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leo burkey

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Image Comments posted by leo burkey

  1. This broken limb stood about 15 feet high and was widely photographed;

    John Sexton and Bruce Barnbaum to mention a few . I wanted to

    photograph this again as this photo was taken in the summer with that

    constant haze that plaques Yosemite during that time of year. I went

    in the spring and circled the park three times looking for this fallen

    branch to no avail. I was doubting my memory as to it's exact location

    when a park ranger happened my way. She explained to me that the flood

    the year before had reached well over six feet and that branch was

    washed away. Another landmark gone forever except in it's photographs.

  2. What a coincidence, when I was photographing monument valley a dog followed me for miles as I photographed the valley. I felt so sorry for this dog, for him to run miles chasing my car in hopes of a hand out just broke my heart. That was years ago but this looks like the same dog! Do you suppose that they have a con going? Anyway thank you for your comments on my portfolio. You photos are fantastic and remind of my own work. I guess that's why we like each others work.
  3. Thanks for taking the time to comment. As for the electric pole, I didn't find this disturbing and in a sense added to the photograph so it stayed. This was taken on Tri-x film and given normal development based on the zone system. It was never a color shot. However I did also take a color shot. The contrast to me is prefect; anymore contrast would result in loss of detail in the dark areas of the photograph i.e bushes in front of the barn or in the long shadows. Sepia? A possibility to explore!I am very happy with way I have presented this photograph and I see no need to change anything about it.That early morning sun just breaking the horizon is strong and directional and it sure is captured here. As for a "softer lighting" at a different time of day, that too might be a good possibility. But I'm glad I took this photograph at the time I took it. I do appreciate all your input as it's always good to see how other photographers see your work. Again thanks for taking the time to comment. Leo


    Thanks for taking the time to comment on my Waterfall photograph. I see that you are just getting started with your portfolio. You have some very interesting compositions. It's always nice to see new perspectives. Nice work.
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