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Posts posted by mike_godwin1

  1. <p>I hate doing weddings and I avoid them like the plague but I somehow keep getting sucked into them by friends and other photographers needing help. <br>

    Besides the technical advice here you should also make a list of things to photograph. Some of them could be:<br>


    Rings (looks good standing up between the pages of a bible, or whatever they are using, with a shallow DOF)<br>

    Their shoes<br>

    The flowers<br>

    Google a list and get some other ideas.<br>

    I always photograph what the woman wants since guys don't seem to buy many photos anyway.</p>

    <p>Just my $0.02<br>

    Have fun.</p>

  2. <p>When I shoot children, I know I get about 15 minutes of shooting time. After that, you have lost them. I use lots of big stuffed toys for them to sit it and have a parent or someone else the child knows stand behind me so they are at least looking toward the camera. As for lights, I use a large umbrella behind me (to the right) and another one to my left more in front of me. I get down to their level and shoot as fast as possible for each pose. The camera is set at 1/200 since that is the max I can go with a flash and around f/5.6 - f/8 at iso 50 ('cause I like shooting at iso 50). I meter the lights before the child shows up so everything is set to go.<br>

    More established pros will have other ways to do it but this is what I do.</p>

  3. <p>Pick up a copy of "Light: Science and Magic". Great book.<br>

    If you want to start with a one light setup, I suggest the "The Beginner Bee" setup from Alien Bees:<br>

    <a href="http://www.paulcbuff.com/pkg-beginnerbee.php">The Beginner Bee</a><br>

    You can build on this. I have 5 lights now but I use 3 mostly.<br>

    You can pickup cheaper softboxes on Amazon that have the speed rings that fit Alien Bees lights. I have 2. A small one and a large one. I use umbrellas on the rest but sometimes use a cereal box as a snoot for a hair light. Here's what my setup looks like:<br>

    <a href=" MikeGodwin_P4_2_wide lights</a><br>


    <p> </p>

  4. <p>I'll catch some flak for this but, why not pickup a used 30D for right now and use the saved money to get good glass? I use my 30D for my street/biker photos and my used original 5D for the studio.</p>
  5. <p>The last instructor I had for a portrait class did senior portraits for a living. He kept telling us that 8x10s are the biggest seller, so if we wanted to make money doing portraits, we needed to learn to crop for 8x10 in our viewer. He would ding us grade points if our work was to tight.</p>

    <p>I mostly shoot motorcycle events and portraits. After the class I really started looking at how I framed the shots and started framing portraits more for an 8x10 crop. Going along with what everyone else is saying, I like having more room to work with in post anyway.</p>

    <p>Just my $0.02</p>

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