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Image Comments posted by mark_mcdade

  1. I think your use of foreground in this photo, and all of your other landscape photos, is just incredible. Your photos our stunning. The light you are able to capture is inspiring. Hope to see more.





    Antonio, this is a fantastic photograph, your framing and lighting are perfect in my opinion. The books lead your eyes to the subject. I also like the low angle of your shot.





    Great shot.....These guys are fun to watch. I have witnessed some of the most acrobatic moves from the body boarders. I like when they stand or kneel on the board holding the wrist cord and flip over using the curl of the wave.....Look at that smile, nice capture.





    I do not think I have ever seen a photograph of a butterfly with his/her wings in this position in flight. Wonderful capture, very unique.



  2. This one really pops with color. Do you have a shot that is closer? I like the way the center spirals in a counter clockwise direction. Maybe you could macro in and see if this would look good. Just a thought :)......Anyway, another fine photograph from a fine photographer.





    This is really cool. I really like the title, how fitting. That is why I love this site, it gives me ideas I never would have thought of. Thanks for sharing "M."


    Hang loose,


    'Meeting of Minds'


    Another interesting photo you have here Colin. My 2 cents, I would crop out the bottom, just above the holes on the second head. Other than that, I think it is pretty neat. I like the the way you have positioned the heads. I also like the focus on the second head making it the focal point. Now understand, my 2 cents is only worth about 1 cent now, considering how well the almighty dollar is doing in the world of currency exchange.... Cool shot, keep posting, these are fun to look at.





    Sandor, as Ursala stated, the forget-me-not is a very difficult flower to photograph. I am bothered by the blur effect you have used. I am only speculating here but why would you add this blurring effect at all, isn't the background forget-me-nots? Don't get me wrong, I think this is a very eye catching photo but it looks a bit overdone with the blurring. I would like to see a version, as it came out of the camera, with the original D.O.F......I just think you have some beautiful flowers here with spectacular color and I would like to see more of them....



    Winter flowers


    Wonderful photo. From your post, it sounds as if mother nature gave you a gift, a perfect subject on a perfect day. Great capture and thank you for sharing.



  3. I think you did a great job. It is my understanding that fashion photography is a hard door to get your foot in. I think you will be knocking down some doors. Nice work and good luck to you.



    XIX Siecle...


    Wonderful shot. Great use of lighting and subject angle. Is the bike hanging? The shadow on the left is interesting, is the background curved? I am just asking because I have decided I like studio photography and am trying to learn some of the set ups and techniques.




    Splish or Splash?


    You said it, this shot has been done to death, but I still love them. I really like your photo, it has great light and I also like the ripples. Remember, even if it has been shot a million times, there are no other photographs exactly like yours. You have preserved that moment in time, on that particular subject. No one else can say they have that exact shot, that is what makes photography amazing.




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