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Image Comments posted by kristina_kraft

    Blair christmas

    It is an ordinary image, but there is something warm inside that draws my attention to it, keeping my eyes for some time. I wouldn't changed anything about it. The composition is simple and clear, and the structure is crispy. So it doesn't present the soft snowy landscape to which I'm used to it.



    I wonder is it not too dangerous to be in its own little world when you're in traffic?! The human nature is sometimes uncomprehendable.


    The decisive moment here is so expressed. The whole mood is under heavy intesity because everything is intertwined in a rush hour, I suppose.

    What is amazing here is that the photo is divided in two parts. The one with the precisely ordered colony of the cars - rush hour; the other part which is empty and which reflects a little world of one woman. A woman of course is also aware a lot of the traffic, and she is also in a hurry, having a rush hour too. The way how these two worlds are presented is simply amazing. The situation physically is simple, the composition is simple too. But from psychological aspect, it is a moment that will never happen again. There is no chance that this could happen one more time. The moment is preserve forever. It reminds me of the apothegm: "The whole world is a stage."

  1. In my opinion this is not about montage. If it is then it wouldn't be here. The light is too natural from all over. The idea and the process of creation is brilliant! After all it has a commercial notion. This photo would sell any kind of sneakers. (I'll not mention here the sport brands.) Because in the foreground it's clearly expressed the sneaker.

    But I wonder where did Alex put the camera, in some hole or on the flat ground?

    Maybe it's not about the staged photo. Maybe Alex captured some race putting the camera on the ground. So the photo has been created spontaneously.

    Either way, it's brilliant. 7/7.



    It is great documentary photo! The whole elements of composition stands in harmony. The mood of course is dramatic, but there is also as a contrast a bright and shiny day that suggest a powerful bind over all.

    I can imagine how you've been waiting for a big wave. But I can't figure its hight. It looks to me as a kind of tsunami wave that tells me you have captured it from a greater distance.

    The tones of B&W seems so natural to the scene, giving many grading layers of gray. From foreground where is the most intense dark gray of the rocks and shiny sparks of the waves' crests. The eye is so easily moving around the whole composition. It has a great stability and a sense of a great adventure that pulls me in, wanting to be there too.


  2. The composition is not simple. It drives the observer's eye to every corner, maybe trying to confuse. The soft background tree and the woman hangs into an empty space, where the tree is coming from the bench. It reminds me of a cenotaph. The huskily structure of the bench and the smooth foggy background leads to oblivion. The park is a "path" to nowhere, to a cold and devoid place. Or simply, leads to mysterious way that everyone experience at least once in a life time.
  3. Herein I'll focus on a mood. This surrealistic HDR performance need to be adjusted in another commercial content. I'll put that kind of scene in a movie which could be based on some of the Stephen King's novels. Because the places which are described in his novels provokes the unpleasant feelings. And to me this image is telling that something unexpected will start to happen.


    Lets enliven it!

  4. Really amazing scene. It's full of people's motion, of silence words of the giant statues. You have awaken them through interplay of light, shadow and colors. The perspective and angles are so simple and elegant, giving the pleasant feeling to the eyes of the observer (to me). You have enliven their sight, indeed. 7/7!

    Dry summer


    Josephine wrote about her photographs:"...I want to make my own world, fantastic world, world without sufferings and anger, without envy and lie. I want that my world would be full of beauty and dreams, cleanness and love. And I invite you in this world to find and feel harmony inside yourself..."

    From that I concluded it's about a real photograph. I don't do digital.

    I prefer to look at the meaning and symbolism, which is for me here a kind of awakening and growing.

    Dry summer


    The way you represented your vision of a Dry Summer evokes to me a feeling of strength. The way you captured the horse, in pretty elegant manner. It reminds of the bird fenix that rises from the ash. The horse, seems to me, rises from the "ashes" too. The whole your portfolio is full of child's dream and child's play. I love it, I understand it.

    Seems to me that the photo is not manipulated in PS. It's pure.


    NYC Rain

    My attention is indeed attracted by that photograph. It is in the structure that became alive by the rain and moisture. The soft, warm, wet and locomotive atmosphere of the scene makes me to studying this photo longer. My eyes just keep running back, want to dive into. The element of an umbrella is also in motion. The shadow of a man and the buildings are static, thus giving a sense of harmony in composition. It is an ordinary day, nothing is strange about it. Just a simple decisive moment of a one unknown man in a hurry. I give 7/7.


    To me the separate garlic doesn't look as a fake, neither the plates looks artificially painted in Photoshop. It surely represents the element of fire - dry, hot, antiseptic. The picture is not at all "cold". To me it is very natural.


    The whole serial of still life has interesting concept. This is a photo that I'd like to hang it on the kitchen wall. The concept of white garlics and the dark gray potters (background) is speaking the language of a modern Still life. I've never seen before such an excellent work in that field. The lighting is, I suppose, natural, dispersive, which is pleasing to the eyes. The design of a potter and plates is simple and interesting, charming indeed. Though the colours are cold, the whole photo seems to be warm, calling you to the kitchen.
  5. Classic technology and old documentaristic photo truly evokes in me feeling of sadness for those past times of changing.

    I like very much classic cameras because I'm photographing too with the old one. Now I wish I could also capture that kind of scene too. But I can't find such a particular expression on a child's face. Those times are over. The child is very serious, which is for me unusual.

    It was perfect decisive moment, and the speed of a photographer too.


    Speaking about the bottles, well, here in Croatia, people also (but older one) brings to supermarkets plastic bottles and sells it, because an industry needs it back.


    I give 7/7.

  6. This is extravagant scene. Is the person real or is it a slide from film? It reminds me of Harry Potter theme.

    I like everything on the picture: the composition, an old timer, the owl (she is looking to an observer wisely). I like the owl because she don't want to fly away. She is wise, truly.

    Half of the driver's face speaks in some weird and unusual body language. Maybe his message is some never-ending-story covered with misterious veil.


    To me, this photo is raising the feeling of expectation. I expect this unseen misterious person from the back of the car, whose hand reaches the frame of the window, keeping the owl in front.

    Is this person a famous one? Is it some extravagant star?

    W"ow, I love that person because he/she is giving me the feeling of excitement and expectation!!

    I give to Mr. Tamaki 7/7!



    You have very impressive portfolio!

    The photo of Touaregs is impressive and interesting because I see one moment in their lives. Of course, I don't know anything about their culture and the way they live. But this decisive moment tells me they are happy and content like other savages, but in a different way.


    They put their things and themselves on a truck, just like that, saying: "That's the living (leaving)!"

    You did very impressive documentaristic photo!

    I give 7/7!



    The torso is depicted in an old fashion manner from the end of 19. ct and the beginning of 20. ct. That is, in a manner of Pictorialism style.

    The only thing that disturbs me is the thumb and fingers that looks small. Maybe it is a child's torso presented as an adult one.

    I give 4/5.

    Yulong river


    I had to contemplate on that photo! It is very interesting photo because it opens a kind of new dimension to the viewer. The viewer can actually enter the picture and live the moment as those two people.

    I have a feeling, when I'm looking at the photo, I can somehow reach that bamboo boat and rest for a while.

    The photographer have presented a subjective camera in which lies the main motive at the foreground, the bamboo boat, the main focus. It leads the eye and the viewer through the scene. I give 7/7.



    A Christmas time is here! I also like other versions of this theme.

    The sparkling frost is magical, the scene is idyllic. I would try to take that kind of scene with ISO 100 so that I could get longer star trails and darker sky.

    I'm giving 7/7!



    Awesome! 7/7!

    It's very original, and at the same time it is odd, sensual as female body. It's just how I feel. The vignetting effect has certain dynamic because of its misterious notion. Like the whole scene is emerging from this black void. This is dramatic!

    But the most interesting part of the image is a photographer's vision and his beautiful sense of how he did it, of how he created. This is creation of his vision which somehow influence on my feelings like a touch of a beautiful man.

  7. She is just like Marlene Dietrich in the Hollywood films of '30-s and '40-s. In my opinion, she is a modern Marlene Dietrich. I wouldn't discuss here about her aproportions of the eyes. It simply doesn't matter. I like the strong shadow of the curl. The breasts are wonderfully expressed. The strong and soft shadows plays in harmony. I would like to know more about the lighting. And the composition is perfect. But one thing I would change. I would use BW film, so that the skin would look natural and warm. Take the same one with the BW film!!!



    A day dreaming! The girl holds a love letter on a rope, just like a balloons. Maybe the thoughts are like a balloons. They come and gone.

    The tones of the skin merges into the wallpaper very gradually. Although the landscape is far away, it looks like she is coming out of it, almost like a ghost. She is a memory, a modern allegory of a memory.

    The Life Thirst


    Learning the Wild Life! The decisive moment is perfect, just before flamingo got caught by hyena. In my opinion, when it comes a wild life photography, there is no special need for right cadre and composition because to me every wild life photo is perfect and beautiful.

    I like here an action at overcast day, where is the focus on pink flamingo and its gracious move to nowhere, to empty space.

    Salton Sea II


    I like your whole portfolio. I'm familiar with that kind of photographs and I found it very interesting. I don't know to which particular style it belongs, only that it is a modern.


    I have a feeling that you used Neutral Density filter, long exposure, to get such a crystal structure. The wooden pillars or so, are just decorative elements and nothing more, in my opinion. But they creates the meaning of that composition. The colours are perfect and clean, so it gives me the feeling of loneliness. The cadre is just right for setting up the real model.

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