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Phones rule the world

Pierre Dumas

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Why order a box that you dare not open???

For The Brave Only!

P.S.  I can think of more... but am keeping my mouth shut for now...

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A fascinating composition Pierre.  Your imagination is powering up some fine images.   (So where are these garage sales????  :-)

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Thanks for the visit my friends!

Steve, this picture is in connection with this one! The theme is from the ancient Greek mythology, Pandora had a box with all evils or something like that! Now she has much more boxes for as the time came that the old box isn't able to carry all the new evils of today, she multiplied the boxes and is now selling them! Some kind of allegory (if I know what is allegory, ha)!


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You have such a strong sense of creativity, sending off the message to the world through your art. It's really not an easy task for any artist, because it needs to be original and fresh in idea. 

Best and warm regards,


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meditating with a phone! however deeep one maybe, i guess the need to remain in touch is a compulsive force... a pithy composition, presented with your usual elan, Pierre.

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All is well, Pierre, thanks. Only no time, but I'll be back soon. I promise.

I see that you continue with your assembly. Has improved the technique. Regards

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Delle tre foto surreali preferisco questa!Brillante idea ed ottima esecuzione e composizione!Bravissimo Pierre!Saluti..

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Imaginative, thought-provoking and beautifully done as always. I see an interesting contemporary social commentary about communication: human figures, cold stone-like mannequins, not warm flesh with eyes that are empty or covered with sunglasses that do not see and can't be seen. They do not communicate with each other; they wait to speak words over machines as cold an inhuman as the figures themselves...... they each wait for the call to come and do not reach to make the call.....

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Hi Pierre, this is another creative, original assembly of images and thoughts. I really like what Sandra had to say in her comment above, very insightful. Best wishes, Linda

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Di importante è la tua spiegazione,perche mi ha facilitato e aprezzato in miglior modo il Tuo lavoro,la foto è sempre un racconto,attraverso un immagine,alcuni non lo sanno !   complimenti.                     ciao Paul

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is not to be trusted; she will find a way to stay off the no-call list and hound you forever!!  More seriously, the metaphor of the telephones in connection with Pandora's image is an interesting one, since it makes us think about inadvertent bad consequences that can happen when we act too hurriedly.

Another brilliant entry in this series, PDE...


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