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Davide Baroni

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Image Comments posted by Davide Baroni



    Thank you, Laurent, for the further info. I understand what you mean. It's a pity, that banding is actually disturbing.

    Grazie anche a te, Marco. :)

    Thanks to everybody who spent some of his/her time on this photo.





    Thanks for your comment, Laurent.

    Now, this makes me think. You say that I could have pushed processing a bit much... But I pretty much have a standardized post processing flow, which is quite light. Also, the "bands" are not evident in the full resolution/full size file, not even at 100% visualization. Yes, there are some very thin lines, but they are micro-rippling on the water... I don't see the "bands" there. Also, I posted this same image on another website which doesn't apply any compression or other processing to the file, and there's no banding there either, not that I or other people on that site noticed... Could that "banding" come from web compression?

    Thank you again!




    Right before dawn in the Comacchio Valleys, the thin line of ground on

    the horizon looked like a mirage...

    Critiques and comments are welcome!




    Again in Comacchio Valleys, same place than "Lights and Shadows"...

    but taking in a bit of the wreckage on the banks. All these things are

    "wrecks"... useless, crumbling, dead.

    But still beautiful, sometimes.

    Critiques and comments are very appreciated.


    On the door


    Critiques and comments are appreciated.

    The woman who worked at the Salada de Frutas, a small fruit

    juice shop in Salvador da Bahia, in Brasil, 1983. Just asked her if I

    could take a photo of her, and here she is... ambient light only.

    A slide digitalized with a plain scanner... not a good one.



  1. Hola John Denny,

    en esta foto la primera cosa que me golpea el ojo es la mancha de luz en la cara y el brazo de la modela. Es al borde de ser "quemada", ya se pierden los detalles. De repente es este "efecto mascara" que buscabas, pero yo no puedo saberlo, asi' que me limito a decirte que ahi' esta'. :-)

    Tambien la luz sobre el cuerpo de la modela es algo "fria", y me parece que aparezcan alguno artefactos de compresion, o debidos a "Luz/sombras" en photoshop (mis ojos ya no son tan buenos como hace anos, asi' que bien puede ser que yo este' equivocado).

    Otra cosa... el corte de la mano. Tengo la impresion de que la modela este' amarrada a la pared, pero no se ve con certeza. Este tambien puede ser que lo quisistes, pero en mi concepto el resultado es una distraccion, con los ojos que intentan comprender lo que pasa alli' y se pierden el resto de la escena.

    Con una foto de este pequeno tamano, no me siento como para decir mas. :-)

    Hasta la proxima, y buena Luz!


  2. Critiques and comments are very appreciated.

    About an hour after dawn, in the Comacchio Valleys. These nets are

    just useless now. There's no fish anymore here, everything is polluted

    and dead. These traditional nets and barracks are here, slowly dying

    and crumbling.

    But the light of dawn gives them such a beautiful "mood".


    Thank you.

    Up there


    Before dawn, an airplane's trail reflecting on the still water,

    carryin' my thoughts with it...

    Comments and critiques are welcome. :)

    Thank you,


  3. Thank you all for the comments and the time you spent on this photo. :-)


    Ken, I don't know what the "halo" comes from. There's a little sharpening, but quite few. And on the full size version there's not such a halo... It puzzles me a bit.

    I noticed the "halo" is around the road signs too, but I believe it comes from a reflection there (the metallic edge reflecting the bright horizon where the sun is about to rise). This "halo" is in the fullsize file too.

    I'll try to post process the photo again without ANY sharpening, and see what happens. Thank you for pointing it out. :)



  4. Nadina, it's not a matter of DoF... it's more about "continuity". That sharp contour of the focused part of the torso actually separates, perceptually, the two areas, because it creates a sort of "closed figure" (the focused breast and ribs). Our neurology takes it as a "whole", a perceptual "unit", and the other breast doesn't fall into it, because of the separating line, and not because it's not sharply focused. I hope you can see that line... it ends right in the middle of the lower side of the picture. :-)

    What I suggest is that you try and experiment with lights and Dof in order to create a perceptual continuity that makes the observer's brain know, phenomenically, that the two breasts are parts of the same whole. :-)

    I'm doing an extensive work on this aspect of visual perception on an Italian website, and this is a perfect example. :-)

    Sorry for my English, I can't be as clear as I'd like. But I think you can understand what I refer to.



  5. Nadine, I'm looking at this photo for a while now, and yet I have a strange feeling about it. :-)

    On one side, I like a lot the tones and composition and mood. And I like the sharpness of the close-up breast, revealing the texture of the skin and making it so "real".

    On the other side, it looks so "detached", as if it and the farther, unfocused part were from two distinct bodies. It looks like something wrong with the lights to me... You can see the line coming down from the close up breast, it's so marked, so sharp. It phenomenically divides the perception field in two: that sharply focused area, and "the rest". What's focused becomes "figure" and what's not goes into the "background" as if they were separated, if I can make my point clear. :-)

    If it wasn't for that single detail, this would be a very good picture, IMHO.

    Well, it still is... but it's not "as perfect as it could".

    Thank you,




    I saw this man in Christchurch, New Zealand. He looked so much like

    Garibaldi to me... And he sat at this place, and the colors were so

    harmonic. I shot the photo from afar.

    Critiques and comments are welcome.


  6. Whitianga, New Zealand... at dawn, the hills at the other side of the

    harbour were covered with mist, and the sunlight was playing with

    shapes and shadows. I always imagined "The Dawn of the World" would

    look like that... So that's the (pretentious) title of the picture. :-)


    Critiques and comments are welcome.

  7. Concordo pienamente con Nadia, e inoltre avrei lasciato un po' pi� spazio al cielo... cos젬'orizzonte dato dalla sponda opposta divide la foto esattamente in due, e questo la "appiattisce" un po'. :-)


    Mi chiedo anche come mai trovo questa foto nella sezione "Nudi", ma questo 蠵n altro discorso. ;-)




    Vision I


    I simply love this "dark on dark" kind of photo. I also like composition, sharpness, and tones. What I do NOT like, however, is the abdominal muscles contraction... Maybe it's been done in order to obtain that shade above the belly, I don't know. But it disturbs my eyes and feelings. Personal opinion. :)

    Overall, a very nice realization.




    It reminded me of a series I took in 1983... the concept was similar. I love the sharp contrast an the graphic composition, it makes it all look like a prehistoric graffiti somehow. It's very dinamoc and powerful though.

    Somewhere between a nude and an an abstract concept.


  8. Thanks you all for the comments.

    Lannie, the foam is blue because it's in the shadow. It was mid afternoon, and on that spot the sun was already behind the hills that are just outside the left side of the photo. So the only light that hit the foam was the one coming from the clear sky... which is blue. :-)

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