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Image Comments posted by mark_mcdade



    Great job. You captured her eyes beautifully. Perfect exposure, her skin looks radiant. Also, great job with the dress, it is so easy to blow out those white wedding dresses. I know, that's why I don't shoot weddings, to much pressure. :)






    I like it very much. Good use of photoshop, it looks like a painting. I really like the ball cap on sideways. "Chill'n with the family"...Nice job.



    In arms


    Stunning photograph. JD, this is really great. You will look back someday, years from now, and remember this moment in time and you will smile just like you did in this photo.





    A very nice holiday photograph JD. Timeless moments, like this photo, are priceless.

    ...and for the 3/4 rater, get a life, you obviously have some type of psychological problems you need to deal with, and fast......Great capture.





    Great capture Ali. I don't know how you butterfly photographers do it. I will sit for hours waiting for a shot like this to develop but the butterflies never seem to cooperate....Nice detail, beautiful colors.



    Life Imitates Art


    Hey Bill, I counted the same, about 18. I didn't count the lights in the ceiling, they would account for 13 more. (Circles or ellipses?) Then the count would be 31.

    Just having some fun....Interesting photograph.



    Comet McNaught


    Incredible shot. I was lucky enough to get a glimpse of Mr. McNaught here on Maui but it would only appear at dusk on the horizon. On one of the days you could see it during the day. I tried to get a shot but it looked like a wisp of a cloud. This is one of the best comet photos I have seen in years. Thank you for sharing this with us. What a treat.



    MusicCity Bowl 07


    This one is a good one Kenny. Awesome action shot. Great timing with the arm back, ball in hand, ready to fire. Nice detail......I am a Sooner fan "sniff" and I was lucky enough to have Adrian Peterson sign his jersey for me in Norman. I am so pissed at Stoops for calling that onside kick early in the 3rd quarter. In my opinion that cost them the game. The Sooners had regained momentum and he gave it right back to the Mountaineers. Stupid, stupid, stupid.



    Woodson 07


    Don't worry about the ratings, they will come the more you post. I have chosen not to rate photos for my own personal reasons. But most on this site like the rating system. Start rating and commenting on other peoples posts and they will respond in kind. You will always receive 3/3 ratings, some people are just ass-wipes and feel the need to hurt others, they hide behind the "Anonymous" wall, so their names cannot be seen. ....Great shot of a future star in the NFL...





    Hello Vicente, this is really nice. Like some one has already pointed out, it has a transparency that is amazing. Good use of light to create this effect.



    Woodson 07


    Nice action photo of Andre Woodson. This is one stud of a Quarterback. He will be fun to watch on Sundays. I hope he goes to the Vikings. Peterson in the back field and Woodson throwing. I can dream can't I?....It could happen.



  1. The light foreground merging into the shadows really gives this photograph depth. The clouds are great with the white snow capped mountain range. I really like the softness you have archived with the ND filter.



    Iced Rose


    Nice photo. The back ground is a little busy, maybe less D.O.F. would have helped reduce the clutter in the background. Giving the subject the attention it deserves. Maybe some fill flash would have worked. I know when shooting outdoors you take what you can get, especially when you are dealing with lots of foliage, canopy light and tight backgrounds. Under the circumstances this is a very hard shot to pull off. Well done.



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