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Posts posted by bryn_evans

  1. After having read this I decided to take

    my EOS 5 on holiday with (expired in

    2009) Kodak E100G, I exposed 1/2

    stop over and I'm really pleased with

    the results. I've no concerns over using

    the rest of the box now, they've been

    kept in the fridge most of the time up

    until about a year ago.

  2. I bought a 1DS mk2 about 5 years ago, really solid build quality and image quality is excellent at lower ISO settings. Focussing is pretty

    fast and is hugely customisable in terms of focus point selection and tracking speed. The downside is that newer cameras control noise

    better at ISO1600 plus and the batteries can be a pain as they seem to loose charge in a couple of days and suffer from the memory

    effect. Definitely buy some spares.

  3. I bought a Yongnuo 568 which is fully comparable with EX580 and will act as Master for my EX430, the problem I've had is that the white

    balance struggles terribly in mixed lighting such as tungsten. I'm using a 1DS mk2 and I've never had an issue with other flashes, it works

    fine in manual mode but with looks horrible in TTL although I've manually set white balance and it performs ok I'd have reservations about

    using it as my primary flash on a job.

  4. 2 years ago I made the quantum leap from a 300D to a 1DSmk2, I'd shot a lot of film prior on an Eos5 with vertical grip prior to getting

    this, It is certainly a heavy handful of a camera. The image quality and handling are excellent but there has been the odd situation where

    the slightly higher ISO capability of the newer camera would have come in useful. You do seem to see more wedding photographers with

    5d than 1 series no doubt due to the weight of carrying one all day.

  5. I've enjoyed using the EOS 5 for many years and still take it to the occasional wedding where they want B+W shots, I like the handling

    and fast focusing. I like the eye controlled focusing and it works well with the vertical grip. The battery door can feel slightly wobbly but

    I've never had a problem with the command dial, I think that's perhaps through heavy handling. Like the Eos 3 these can be picked up

    very in expensively these days.

  6. <p>I am going to make a documentary photo series on the sport of powerlifting in the UK, i'm already heavily involved in the sport and I'm happy I can get the right images (although I think I'll need some faster glass).<br>

    How would be the best way to display these online? I know I can create a facebook page to get people interested but I wanted to have a photos look quite professional in a slideshow. Can you help?</p>

  7. <p>I took the long awaited decision to get a used 1DS MkII about 6 months ago. I love the it's chunky size in my large hands as well as the ergonomics and fabulous build quality and the large viewfinder. I've done some large prints from it which have looked really good and generally they show a lot more detail than my old 300D. On the downside the battery life is poor, they just don't seem to hold their charge very long, even brand new ones and it's a shame there isn't a ni-mh modern replacement?. Reviewing pictures quickly can be slightly fiddly where a simple "play" button could replace having to press display then select. I'm really glad I opted for a 1 series over a 5d or 7d despite not having video or high iso.</p>
  8. <p> Leica has done what it is good at, created a small technical advance that the majority of photographers will find imperceptible from the conventional method. I'm sure most M9 owners are perfectly happy with their B+W conversions in photoshop but now they have discovered that they've actually been doing it wrong and that the correct way to produce a B+W image is to buy another ludicrously overpriced camera. This situation will cause some anxiety amongst some Leica owners and that alone will be reason enough to buy one. I'm a bit disappointed that they have not come up with a new F0.95 Noctilux lens which has been specifically optimised for use with this sensor:-)</p>
  9. <p>I'm considering a similar move myself, having used an old 300D for many years I was thinking of a 1DS mk1 but am I perhaps missing out on more advanced sensor technology in the newer bodies? I find the handling frustrating when compared the the old eos5 film camera I use. I rarerly get prints made larger than A4 so the 20mp sensors will be wasted on me. I assume noise reduction and exposure latitude are improved on later cameras? For those who have made the switch can you really compare an old 1ds with a 50D or5d maybe a 1ds mk2 and a 7d.</p>
  10. <p>I don't post on here too often but I am a regular reader and felt I had to comment at this point when Q.G. de Bakker made this statement:<br>

    "Anyway, this thread isn't about DoF, and it wouldn't be good to turn it into a DoF-discussion, so let's agree to differ."<br>

    For me (and I expect others)this marks a huge turning point, has Q.G. lost the will to argue his point for at least another two pages ;-)</p>

  11. <p>Thank you for the responses it certainly sounds as though theres little to choose between them in terms of image quality the 5D may have a slight edge here at high ISO. I guess I really need to ask myself do I really need all the advanced features on a 1D or 1Ds? I'll do a bit more research on some of the reviews.</p>
  12. <p>I'm giving some serious consideration to a digital body upgrade from a 300D which I've had for years. I shoot about 6-8 wedding jobs per year and a few portrait and social event jobs so I'd put myself in the advanced amateur bracket. I'm looking to upgrade by old body to either a used 5D mk1 or possibly a 1DS and wondered if any of the other posters on here could offer me some advice. All my lenses are EF as I use a film body too so there's no issue of lens compatibility with a full frame body. I rarely make prints larger than 8x12" so I don't necessarily need the highest MP sensor.<br>

    I have quite large hands so would probably used the battery grip on the 5D so the extra size/weight of a 1D series camera is not an issue. What is the main improvement in my image quality I'm going to notice over my old 300D and is there much to choose between the 5d/1DS in terms of IQ? I know the 1D series is aps-H but is there any particular disadvantage to using one of those over a full frame body?<br>

    Are the newer bodies so much better in low light conditions such as in a church with only ambient light?<br>

    Any advice would be much appreciated.</p>

  13. <p>I'm glad someone can give a sensible and objective analysis rather than berating anything that is not Hasselblad which seems to happen frequently on here. If you were planning on building up a system you will probably save a reasonable amount getting the Bronica although I'd fancy the Hasselblad would retain it's value better.</p>
  14. <p>I can't help thinking that in years gone by that Zeiss lenses were perhaps significantly better than their competition and that this gap has now very much narrowed and that the best Nikon and Canon offerings are every bit as good. To some extent the same could be said about Leica too. Are these companies just trading on reputation alone?</p>
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