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Image Comments posted by marleft

  1. This is a photo with a really great back story : The one of human's nature ! The title lyrics are just for a start to numerous thoughts about "..my world" as you declare Phos ! about every bodies' worlds.. So many worlds... I wish we could find where do they meet with each other ..What is their common ground.. Is that love, hope, sorrow or ambition and egoism !!


    You started a great discussion Phos, I wander how many of us will realize it !



    Securing the gear.


    An excellent "contre lumiere" shot Dimitri with your new camera, of strong sharpness and a great back story from the fishermen's life ! (7/7). Share with us your personal experiences during this journey.


    Best regards




  2. Hi Dimitri


    You can watch DIASPASI - SEPARATION in best quality and full screen (press the little square on the screen), at :


    http://blip.tv/file/641716 or at my site http://marios-videos.blogspot.com/ or ask Phos to meet him and watch it from my dvd disk. It has English subtitles.


    This short film was shot in 1969 at the time of man's first landing on the moon and it is dealing with the divine nature of human beings (the other nature, the evil one, you have already seen by watching REQUIEM FOR HUMANITY).You may agree or not agree with its philosophical theories but it makes you really wander about man's nature and search to give your own answers..


    Best regards



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