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Everything posted by saintelmo21

  1. <p>Great story, Bill C. I'm in the middle of Nelson Mandela's "Long Walk to Freedom", and Ghandi's importance to the non-violent phase of ANC operations can't be over estimated. He is mentioned and referenced many times.</p> <p>I've seen those photos before of course; but never paid much attention to the photographer. Thanks for the re-introduction Michael.</p>
  2. saintelmo21

    Homeless in Scranton

    Excellent street portrait. Most people don't appreciate the type of skill it takes to get someone on the street to pose for you. And then tackle the technical aspects of the photograph successfully.
  3. Thanks, Edward. It was a nasty day out there.
  4. saintelmo21


    Edward, I think I had it scanned at the lab. But I don't know what type of drum scanner they use. I can send you their contact details if you want. I did adjust levels and add gaussian blur in PS.
  5. <p>Barry, that shot would be considered pornographic in some parts of Scotland I may or may not have been to.</p>
  6. <p>Taking a trip on the Way Back Machine:</p><div></div>
  7. <p>Well, better late than never right? I've been on the road and I'm just getting settled in at home. One of the down sides to medium format equipment is lack of portability! So much easier to slip my Iphone in and out of my pocket...cough*sputter*shake...did I just utter sacrilege on the venerable medium format forum! My apologies...NOTHING will ever replace the look, feel, and awesomeness of my 1967 Hasselblad 500C. There, said it, and I feel better now.</p> <p>Below taken with Hasselblad 500C/HP5/HC110/Epson V700....Post 'em if you got 'em!</p><div></div>
  8. Duane, I guess summer came to St. Johns on a Monday this year...glad to see you were able to get out and enjoy it.
  9. I was wearing my cynic hat when I opened the link; but quickly took it off when I saw the simple beauty of Heyman's series. I didn't see any shots that awed me or induced any really powerful emotional reaction. But I liked all of the photos. I found them well choreographed, and professionally executed. I wish my black and white shots were even a tenth as good.
  10. 2nd try: This is a repost from June 2014 pow thread. Best I can do for now :-(<div></div>
  11. Mamiya 6MF Apologies, I'm technically challenged.
  12. Fred, I appreciate all of your effort on PN. And I hope that you continue to participate and find enjoyment here.
  13. saintelmo21

    Wistful Memories

    Thank you Michael.
  14. <p>Running late this month! Out enjoying summer vacation on the coast. Fishing daily which is just awesome! Haven't had much time for photography; but there's always tomorrow. Anyhow, post 'em if you got 'em for July 2014. Mamiya 6MF Kodak TMax Rodinal Epson V700</p><div></div>
  15. <p>1942...what a dramatic time in the history of America and the World! White men were dying like flies on the battlefields of Europe and in the stinking, unheard of swamps of the South Pacific, how DARE Parks pose a photo of an insignificant char woman in front of the American flag with a mop and a broom...there were earth changing events taking place daily, and no one of any consequence whatsoever was paying attention to the Black hired help...This was how it had been in our country for over two hundred years through the revolt against our British masters to the brutal Civil War; but, Parks paid attention because he had that insatiable curiosity which Stryker required of all of his photographers and he believed that every one counts....or no one counts.<br> <br />Yes, maybe the lighting is off a bit. And, maybe he could have had the mop more in focus.....but really the impact of the photograph is not affected by minutiae. It is a pictorial fanfare of the forgotten man.</p>
  16. <p>Ladies and Gents,</p> <p>I want to start off by thanking Fred G. for inviting me to start this week's discussion thread. I don't often make comments on the Weekly Discussions; but, I always follow them and find them very educational. This week I want to discuss Gordon Parks' “<a href="http://collection.corcoran.org/collection/work/american-gothic-washington-dc">American Gothic, Washington DC</a>”.</p> <p>I grew up in New Orleans during the 1970s, and my mom introduced my to photography with a Pentax K1000 in 1983, which I still have (although it is no longer functional being thoroughly clogged with silt from Hurricane Katrina). Black Americans were struggling for positive identity in American society, and men like Gordon Parks were larger than life to young adolescents like me. He was a fantastic example of the American Dream: There are no limits except those which we place upon ourselves. For an African American to become such a successful photographer, filmmaker, and writer during the era of segregation is nothing short of extraordinary.</p> <p>“American Gothic, Washington DC” was shot in 1942. Parks had gotten hired by the Farm Security Administration who's mission “was to enhance the public's perception of the federal aid programs for the destitute”. Parks had become friendly with Ella Watson a local cleaning woman, and posed her in an ironic imitation of the famous “American Gothic” painting by Grant Wood. I remember reading that Roy Stryker was absolutely stunned, not so much by the photo itself, but by the fact that this was the result of Parks' first assignment with the FSA. He wanted Parks to tone it down a bit, and sent him out with more specific instructions on what to photograph. He is quoted as saying, ““Well, you’re getting the idea, but you’re going to get us all fired.”</p> <p>You can read more about Gordon Parks here: <a href="http://www.gordonparksfoundation.org/biography/">The Gordon Parks Foundation</a>. And, I invite you to share your comments about “American Gothic, Washington DC” or any of Parks other works.</p> <p>Thanks!!!</p>
  17. saintelmo21


    Michael, Jack and I have very similar (Good) tastes in photography. I can't say anything better about this charming photo than he already has.
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