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Image Comments posted by nicolerenee



    Ah ha ha! You get that apple! Fun image and cute idea. What made you decide to use aged fruit? There is some visual interest to the aging but I'm curious.

    All the best!



    Really interesting shot! I like the title, it seems to completely convey her body position. You more oven see nude females on their toes and this position conveys a confidence, it feels solidly rooted and it's only enhanced by her athletic physique. Her face is almost child-like and is kind of a contrast for me against her body. I wonder, were some of the shadows on her torso painted in?



    Close to a year ago I left a comment for you on one of these images and it is very clear how much your technical ability with photoshop has grown since then! Even though your creativity has always been clear, the quality of your work has obviously grown, it's great to see! Great job!

    Not yet..


    Something about this shot caught my eye, and I think it is the serenity of this tree. Surrounded by hustle and bustle it couldnt care less. It could be in a garden in the sun.

    Ice flowers


    Wow, how neat is that!? I've never seen that before! For me, the DOF is wrong and makes the picture feel akward. With the shallow DOF i think it would have been better to get a closer shot, or keep everything sharp, but I think there are a lot of possibilities here.

    All the best!



    I really lilke the colors and the repetition of shapes. My eye moves to the walking man on the bottom left and I almost wish he had a little more room under his feet, he feels like he's falling off the the picture a little but aside from that I like this shot.

    little man tj


    Chopping off the top of his head isnt a big deal if the proportions are right and the composition doesnt suffer. I would say you could crop even further and still have an acceptable shot if not an even better shot composition-wise. You could probably crop off most of his head and put his eyes along the upper 1/3 and this would look just as nice. Cute baby, cute expression, the tonal range might be a little tight but I dont think that hurts anything, makes his skin look perfect.

  1. Wow, very moody and impressionistic, feels like a sketch in an artists book, really unique. It manages to be light and airy and still maintain an almost dreamlike quality, really interesting work and visually engaging.

  2. You certainly caused quite a stir with this one didn't you? This image has succeeded in making people think and talk and that is always a good thing. When I saw this image the first thing that ran through my mind was, "Eeeww." And then I felt pity and disgust for the participants. What is happening here is all for the sake of the camera. His smile, his eye contact with (what I am assuming) his friend taking a photo to show off to his buddies. Her complete disinterest (she's looking off to the side with a poorly feigned impression of ecstasy) makes everything even more pitiable. I am not offended by the fact that you took this shot, I am more sad that some girl would choose to objectify herself that way and some guy would think it worthwhile to have this picture to show off.

    If this were a posed shot I would say that it was pornographic and be grossed out. But this is a capture, a documentation of what these people chose to do on their own, and all I feel is pity and disgust while I shake my head. It makes me that much more determined to raise my boys with a healthy respect and appreciation for women so they wont objectify any mothers daughter this way. If I ever have girls, I hope to instill enough self respect that she wont ever put herself in this kind of position. I am saddened that this goes on, but not angry with you for documenting it. I wasn't forced to look at it. Nobody held my head and pressed the button.



  3. I love the intimacy and tenderness here, the tight crop and his closed eye. Reminds me of watching my husband with our boys and thinking that there was nothing better in the world. I can almost smell that clean baby smell. Really nicely taken shot!



    Really strong, the lines are perfection, the angle of her eye and elegance of her fingers and wrist. The tones are lovely. Only praise here, this shot really caught my eye!

    lotus #25


    What a flower! THe light throught the petals is magic and the way they are lifted makes it look like the flower is inviting, hovering on the point of ecstasy waiting for that bee to land. Very pretty shot! 

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