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Image Comments posted by kristina_kraft

  1. John!

    I have visited the site of Yevgenia. I found Ivan the Terrible, the title of one man. Ivan means John, so I think that it's you. It's nice portrait of a handsome and careful man.


    I understand an American culture when we talk about the relationship.

    After all, I still have younger men who likes me and appreciate me in my environment. And are handsome, taller. But they don't know how to give me the feelings of being at home. As I mentioned earlier, I feel I am at home with my fiance.

    In general, I have good relationship with younger men, in a friendship manner. I need a lot of time to set up the relationship that would be more then friends. And in my opinion, I don't have so much time that I would need it to create an American way of relationship.

    Though, in my past I hanged on with younger, masculine men. But their primary attention were on something/someone else.


    About the photograph:

    His expression of face really talks about his present state of the pleasant feelings he radiates on observer.

    Underneath of the ruined skin he gives the picture of his nation.

  2. Thanks John! Well, I have celebrated my 30-th birthday couple of weeks ago! I can't say I am a gold digger. For a whole life I have been surrounded with elders, like from 10 years to 20, 25. Now, during my climbing on hills, I'm surround it with grandmas and grandpas. My buyers or clients are mature people, from 40 to 60 years old. For me it is a normal way of living. They are very much profound, wise with spirit inside, with great communication skills. I like it because they are complete persons. I tell you from my experience. With my 50 years old fiance, I feel like I'm at home, somehow.

    About younger men, I'd say they are very hard persons. It's hard to catch their feelings, they are oscillating in their behaviour. I can't used to it. Unless they convince me in contrary.

    You are lucky man, John, having woman under 30. I must say it is strange to me. Well, congratulation on that!


    I like Cartier-Bresson very much. He is a father of photojournalism. He photographed only with Leica, and did such a lively and profound scenes of the streets and people.

  3. Thanks John.

    About young women and old men. Well, I must say that I'm a fiancee of a 50 year old man. I don't have a misunderstandings with older people. Though the age gap doesn't matter because I like to learn from the elders about the life and experience.


    In my opinion, this Ukraine old man is very old, maybe 60 years or older. It seems he has been a normal citizen, with normal life.

  4. An influence of Cartier-Bresson. Whatta expression of an old man! I like it a lot! But what does he say? What is the real story behind?

    Watch your back(ground)? I don't know. To me it tells about the third world countries. And as opposite to it, there is a world of commercials and advertising. No matter where you are, who you are, they are always behind you. It is very interesting idea, indeed.

  5. Theatrical performance is the meaning and it presents conceptual photography. The idea is modern. An instalation, performance, all of that goes under notion of a Modern Theater. It is a comedy about an old and poor man which at the same time dieing and getting reach.

    In my opinion, it is an odd conceptual work. The photo alone has this vintage style of '50-s. And I like it. The whole scene is complete. The wide angle lens seems to be all right, because distortion gives the notion of that farce. His psychology and the way he behaves, it's all presented so naturally.

    Rainbow Falls

    Now did I wake up in a Wonderland? It's really refreshing week! I just love the scene. I mean, how did you do it? Where did you find such a paradise? The rainbow rays shining through, the rocks is bright and wet, expressing its structure which is very attractive. This is truly a place for the lovers! I wonder, are you in love?!
  6. I looked at your portfolio, and I like the other versions of rock formations. I like that idea of seeing a truly and unique design of nature. I think that anthracite color of rock has a volcanic history.

    That is a formation from lava. It seem it is a young rock formation.

  7. Now, this is something different! I like minimalist art. I wonder what is the concept about? What kind of message lies behind? What is the philosophy of that interesting work of art? So many questions arose by looking at the photo.

    The simple geometrical lines, anthracite tones of the structure, which are all playing in harmonic rhythm at the surface. It is beautiful pattern found in nature, captured from the air. The way how the photographer perceived is another story, and that I'm finding interesting.

    love and loss


    Beautiful decorative image that I would like to hang it on the wall.

    I can't tell if its real or artificial construction.

    The light source is coming from the left, enlighten with a spot reflector and photographed in a dark place. It could be that its reflexion is coming rather naturally, as an outcome of a spot reflector.

    Or, maybe, there is a filter which gives that kind of effect.


    I like the meaning. It seems to me that the waves creates dissolved lily which has leaked itself through its green peak.

    The decisive point or focus lies at the middle of the photograph.

    That point shows the whole meaning of creation and vanishing.

    In that point the lily vanished and dissolved, and at the same time the lily is here all the time, so pure in its instance.

    Olive 26


    Hi David! Thank for the comment.

    Yes, you're right. The attitude and the pose alone is speaking RAP.

    Maybe the face, the way she is looking, also speaks RAP.

    Definitely, she has RAP attitude.

    Olive 26


    The composition is perfect. The background should be blurred because the focus is on woman. Definitely she speaks blues melodies.

    Can you explain to me why you see RAP music. What reminds you of rap?

    The rap is a kind of superficial for that gentle image.

    It would be interesting to know the relation between her and photographer. She looks comfortable to me and from her pose it seems to me that is about some rush. Could be also that she was just passing by.

    Olive 26


    This image doesn't speak Jazz and Rap music.

    Rather an image is allegory of Blues music. And Olive looks like a Blues singer. She is emotional and at the same time she expresses the strong side of her inner self, or metaphorically, the strong side of the Blues from which everything came up later.

    Also, she could be a symbol for baptist choir.

    Olive 26


    In my opinion it is very nice artistic photography which express someone's feelings of love and devotion to that woman.


    Her facial expression of melancholy, attitude and style could speak romantic poetry. The light gray tones seems to play soft and smooth in a background. But in front, there is a stronger rythm of her love life. She is a melody on its own. Her eyes have direct contact with a viewer which speaks on emotional language. And that is music.



    The photo of daisy looks to me interesting because it has a sense of vintage style. The point of sharp focus is not the subject here, although for me, the sharp focus lies on water drops at the window.

    The symbol of photo is obvious.

    Daisy's beauty is cold, maybe because of colors, but reveals a life in a trapped environment. Even her petals unfolds below its yellow stamens and looking upward, which mean that daisy is growing at very narrow place. Anyway, she reveals her beauty. The whole structure is like relief, beautiful and disperse uniquely through the plain.

    American Goth


    Doug, now I understand the whole meaning. Thanks for reminding me. Gothic in Europe refers to totally different issues.

    The whole way of living is similar to parodic serial "Adams Family", the cartoon and a movie "Beetlejuice", too.

    American Goth


    Its strengths: The idea alone reminds us of one of the subcultures which still has its own followers. In my opinion, today the Goth subculture is reflected through feelings and temper, rather than through clothes. The whole scene is theatrical.


    Weaknesses: The scenography looks too much artificial. The hair style of a man give the unseriously look. The lighting is too strong thus giving an artificial mood. The idea deserves serious scenography, rather dramatic interpretation and presentation.



    I was trying to find a words to describe that beautiful and sensitive portrait of a young woman. You presented a combination of antique life style in a manner which is not seen until now. The idea is perfect.

    In my opinion, it's not about whether is she in green tones or not, because it's just an eyeshadow, and it looks pretty.

    The story and message behind is the most important.

    I like the casting, her manner, attitude, the way she's looking, the composition and tonality. Everything is in balance.

    I 've been looking your portfolio which is apsolutely perfect. I've never seen that kind of women portraits. I noticed that every woman is in a state of melancholy, yearning, longing and they are in a subtle mood.



    I like the moment of splash. It reminds me on good old '80-s advertisements.

    The complementary colors are great here and the illusion of vast and empty space below the can.


    Kind regards!

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