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Posts posted by judah

  1. Thanks Hector for your suggestion but a film scanner is out of question right now. I want to keep print my stuff in the darkroom, I spend already too much time at the PC. I just would like to scan my print with a better dynamic range and tought a new flatbed was the way to go. BTW, I shoot BW only so ICE is useless in my situation. I usually print a grade lower to have a bit more details in the shadows and I also print pretty heavily on the highlights. It seems to me the scanner handles prints much better this way. I can then open up the highlights a bit and darken the shadow in Photoshop Elements (more than enough for me) but if I push things too much (especially in the shadow area) everything turns into blotchy pixels with no definition. Don't know if it is a dynamic range problem or is the "default" standard with flatbed scanners and silver prints.
  2. Hi all,

    I think I need a better scanner for my prints. Don't have the money for a

    dedicated film scanner and I much prefer working in the darkroom than on a

    screen. I usually print on 8x10 (with a 1" border) and then scan it with my

    Canoscan Lide 50. I use Canon software and if I have to do some heavy editing

    the photo turns into crap in 10 seconds flat. Don't know if the Lide 50 has a

    limited dynamic range or the Canon software isn't good at getting details out of

    my prints. BTW, I always have to print a grade lower (to have a lower contrast

    picture) and take a lot of care on highlights. Both the extreme of the dynamic

    range seems to disappear as soon as I scan it. No details whatsoever. So, is

    there any products under 200? (let's make that 200USD because we do have higher

    prices here in Europe when you consider taxes and import duties...) that can fit

    my bills? Should I buy some of those respected scanning software (VueScan,

    Silverfast...) and expect to get a better scan from my Lide 50?


    Thanks in advance for your help.

  3. Thanks Greg for your comments. I'm using an old YashicaMat and am very happy with the square format. I'm just experimenting a bit here, had the camera for a few days so far but it's really super fun. I'll have the camera CLAed very soon (noticed the spacing is not as even as mentioned in one thread I posted on Medium Format forum) and will ask my tech to check out the lens too. The taking lens (and the viewing too) looks a bit dirty but I really didn't have the time to clean them up. I'd rather shoot than spending my time fumbling around with gear ;-)
  4. Hi all,

    ok, this is an updated to my "First MF roll" thread. In my previous post I put a

    link to a proof print scan to get some advices. After much mumbling I decided to

    scan the negative instead and it seems to me that I can get a bit more details

    out of'em this way. I added another roll shot a few nights ago. If you have any

    suggestion please feel free to insult ;-)


    Here you can find two complete galleries with night photography tests:





  5. Frank, thanks. It's really a shame that Fuji is not publishing any data on reciprocity, but the funniest part is that Acros 100 doesn't suffer from it and I read it on their technical papers! I mean, the only time they mention reciprocity is for a film that doesn't have any problem with it (at least for exposure shorter than 120s). Anyway, I have a batch of Neopan 400 coming in and will have some more test to do in teh upcoming days.
  6. Frank, thanks for your suggestions. I'm using Neopan 400 right now and there's no mention of reciprocity effect on Fuji literature. It is really interesting to note that I was shooting along with a friend of mine and he was using TX on a Yaschica FX3. We made the same exposure for each photo and yesterday I developed his rolls too. They are a bit more overexposed, or a bit less underexposed. So I guess TX has less reprocity effect for short exposure time in the 10-15s range.
  7. Thanks Yann, I think most of the shots were at f8 as far as I can remember. What Ronnie? You didn't take any notes on your first roll at night? Nope. Sorry. I'm lazy. Asides from jokes, yes, it looks difficult to master night photography but I think I'll invest more time in it in the near future. I do really like the peace and tranquillity sorrounding you at night. Anyway, I got two more rolls to develop (shot'em two night ago) and will see what happened with those. Thanks.
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