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Image Comments posted by kristina_kraft

  1. Aesthetically, it's like they are coming from the light that comes from the upper right corner in the photo. Specially, the third boy is lit and shaded beautifully.

    I like also the way you framed them. The whole composition has continuity and stability. 


  2. You have such a strong sense of creativity, sending off the message to the world through your art. It's really not an easy task for any artist, because it needs to be original and fresh in idea. 

    Best and warm regards,


  3. I like evening light here because it gives a nice intimate atmosphere. I'd change here the aperture. With more open aperture you'd get a slightly blurry background and the door with the yellow light would have given you a more intimacy to an overall scenery with the boat.




    men at work


    Everything is so subtle about that image: the atmosphere- morning haze which is dispersed gradually in the image, from yellow to blue, and slightly brighten up clothes of the men. As a humorous aspect they all look alike the trees in the background. Their load is like of the tree tops opposite to them.



    On the Border.


    Those icy formations on the rocks are amazing and the grey cloudy sky conforms to these rocks very well. it's a nice touristy photo. More emphasis on the one of the rocks would do great too. 


    Startled Porcupine


    It might work better had you taken it with more open aperture so that porcupine looks focused, and as a texture, more isolated from the background where plenty of branches interfere with his fur. In that way his startled state would have been more visible. 



    The Vision


    I like a lot how you processed the image, like in a manner of the 19th century painting. In the upper part of the image, it's like you scratched. The whole image has that quality of texture. It's like looking at some of the Turner's watercolours.



    The studious son


    It's a great documentary photograph! I like the wide angle composition which works great for this particular moment of his focused studying on the street.





    This version is so much better, Jon! I really like how you managed the skin tone, hair and eyes. My attention naturally focuses on her eyes, which you emphasized perfectly. 



    himba 011


    it's awesome portrait. I'd agree with Les about being able to freeze the moment when you as a person established a strong eye contact with the mother, creating a beautiful intimate portrait. I think the portrait of her is timeless.

    Best regards and thanks for sharing it,


    Earth Pillars


    I like a lot the order of the trees and the way this middle path leads the eye into the woods, and with the subtlety of the tones makes the whole composition in balance preserving the continuity. 

    Thanks for sharing it,




    It's a very fine nocturnal scenery of the sheep with the bluish-green hue that makes the image so right and perfect. I like how this hue gradually cross-fading into a yellowish hue in the lower right corner of the image. Thus makes the subtlety that pervades the image/scenery.





    Hi Richard,

    You have a very distinguished style. The composition is superb! This one, for me, gives a feel of America in the '50s and Pin-up women. Looks very cute.

    Best regards and thanks for sharing it,


    Hutongs #02


    I looked at your Hutongs Folder and I really like Hutong 03 better than 02. Here these poles are distracting for me and they make this whole corner messy. 

    While the image 03 has a clean and simple elements in the composition and thus it leads the eye smoothly all around the picture. 

    Thanks for sharing a nice insight into a Chinese architecture. 


  4. As a composition I like it a lot. I think it really works the way you grouped them. It's great that they all liked to be in the photo. It has continuity and coherence, aesthetically. 

    Technically: the boy's ears should be redone again. The lower corner of his right ear needs more cross-fading. 

    Best regards,


  5. I like a lot how you framed the car. Aesthetically, it is very charming I guess maybe because of this haziness that is all around: the wheel, the flag, the glass and the surface of the car. It gives a nice romantic and even a nostalgic feel to it. It's the way how I see it. I haven't seen such a poetically depicted car before. 



    I like magenta hue here. The Milky Way looks fabulous in that hue and the haziness on the left side of the sky too. It gives a nice and smooth texture of the sky. I wouldn't change a thing here. I would have only taken slightly darker version of this scenery. I think it might work very good too.

    Or maybe you already did it. 






    I like this glowing feel. I think I'd desaturate the orange rim of her hair around the forehead, orange shadows of her eyebrows, of the shadow under her nose and of florescent gums.

    Her eyes, teeth and lips glowing beautifully. The texture of her face is very nice.

    Thanks for sharing it,



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