but even when the exposure, composition and focus are perfect, it is rare when everything falls together to make a compelling image. Here's to nuance and the complexity of he simple. Cheers.

    Kathy's blue eyes

    Very beautiful image that needs no improvement but I think there may be a second image worth considering - have you tried cropping out every thing but the eyes surrounded by the black cloth?

    Ropes II

    The photo is fine as is - however - a cropped version would be a different - and I think-compelling image as well. A cropped image of just the in focus part of the image would become as much about the rope and the symmetry of rope and prow and less about a moored boat.


    Beautifully done. I think you made the right choice by shooting down the beach - the perspective adds interest to the composition. The colors are subtle and beautiful. Wonderful image.
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