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Image Comments posted by httpphoto.netphotodbm

  1. This was an image from another trip to Death Valley. I spotted this couple at the

    bottom of the dunes and I guess they caught my attention because she was really

    having a hard time making it up. The husband kept encouraging her and finally she

    made it to the top as he lend a hand out to pull her to the top. But what really caught

    my eye on this was the sun just over the horizon hitting the top of the dune and

    putting the couple in the spotlight. The spotlight hitting the couple really makes a

    huge shadow behind the couple adding to the play of light. This was first thing in the

    morning and I saw this spot from the road and made a mad dash to make it here for


    Equipment: Canon 5D MK2 17-40L

  2. I am afraid this might be a big mistake but I am trying to take chances so here goes.

    This is an image from an sunrise on the mountains in British Columbia. The sun was

    trying to break through the clouds from the left side. The mountain was full of mist that

    was coming in and out. The sun created a strong highlight which I choose to not

    correct as I wanted to convey the impression of the light source. There is a mix of cool

    tones and a hint of pinks from the early morning light that was present. I realize this

    image will not work for most people but I am trying to create more of a painterly style

    to my images.

    Sierra Blues


    This was taken on a trip to the Sierras to see some fall color with

    fellow photographer Ed Nunez. This was taken while exploring and

    looking for fall color near North Lake. I lost my 5D camera to the

    ocean at Bean Hollow as a rogue wave hit me so hard it knocked me into

    the ocean and about 10 feet down. A second wave crashed me back onto

    the rocks and cut me up pretty badly. Needless to say I lost my

    camera, lens, and bag to the ocean. Ed was nice enough to lend me his

    backup Nikon D200 for the rest of the trip

  3. This was another image from my Alaska trip to look for fall colors. I really liked the

    repeating patterns of triangles and the movement of the clouds rising to the top in a

    triangle shape as well.

    I waited for the end of day to get last few minutes of warm light.

    I blended this from three different RAW Exposures.


    f/16 3 blended Raw exposures ISO 100

    Singh-Ray LB Color Combo


    Thanks for any comments or critiques

  4. Hi everyone - I just got back from a couple of weeks in Alaska to shoot the tundra. I

    got lucky and timed it right as the reds were illuminating everywhere. I was also

    lucky visiting Denali to see the mountain the whole time I was there. Up to now the

    mountain had only been visible four times this year. Anyways, I realize this is an

    iconic image but it means something personally has I have dreamed of seeing this

    mountain and to see the tundra in red as well.


    Thanks for any comments or critiques

    Canon 5D 17-40L f/16 Three Bracketed Raw images/Singh-Ray Color Combo

  5. This was taken on Mount Rainer in the sunrise area last week. Rainer to the left was

    clouding over so I choose to make the best of a situation. I really liked how the sun

    seemed to be coming through the lupine here. As I kept shooting the clouds really

    started to work out and the sun started to peak out.


    Thanks for any comments or criitiques.

    Canon 5D 17-40L

    f/22 (for starburst) 3 Bracketed images

    Singh-Ray Color Combo/Singh-Ray 2-stop Grad Soft/ 3Grad Hard

  6. This was taken from an workshop with Marc Adamus and we went exploring for

    different things. This is one small ice cave that actually was only a few feet tall and I

    had to crawl in on my hands and knees in water to fit in here but it was fun. It took me

    almost half an hour laying in glacier water but the exposure was very difficult

  7. This was an early morning scene from The Palouse that I spotted a few days earlier

    and continued to return to wait for the right light. I liked how the layers of rolling hills

    created some nice depth but I got some mist involved which increased the depth and

    mystery of that morning. The weather was going back and forth and everywhere in

    Washington State there were smaller versions of these lenticular clouds. I really enjoy

    when the weather can not decide what to do.

  8. This was shot on Steptoe Butte this last week as the clouds were stunning. It was

    clear all day and the weather forecast called for 0% chance of clouds but I took a

    chance I witnessed one of the best sunsets of my life. I went all around looking for the

    best composition of flowers and got real low to make it appear larger then it was. The

    wind was going like crazy so I took the foreground flowers at ISO 1000 at 1/100 Sec

    then refocused and shot the background sunset at ISO 100 at a longer shutter speed

    and combined it by blending the two images. I used some fill light as well on the

    foreground flowers to give it some pop as it was getting fairly dark at this time.

  9. I know this is an icon but I had never seen it ever from here until I saw a similar image. I

    owe this image to Ed Nunez who I had visited to shoot the Big Sur Coastline with. I wanted

    to get to this location but he told me it is almost impossible as this is on government

    property and has pretty tight security due to obvious reasons of late. I told him I had to

    have it for myself and I would do whatever it took. So we drive there as the sun set and he

    asked me to jump out the car without stopping and make my way down the steepest

    embankment of my life all the way down to the water. He could not stop as the police were

    constantly patrolling the area and I only had a matter of seconds to get out of sight. Once

    I finally got to the spot I could not setup my tripod due to the steepness; I could not even

    put my bag down as it rolled down the hill. I know that a lot of people will disagree with

    this but when you are desperate to get a rare perspective you will do anything !!! Thanks

    again to Ed Nunez who made this possible.


    Thanks for looking !


    Canon 5D 17-40L

    f/11 25 seconds ISO 100

  10. This was taken from a trip to the Big Sur coastline. While there I met Ed Nunez and had a

    great time looking for places that were non-existent along the coast according to haystacks

    seen on Google Maps. Anyways no luck with weather as it was cloudy and rainy for most of

    the trip so I did the best I could with the circumstances so I am not sure I should post this

    but I was liking the shapes and the color in the foreground. This was taken at Phieffer Beach.


    Thanks for any comments

    Canon 5D 17-40L 0.5 Sec f/16 ISO 100

  11. I am have recently been doing alot of back packing skiing and

    snowshoeing using whatever I can to get to higher elevations. This was

    taken In British Columbia in the back country. I took some time off

    work and waited the bad weather for a week before I was able to get my

    first sunny day this year I saw the S-Curve and knew I could return

    when the light was better and creating some shadows. I waited for the

    late afternoon light and got the shadows I was looking for. The only

    thing I was I could change is the wind was blowing the snow and made

    some of the middle ground fuzzy. I have chosen to keep the image as I

    saw with cool tones and remember it as I saw it. Freezing cold ! I

    took this with my new G9 and I shot it without a tripod or filters.


    Thanks for any comments or critiques

    Canon G9 f/8 1/1/400 Sec


    If you get a chance to check some of recent pics from my last trip

    into the mountains and tell me which ones don't work for you at


    Where The Earth Meets The Ocean

    Please Visit Me at kevinmcnealphotography.com Kevin McNeal

    Olympia, Washington

  12. This is an image from the very infamous Moraine Lake. I just could not get enough of all

    the possibilities of this place. It is so unbelievable of a place to see so I am just posting an

    image to bring back my memory of my week here.


    Thank you for any comments and suggestions


    Canon 5D 17-40L 2.5 f/22 Secs IS0 50

    Where The Earth Meets The Ocean

    Please Visit Me at kevinmcnealphotography.net Kevin McNeal

    Olympia, Washington



    This is an image from my search for fall colors. This place had a lot

    of frost and some colors. There was some fog and the sun was trying to

    break through so I was able to get some nice light. I liked how the

    creek ran diagonally through the image. I cropped the top to give the

    image some mystery of what there is more.


    Canon 5D 17-40L 0.8 sec f/22 ISO 100

  13. This is a long exposure of two minutes taken at the Portland Japanese

    Gardens. There was nothing left really in terms of fall color so I had

    some fun with this. So don't be too hard on me ! I used a Vari-ND at 8

    stops plus a 5 stop ND combined in the daytime

    Thanks always for the comments and critiques


    Canon 5D 17-40L Around 2 Minutes at f/22 Singh-Ray Vari-ND and a B&W

    ND combined and Singh-Ray Color Combo.


    Where The Earth Meets The Ocean

    Please Visit Me at kevinmcnealphotography.net Kevin McNeal

    Olympia, Washington

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