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Image Comments posted by ekaufman1


    On the whole its a pleasing image - well framed with distracting details well hidden. I might have adjusted the exposure for a bit more highlights - I like the way the light plays on the grass in front of the mill and would like to it emphasized a bit- but thats just personal taste.You also might want to see if you can generate more interest for the eye by placing the subject a bit more off center, still its good image.

    Rock Window

    Excellent composition and use of the natural light. Focus and DOF are well done as well. I particularly like the way the curve of the rock leads your eye to the light. Nice image.

    Pink Lilies

    I think the image lends itself to black and white quite well. It has a good tonal range and no loss of detail. You might want to experiment with a less centered composition - although it is lovely as is.


    Thanks for the explanation. One of the great things about photography is that it lets you see through someone else's eyes but sometimes it helps to have a glimpse of the artist's mind as well. Here's to discussion and dialog.


    I glanced through your portfolio and you obviously know what you are doing both technically and artistically so I'm not sure if my comments will be useful. Personally, I was not drawn to the image at first glance but after looking at your work I know you know how to see so I came back. Things that stand out to me: I like the way the line formed by the sun breaking through the clouds directs my eye to the more subtle shapes defined by the light on the water; I like the texture of the light on the left side of the image and the texture of the clouds at the top of the image. I find myself distracted by the lack of texture in the white shirt mainly because it lacks what I am seeing as the key element of the image (texture) and because it causes my eye to leave the path created by the outline of the light in the sky and water. A couple of other distractions, I would have liked either sharp focus throughout or a greater difference between the foreground focus and the background focus. As I write this I am sure you can see these things and would like to know what you see here and what it is that draws you to this image?



    One of the many colorful thermal pools at Wai-o-tapu, New Zealand.

    Comments and critiques desired. Rate if you wish and thanks for

    stopping by.


    As a lover of rain (even artificial rain), I love this image. Sometimes having a beautiful model can make it difficult for people to see the rest of the picture but for me this image captures a woman in love with the rain - where the rain is just as beautiful as the woman and her joy and vitality in experiencing the rain are best of all.


    Excellent portrait. I love the details in the skin and eyes, the range of tone from the white of the strands of hair to the deep black of the vest. The DOF is just right. Well done.


    Ignore the low raters and follow your heart. This image works on all levels from the unorthodox crop to the blurred motion to the colors, especially the colors. Very nice.


    I have all of these in color as well. I find that the combination of contrast and texture lends itself well to a black and white image. The shots of the stones are actually part of a project where I am trying to work past my first view of things to something deeper by focusing on one subject in lots of different lights over a long period of time. By limiting the palette I am using I am having to think a little harder about how to communicate through the image. Thanks alot by the way for all the comments. I appreciate them greatly.


    The details in this image are amazing. Everything needed to the story is here but yet the image is not overdone. There is still a sense of mystery.
  1. Thanks for taking the time to go into detail. I am a PS neophyte but I will take a shot at implementing your suggestions. IMO this is exactly the way the critique forum should work. When I post for comment I usually posting an image that I am drawn to but not completely satisfied with -thanks for contributing to the process.
  2. Comments, critiques and ratings are all welcome but dialog is most


    Thanks for stopping by. I know the dark featureless foreground breaks

    a few rules but for me it captures the feeling of the place.


    A very intriquing image. I like the treatment of the subject and the composition. I would like to see it with more light in the highlights to see how that works.
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