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Image Comments posted by httpwww.photo.netphoto1664881442

  1. 300m apart in Wellington; but separated by a gulf a mile wide. I had

    often noticed the upmarket Gents' boutique 'working style' and found

    the name a bit ironic. Yesterday I was photgraphing the Cleaners'

    Union protest and thought to bring the two elements together. In

    NZ's wealthiest electorate - the minimum wage earners are easily

    forgotten. Thanks for taking the trouble to view my work

  2. Hi Ricardo

    It was (before being bulldozed) a curious place; I'm endlessly fascinated with the way that humans often cope with contradiction in order to preserve an ideal or idea that they cherish. A few hundred yards away is a cafe called Fidels where one can find 'socialists' (some I know to be successful professionals with far above average incomes) gathering to discuss the plight of the impoverished over expensive cafe breakfasts and drinking endless cups of coffee - historically one of the most exploitative crops ever grown. Many of these same people hated The Bypass, seeing only its cost and the large scale roadworks companies' potential profits - when in fact environmental impacts caused by the congestion it hoped to alleviate (also dear to these good folks' hearts) were assessed to be hugely beneficial; for me it represents one of those frequent clashes that occur when the politically-correct find themselves caught between two things they want to defend - but which are mutually exclusive. Despite the fighting spirit on the wall in this photo - it ended as these things often do - not with a bang, but a whimper.


    Hi Jack, I'm with Tommy on this one; my only other observation is that I'm distracted by the short black object lower left which I'd suggesting removing, but that's a minor point around a superb shot.
  3. Hi David, nice work. I like the way the polariser has given some crispness in the tonal range and there's an overall sharpness I suspect in the neg that can't quite come through here - but I don't doubt the original's great. Purely as a matter of taste I'd prefer to separate more clearly the model from the shadows of the fir branches and rocks; I'm left with a sense that this is very 'busy' and if it were my shot would have given the model more prominence. Them's my thoughts. Regards, Clive


    Love it! A real film noir style to it that works for me; I think having the headlights blown out so no detail of the car is visible is part of what makes this come off so well - the visual balance is spot on the money. Good model who knows what poses work for her; nice control evident throughout the shot. Excellent. Regards, Clive
  4. Nice work, Carlos! I'm a fan of treatments that go outside of the standard carefully 'zoned' black and white or colour shot(which is not to say I never appreciate a fine print - I just resist the precious attitude about the 'original' neg that creeps in here and there across the site). This is well executed, with a nice range of interesting elements and a pose that fits into the broader theme of the shot. Congrats.

    Railway Platform


    Shot (handheld) at 6am in winter. This was shot on Agfa APX at

    13,400 ASA then pushed like mad in Rodinol. I like the way at first

    glance it can look as though the print has overlapped separate

    frames; the sharpness of the 'geometry' was not as apparant to my eye

    at the time. Thanks for taking the trouble to view my work

  5. Hi Nikolai - as with the others, I find the image size frustrating. This is because I believe you have taken an excellent photograph. Why? The image has an overall visual balance, your control of the tones and colour is excellent. I'm not usually a fan of so-called classic poses (a bit too ancient Greek or Roman for me), however, this has been done well and without the akwardness that this type of pose sometimes brings. For my own images I size at about 850 pixels on the longest side, then use under the 'file' menu I chose 'save for web' - that tends to make mine somewhere between 65-100kb. I hope this helps and going by the image you have placed here, I hope we see many more of your photographs. Regards Clive
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