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Image Comments posted by dcmodeler

  1. I quite agree! I used 1/1600 which I thought would help with the high speed left to right and jitter, but it also had the consequence of freezing the prop. I wonder if 1200 would do the trick, or do I have to go down even slower?
  2. I could try to darken it totally, but I thought that would be too big a block on the overall shot. I thought that lightening it up a bit would help, but I couldn't get it too much lighter given the actual conditions of the shot. Hmm. Thanks!
  3. Thanks! I got this shot with a little point and shoot, after backing up as far as I could to get as much of the scene as I could! I never thought about stitching two shots together at the time. I still haven't tried doing that with any of my pictures yet, but I will.

    Korean War Museum


    Taken outside the South Korean War Museum, Seoul Korea. A mother records her son's

    instinctive reaction to the surroundings. Any comments and critiques would be most

    welcome. Thank you.

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