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Image Comments posted by davidspeight

    Cabo de Roca


    I must confess I can't really understand the comments in favour of losing the background. This photo to me anyway is all about detail, it has been captured perfectly from front to back. The eye is led very easily through the scene and through the gap between the highly detailed and perfectly exposed sea stacks. Maybe in an attempt to critique, it would have been nice to have a focal point somewhere in the distance through the gap between those cliffs, such as the rising or setting sun, but under these conditions I cannot see what could be improved. It would be interesting for people to elaborate on their comments, I could certainly learn from them.

  1. Beautiful lighting, it makes a change to see the slightly earlier shot with all detail revealed and this one is much better for that. I like the chosen shutter speed for the waves as well, very good shot.

    Cabo de Roca


    This is superb zsolt, it has a very sylised appearance and the lack of clouds really allows those sharply focussed foreground rocks and the sea stacks to be the main emphasis of the shot, I think a more powerful sky would definitely detract from the shot.

    Regards, Dave.



    Very striking image John, I love the composition and the striking colours. Really grabs your attention and looks like it came straight off a postcard.


    Blue River


    Simply excellent. Flawless technique and processing. I might be tempted to crop some of the water off the bottom which I'm not sure adds anything. Otherwise it would have been 7.

  2. Wonderful shot Mark, you certainly handled the exposure very well, especially the tree which I would have thought challenging. Thanks again also for your recent advice, I 've been snowed under this week and haven't had chance to really put it to the test, but I will eventually get round to it and let you know how the results look.


    Once again, well done on an outstanding result, Dave.

    Lingmala Falls


    Breathtaking location Lalit, wonderfully lush and vibrant colouring. Not sure what you could do to improve, it looks like you would be pretty limited as to which angle you photograph the falls from.

    all the best, Dave.



    Excellent choice for BW. I do like the composition but am wondering how it would have looked moving in closer to the nearest boat and excluding the boat on the edge of the frame which I'm not sure is adding much. Just a thought, great shot anyhow.

    Best wishes, Dave.

    Mistaya Creek


    The composition and lighting are superb as is the BW conversion, but someting is not right. It has that fuzzy appearance either from camera shake or from trying to pull too much from the shadows. I realise this is only a low res version and your original is possibly much sharper but If not I would say it would be worth having another go.

  3. I really like this Leo and also the other shot you posted with this effect. Although I do like the effect and I think it really works here I still think the strong composition and colouring are the major factors in making the image work so well.

    All the best, Dave.

    mountain clay


    Outstanding, lovely deep dark bw tones and dramatic composition, the clouds and part of the top left look a little bright, but I am viewing on an un-calibrated netbook so it could be just me.


    best wishes, Dave.

  4. Great job Mark, the plants in the foreground pop out of the screen at you, and the colouring is superb. I also think it's nice to see a shot in bright sunshine and blue sky from time to time, it really shows the full amount of detail that the equipment is capable of taking in.

    best wishes mate, Dave.



    Wonderful detail and clarity, and it is beautiful as is. I just wonder if you could pull slightly more contrast from this and really make the colours pop.

  5. Wonderful composition Mark, with the bend in the river and then the small island, but the lightning and especially the glow from inside the cloud is the feature presentation for me. It also looks like it would have been tempting to go apocalyptic with the contrast in the sky so well done for sticking to a believable level of adjustment. Cracking photo!



  6. Excellent, I'm still trying to work this one out. I can make out the window, but not what is making the grid pattern. Very engaging. Is it a tarpaulin of some kind?

    regards, Dave.

    Burney Falls


    That is a beautiful set of falls, and enhanced even more so by those surrounding trees providing an excellent frame. Would love to see this in Autumn/fall colours.

    Wild Coast


    Excellent seascape Lalit, the view through the spray really gives you a sense of being there. I can almost hear those waves hitting the rocks.

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