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Image Comments posted by nicolerenee

  1. Thats the truth! We went hiking up the lewis river during the summer and there is lovely scenery and waterfalls to shoot but it was SO bright out and the sun was high and even though everything was pretty and nicely composed it was nowhere near what a great shot from the right time of day up there could have looked like. Like you said, sometimes we just have to take what we can get!



    I wish she was little brighter, but this is a hard compostition for me, I almost feel like she's going to tip over.

  2. I love the lights in the background and the texture of her jacket, but her skin looks so over processed to me it's become plastic-y. She's almost manequin-esque. I don't know if that was the point or not, but for me it's a little creepy.



    I like that she seems to be calm and unrushed amidst all the scurrying fury of the city. I like the use of color in the B&W here too. Nicely done.

  3. I wasn't defending the belief system or actions of any religion, only their right in this country to believe what they want. Freedom is a double sided coin. The sacrifices my family makes to protect our rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness also allow people to burn the flag of the country we love.

  4. MEIR: Yes, co-exist. Maybe not thrive everywhere and under all circumstances but you can't make everybody happy all the time. Imperfect, maybe, but pointed in the right direction at least.

    As to visiting a campus, those fine institutions of "higher learning..." most young people will go through several stages where they grasp passionately at the ideas and views of others before forming their own, particularly under the magnifying glass of a college. Once they've found their own way and the world has jaded them some then I will take their sentiments a little more seriously.

    John, it is interesting to mention modesty and multi culturalism since the deffinition of modesty changes with borders and time zones. Thats where our strength as a country lies, in that all deffinitions (or most, at least, within reason) of the word can...here comes that word again...co-exist. Maybe not with equal acceptance and/or popularity but the right to express yourself and your beliefs as such is protected.

  5. Forgive my levity, I have yet to see the these little monsters at their evil work, only hopping around eachother and eating the acorns of the oaks in my back yard. I may have contributed to the cause without knowing it though...via the front tires of my rav4 and some brain matter left in the treads. I hope this puts me back into your good graces. I am sure my Golden Retriever will put his jaws to work as well, once he comes home. We will all certainly be more vigilant in the future, now that this beasts evil deeds have been exposed!

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