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leo burkey

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Image Comments posted by leo burkey

  1. This is not the strongest of images but then there are those images

    that just make you feel good inside. I love rural settings; I guess

    it's the peace and quiet but whatever it is, this picture just makes

    me feel good. A brisk morning, the sun rising and the dawn of a new

    day in the country. It's where my mind takes me when I need that

    tranquility that lowers my blood pressure.


    Nicely done..As a lover of dogs myself this photo makes me smile. I showed to my lab and golden and they said they liked it to and wanted to know if your dog could play.Well captured!
  2. This was taken at the same time as the Colorado Sand Dune photograph.

    I like so many others got my inspiration from Ansel Adams. This was

    one of the first times that I saw the final image in my mind and was

    able to take all the necessary steps to make sure that my negative

    would orchestrate the print I had in mind. It still took me a lot of

    prints to finally express my mental image. I like this because of its

    abstract and real qualities.

    All comments will be appreciated.

  3. I started my digital work about 3 years ago. Most of that time was spend learning Photoshop and scanning my negatives into the computer. I have printed this photo both in the darkroom and digitally and the both have their merits. I am leaning more and more to all digitals. I have always loved computers and photography so it seems I have killed two birds with one stone. I do feel that I can be much more creative with Photoshop than I ever could in the darkroom . The clone tool alone can fix so many little disturbing things in a photo. This particular photo was taken with a Zone VI 4x5 camera and Tri-x film. It was given normal plus development in a Jobo processor.It was taken just before sunset at the Colorado sand dunes.

    I have been into photography for forty five years now. Forty years learning what it takes to take a good photograph from beginning to end.

  4. Another beauty.We have similar tastes. What's the name of that saw tooth century plant. We both have photographed it but I don't know it's name. You have a beautiful portfolio with stunning photos. I really love you stuff.



    Thanks for commenting on my photo; I appreciate you taking the time. I really like this effect. Corel? You have some great photographs. I really enjoy looking through them.



    I had a similar problem and in my case I had used embedded Prophoto color space instead RGB.

    The Prophoto is capable 0f more colors and when you upload to this site it gets changed to RBG and therefore less color and snap. If you use Adobe RBG 1998 and not the embedded Prophoto your photos should remain the same. I hope this helps.

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