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Everything posted by saintelmo21

  1. <p>You in the market for one of these, Sanford?</p>
  2. saintelmo21


    Thank you, Jack.
  3. saintelmo21


    Exposure Date: 2014:12:16 12:00:00; Copyright: E.Short; Make: Epson; Model: PerfectionV700; Software: Adobe Photoshop CS6 (Windows);

    © E.Short

  4. <p>C Watson, interesting read, thanks for posting.</p> <blockquote> <p>Mr. Menon, now retired, recalled that “only once the shooting started did everyone share” what they had, largely in meetings between British and Indian officials, and then “the picture instantly came into focus.”</p> </blockquote> <p>This is called 'Hindsight', and it's always 20/20.<br> What I find extremely disturbing is that the American government always seems to have some link to the nefarious activities of both the international 'terrorist' and criminal underworld. How, why, and for what good reason was the DEA involved with using an informant linked to these people? I don't imagine we will ever find out the full truth of our government's activities in this case and in the Muslim world in general; but, I really can't blame people if they view the US government with great suspicion.</p>
  5. <p>F Ph, long time no see!</p> <p>Am I the only one not seeing Greg Chappell's posts?</p>
  6. <p>Arthur, that looks like a great setup you've got. I'm jealous..</p>
  7. <p>Benjamin,<br> <br />I travel A LOT internationally and I also use film. The x-ray scanners vary depending on the country you are traveling through. I have had film completely ruined by scanners in China, Vietnam, and Nigeria. I use a film bag with lead shielding with great success. Get one! Safe and happy travels to you.</p> <p>http://www.adorama.com/l/Bags-and-Cases-and-Apparel/General-Use-Bags-and-Cases/X-hyphen-Ray-Protection<br> http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/15708-REG/Delta_20140_Pro_Pouch_911_with.html</p>
  8. <blockquote> <p>I see people getting nice results (at least for posting on a computer screen) with some of the flat bed scanners like Epson.</p> </blockquote> <p>All of my medium format negatives are scanned on Epson flatbeds. Some of the older images like the one I posted above are with an Epson 2450, while last year I got a V700 which I'm using now. I don't have the glass holders for it, but I'm satisfied with the results. I've printed some scans for decorating my living room, and they look ok; but I'm not trying to impress anyone or sell prints. I know that Jim Trahan uses the glass holders and gets phenomenal scans. </p> <blockquote> </blockquote>
  9. <p>Well, why not one more? This is from 2010. I had a ship handling course at the prestigious Cape Cod College of Nautical Knowledge....they start with the basics there. Alan's post reminded me of this one. Strangely enough, this was also taken with my Mamiya 6MF can't remember the film or developer.<br /> <img src="http://static.photo.net/attachments/bboard/00d/00dF50-556351184.jpg" alt="" width="679" height="699" /></p>
  10. <p>Gorgeous, richard a.....viktor you are welcome here, nice shot of the falls......Giovanni crisp, clean and lovely as always....Thanks, Alan, we've got sort of a water theme going this month.</p>
  11. <p>Two-man show tonight, Jim!<br> SfSr:</p><div></div>
  12. <p>Excellent results from the 'Falls' expedition on Easter weekend! That was my first time using it although it's been sitting in my chemical locker since I ordered it in January. I got a few days in Ghana planned next month and I packed a couple more rolls of HP5 and my Yashica Mat 124G. I'll use Pyrocat to develop those. Hope to post some good results next month!</p>
  13. <p>'Night Laundry' is fantastic. I never have much luck with E-6.</p>
  14. <p>SfSr.....(same film, same roll.....I'm creating acronyms today...I promise never to do it again:-)</p><div></div>
  15. <p>Hola! Surely y'all know what to do by now?</p> <p>Mamiya 6MF/Ilford HP5/Dev. in Pyrocat@9min/Epson V700:</p><div></div>
  16. <p>Hans, you can download a PDF version of the manual at <a href="http://www.butkus.org/chinon/">butkus.org</a>. But beyond obtaining a copy of the manual, the first thing you should do with a 30-40 year old film camera is get that thing into a certified repair shop for a CLA (clean, lube, adjust). Get it into good shape, then load it up with film and go out on a nice day to enjoy using it.</p> <p> </p>
  17. <p>Bravo, Jim!!!<br> <br /> John Cox, sweet shot from the DaYi...had to google that. I use a Schneider on my Crown Graphic....when I actually <em>USE</em> it :-(<br> richard a, you have developed your own very unique style of SP. I think I'd recognize an "ra street pic" anywhere!!<br /> <br />Thanks for the kind words and your support, Alan. Another great set of photos for this month.</p>
  18. <p>'Ware the Ides of March!!!!!</p> <p>Actually, it should be OK today. I haven't shot anything in well over 6 weeks, so I've got to dip deeply into my archives and pull something out to start this month's thread. Good news however: The weather is fine, I'm at home and looking forward to getting out doing some<em> photography! </em>Below is with Mamiya 6MF and Kodak Tmax 100 unknown developer. I hope I haven't used this one before.....<br> <img src="http://d6d2h4gfvy8t8.cloudfront.net/16824712-lg.jpg" alt="" width="664" height="699" /></p>
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