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Image Comments posted by marleft

  1. For those, Dimitri, who are not aware of the case of Elgin marbles, I am giving the text which I read lately on the web




    about the new book of Christopher Hitchens, titled


    THE PARTHENON MARBLES The case for Reunification


    "The opening of the New Acropolis Museum in Athens in spring 2008 provides the opportunity to re-state the case for the return of the Parthenon Marbles (formerly known as the Elgin Marbles) to Athens. The British Museum’s long-standing objection that there is nowhere in Athens to house the Parthenon Marbles is answered in emphatic style. Meanwhile, decisions concerning the restitution of cultural artefacts are increasingly recognized as of national importance, and are no longer left solely to curators and museum directors. With new contributions from leading authorities, this new edition of Christopher Hitchens’ elegantly argued and characteristically forthright book will make a powerful contribution to ensuring that the Parthenon Marbles return to their place of origin."


    I personally have not read this book and I can not criticize or recommend it, but I hope that perhaps it will help those who are not aware of the case, to get some information of the latest news on this subject.


    I did that in order to help our fellow photographers who are commenting or rating this photo, to have an idea about its back story..


    Best regards





    I have just informed by you, of the interesting discussion you had this summer about the rating system of this site. If I knew that, I should have participated with some new ideas of mine about the anonymous rating system. But now it's late.. So if something new appears (another discussion or so), please inform me to take part.


    Regards, Marios





    Excellent dramatic cine shot in BW. Are you making movies too ?


    Thank you for your respond to my comments under the "Lost in our time" photo by Dimitris Vasiliou. I have already answered to you. Go and check it.


    Best regards







    I have already started this discussion some time ago (check my "Morning mist" photo at

    http://photo.net/photodb/photo?photo_id=7557542), and I have asked PN to stop anonymous ratings and encourage guys to give by name their 3/3, or 3/4 or 4/4 ratings (nothing wrong with that and we have to respect it !), BUT at the same time to justify them by comments, in order to help us correct our mistakes and make better photos, for the sake of this site. And this worked very successfully with this photo of mine, as you can realize if you review its comments. But the guys of PN have not respond so far..and I don't know why.


    Anyway thank you for reviewing my thoughts on this subject, as well as I thank Dimitris for his hospitally here.


    Best regards to both



  2. Very interesting psychological experiment the series of your Mood Swing paintings, Adan !!

    I don't know why between them, I prefer the color mix up of Mood swing III. If you have any reason to give me, please do it..


    Warmest regards





    Thank you Dimitri for this photo, because you are giving a lesson about what really is "Aisthitiki" Aesthetics. Many photographers (?), on this site, will think that this photo has "zero" aesthetics because it is over lighted, diffused, under contrasted etc etc....




    this photo speaks to the soul and delivers its deep beauty to us. And that's Aesthetics !!


    Regards, Marios

  3. Tolo


    For the non Spanish speaking, here is Tolo's comment in English (Yahoo translation)


    "Two superb takings that are complemented wonderfully. Excellent composition and frame, with fantastic caught expressions, as well as a light and tones sensacionales.7/7.Anon. A warm greeting - Tolo"


    Gracias Tolo, y mis saludos más calientes, Mario




    It's not just a collage, but also a powerful story of our times ! (including the message)


    Warmest regards, Marios

    Pelecanus crispus


    A new Santamouris ! I can not believe it Photi. Is he eleven or so ! Prepare your self for a great competitor during the coming years.. (I can see you smiling and satisfied for that). Give the boy my warmest congrats !





    A deeply human snapshot Dimitri ! Excellent for my favorites. Very wisely you chose B/W shooting (or processing). It favors the synthesis and the back story of it. My first thought was, when reviewing the photo, that the white wall on the left was unnecessary, but I tried it cropped and the image lost its power. Perhaps this white surface is the anticlimax emotionally of the whole scenery.


    Regards, Marios

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