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Image Comments posted by nicolerenee

  1. It's been a while since anybody commented on this one but I have to say, I come here every now and then to read the thread and get a good laugh...of course I know you are completely serious. Has there been any strides in the Holy Crusade since the last posting?

    DSC_0299 a


    Fun shot! I think these furry little guys are so adoreable! There is a hilarious thread on here from one of Walter Tatulinski's funny shots of a squirrel (his is a portfolio well worth stopping by) but as soon as I saw this it reminded me of his shot and the hilarity that responses to it caused. Here's the link in case you ever want a good laugh :)




    No prob :) I understand how it can be tricky or even down right impossible to get around places like this but like you said, there's nothing stopping you from getting some cool shots from the underneath. My first instinct when I saw this was up the sword and left leg towards the face. A great sunset sky behind his head or storm clouds or something would set the whole thing off!



    Unfortunately, for me, there is nothing in this shot that makes it any different from a million tourist snapshots. Nothing special in the composition, or perspective, or light, that makes it stand out. Come back to this statue at different times of day to find out when the light makes things magical. Try lots of different angles and watch the background to see where the lines lead. Get down low and shoot up, climb up on something and shoot down or find a way to capture the image that says something other than, "there is a statue of Constantine here."You might crop in tight for a portrait or go out wide and pull in his surroundings to give him context. There are lots and lots of things to try that could make a shot of this statue special.

    About it ...


    I did a very similar shot (even the colors!) when i was pregnant with my youngest although the style is little different. The light on the draping cloth is really lovely.



    Very pretty colors, the composition, facial expression and pose are all very akward though. It is also a little too contrasty and you might want to set up a reflector to bump some light back up into the shadows. Even a big white poster board can do the trick.

    Best of luck~!!

  2. As a conversation starter, this one is a hot topic. It falls everywhere from religious beliefs to immigration and I am sure, a thousand grey areas in between.  There is a powerful juxtaposition of symbols here, some might even see it as a contrast. It immediately reminds me of the fear and prejudices following Sept 11th and how difficult it must have been for Muslim Americans who were hurt both by the tragedy and the ignorance of people who would extend blame even to the innocent. I've heard many stories of discrimitation against American muslims simply for having the same religious affiliation (or even from having just been middle eastern) as people who caused harm to this country.

    It reminds me to be grateful that I live in a country where this discussion is possible, where different ethnicities and religous (or non-religious) belief systems can co-exist and even thrive. Grateful that the founders of this country were right minded men and set up the foundations of a republic where the privelages we have here could be built.

    Saying that there are a couple of things as far as composition. This one gives me the feeling of having been walking down the street and glancing back over my shoulder at this woman as she passed, which could say a million things in and of itself, but I also wonder if it would have been stronger even from across the stree with a wide view of the flag and the smaller figure crossing it?

  3. This is one of those discussion starters, and I think that is a great thing. I like her almost right in the middle of the shot too, face turned away, just a dark figure who could be anyone. This shot can be read so many different ways depending on where the viewer is coming from and what their experiences are. Great street shot, a strong story, and hopefully you'll get people talking. Well seen!

    cowboy 6


    I like your concept here, I think the composition is a little...strained, maybe? Or contrived? I get the feeling that a shot like this could or maybe even should feel a litte bit lose and natural. I think you could play around with this and make a nice shot that would be fun to hang on the wall in series of stills, little glimpses of farm/ranch life. Really strong and moody light could be fun as well.

    Just my two cents :)

    All the best! 

  4. I think you're right about the cluster, and maybe the horizon is a little too centered as well. Maybe a few more steps inland and turned to the right with either more sky or more ocean and a longer coast line, or even closer and with the cluster in the foreground? Some ideas anyway :)



    Oh no!! Well done you for hanging in there and getting the shot! I would have been running for cover a long time ago :) But just look at those results!



    old porcelain dolls were put together this way, with a porcelain head, arms and shoulders and a body made of stiff cloth with stuffing and porcelain feet. Not so creepy once you understand. Indeed a portrait of a doll.

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