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Image Comments posted by agitater

  1. I liked the contrasts and juxtapositions of the wall-like paving stones, the reflection and the watery, late winter sidewalk. It is a natural scene or view that I never notice unless I have a camera in my hand.

  2. Too many monuments in too many parts of the world suffer for years from lack of care, maintenance and respect. Pieces occasionally now fall off this one. Though much smaller than its sister in Paris, the Arc in Marseille was commemorated just as seriously so many years ago, but is now occupied by homeless people and street people, and seems to also be a rallying point for indigents, drug dealers and worse. What a sad and insulting commentary on contemporary economics and western society.

  3. The Cathédrale de la Major was built by Napoleon. It is filled with great paintings and a considerable amount of stunning architecture. The enormous number of stained glass windows on the west side of the cathedral allow the afternoon sun to stream through and tint the deeply cut stone window sills and casements. They are gorgeous - I made a lot of these shots - but it was difficult to pick one for this album. I liked the silhouette of the saint because at first glance it looks like a real person standing, head tilted, admiring the windows and the sunlight.


  4. There are these mannequins dressed up in front He & She, an eclectic shop on Queen Street East in Toronto, and they seem to exude a kind of shabby realism which both deceives and attracts.


  5. The grounds of the University of Toronto contain a wealth of gardens, wrought iron fences, vines, ornamentals and trees. There are details like this - nature wrapping itself around constructed things - all over the place.

  6. In the Fall, early morning in a tiny park in an old neighborhood, the gardener had lined up a bunch of pots and staked vines. The sharp light was so colorful and warm, but there was a hint of winter in the strengthening breeze.

    Ajax Sunset


    Thanks Bert.  After a rather grim, rainy mid-Spring day, the sky cleared somewhat for the setting sun to light up the broken cloud and silhouette some old evergreens. I love the almost-balance and almost-symmetry.

  7. This store window, a monument to lousy teeth and bad diet, is a tourist trap which also lures in the unwary local parent and child. The shop owner also sells bulk nuts, dried fruits and grains - go figure. Late afternoon sunlight helped the colors really pop.

  8. A late summer night, darkness fallen, people in their cars rushing somewhere. Home maybe. These shots were made while zooming into the scene at a busy intersection. The taller lights are the remnants of late nights in an office tower. I love the soft patterns.

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