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Image Comments posted by mark_q

    Lost Tourists

    This familiar couple is watching people passing by. Will anyone give them something to bite. Hopefully they will be noticed and understood their duty.
  1. Wolfgang, Good to know your opinion, my personal preference as well. That second version was shot a couple days later with my camera on tripod, lifted high up by my right hand while mobile phone with remote control app in my left hand in hope to get more of that crane exposed. Unfortunately it was moved further away so my effort was not paying off. Because of the evening sun illuminating foreground I opted this composition. This it how sometimes compromises needed...


    Jack, I'm glad yo had time to visit my gallery. I must confess this particular scene triggered me to work on composition in spirit of very talented photographer Denis Cherim, who presents his work in Instagram but has own site as well. By scrolling downwards his coincidence project uncovers brilliant examples what a true eagle eye manages to capture at right moment, on perfect POV. You may notice how the tops of black sections of pipes positions on horizon and bottom edge of the smaller sign, but I failed to place the right hand post perfectly in center between the posts of that smaller one in left-right direction. By the way I seems to me that you have not noticed my two previous uploads... Anyway your visit and words are highly appreciated as usual.


    Jack, Don't give up on me. This is perfectly in my alley. I wish I managed to detect something similar around me here, at least vaguely. Kudos!
  2. Jack, you were there at the just right moment to capture this gem.

    EDIT: I just happened to read previous comments and had to say I really look forward to your book, something I have wanted from you in many years. Will that be published as on-demand book... we'll see...





    I am back. I just wrote about the book William Eggleston's Guide by MOMA 1976 which I purchased sometimes early 80s. This book with tricycle on it's cover came to my mind as sorta hidden link as your photos tend to have several layers to be discovered by viewer and this colorful cutie and it's rock solid composition made me wonder... Nice to hear you too had experienced similar posting problems.

  3. Jack,

    Your comments are surely nourishing reading, worth the struggles. I'm glad but want to uncover that I thought these boxes kinda artificial trees, but anyway a feel of gathering with communication is present.

  4. Jack,

    These culture spruces appear on several photos in my 2018 and thus no wonder I found them ideal for further shooting, now around sunset. First return to this spot was too early, the light tracks dis disappear , so later timing. Everything was ready when the street light was turned on adding a bonus which I hadn't thought initially. Only a passing buss created ideal multiple light strokes.

  5. Jack,

    Here I was approaching a geocache located on the base of this pylon and instantly spotted this lone curiosity so perfectly filling the gap between the trees. While shooting a older couple stopped and asked if I were photographing that bird which I hadn't noticed at all. They were locals but didn't have any explanation why this was left there standing alone.

  6. Jack and Wolfgang,

    You can only imagine vaguely how thrilled I was when I spotted this little scene inside children's playground. Luckily it was all quiet around when this perfect moment with shadows casting in ideal angle. I have admit I have soft spot for this kind scenes, soft and hard items.

  7. Jack, I'm very glad that you appreciate this photo as much as myself. This one is another example of something I notice commuting in a bus thus seeing surroundings from a different angle. So I had to visit this spot during weekend with little traffic. Thanks to traffic lights it was possible for me to position myself on the middle of the lane and down on my knees to get this POV. Not mentioning this how brave I was rather how precision counted to catch my inner vision of the scene, how it should look like. But after all this was nothing compared to those landscape photographers who struggle out there in tough environment no matter what the weather is...


    I wrote a long comment which was not published. It took a while to remember that similar happened years ago. I had written double quotes in my text and all sudden got prompt that I used illegal code...


    Thanks for the laughs, so funny scene detected by you... once again. I wish you Merry Christmas and Happy, Healthy New Year. May the great pixels be with you long time to come.
  8. Oh well, dear Jack. So you are around still. I have been wondering how I could ever come in touch with you since this new version of PN has removed the email link and our old emails are gone on my PC, unfortunately. Now I know you knowing where I am recently sharing my photos, would love to see you there too, occasionally at least.


    About this photo which appealed me instantly. I see those twigs as antennas keeping wireless communication between the master and his shadow. Nice that you keep up with this sort of goodies on delivery to us, your followers.

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