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Image Comments posted by vijaykishan


    Ido, Looks like you have a very precise shutter finger :) This is superbly timed picture (I love the spread wings), full marks. There are some minor nit picks though, the rocks in the foreground are a tad too shiny due to the sun, a little cropping is in order or a little lowering of its brightness. The background too has not been very kind to you i suppose. Having two birds with dark heads and light plumage in action doesn't make it easier I know :) . What I am pleased is that with all these constraints and finicky birds you have managed to pull off this picture ! Superb and thanks for sharing.



    Two flowers are better than one. This picture is an attempt to

    juxtapose a deep colour against a light with a dark background and

    somehow hope to balance the same while highlighting the delicate

    texture and curves these lovely flowers possess.

  1. Anis, This picture is simple and beautiful in its absolute sense ! I could stare at this picture for hours, lovely. I do wonder however as how you managed to pull off such huge DOF. Please do share your secret sauce whether its focus staking or F66 or a miracle lens.



    Roger, Grant, Joanie,


    Thank you for your comments, much appreciated esp when I see that all of you such a wonderful portfolio of images.


    Joanie : I struggled myself with the exact thought, when I was adding the frame but somehow the frame won. Maybe you are right, for the next one I will drop the frame. Thanks again

    A simple flower

    wim, this is a lovely capture ! . At first glance the picture appears to be nothing special, but you have managed to capture very intricate details in the flower that one cant help but keep staring at it to take it all in ! lovely. As you have said, its simple, intricate, beautiful and captivating at the same time. Thanks for sharing.


    This picture takes the cake and eats it too. Superb. The sheet primary colours in this image that impact is amazing. It is as though the outer cover of the flower is no longer able to hold the magma inside it and has to let it out. The texture of the budding petals eager to see the light of the day adds to the drama of the overall image. BTW I love the snake-y reflection of the stalk. Superb.


    Jose, you have worked your magic here. The soft blush of pink and red amid which the black stamens stand with their pollen offering results in a wonderful soft dreamy image of a well coordinated dance troop in red. Wonderful. If I were forced to nit-pick then I would say that the dark patch on the top right and the very light patch at the bottom may distract a bit although not enough to spoil anything. All in all a lovely capture and thanks for sharing.



    A simple photo of a beautiful flower in an attempt to capture the

    innate elegance beauty and simplicity. Thanks for your time

    Love Hurts

    Mriganka, you have managed to bring out the best of this rose. There is something deep and intriguing about this picture that I cannot put a finger on, but is powerful enough to make me stare and admire at it. Perfect composition, superb processing of colour , the out of focus areas are beautifully blurred. If I was forced to nitpick then, as Roger has pointed I would take out the bright spot in the blurred petal, as well the bright spot in the Left hand bottom corner. All in all a very captivating picture. I have come across plenty pictures of a rose, but this one truly stands out. Congratulations and thanks for sharing.
  2. Coming up with a unique angle and POV of a very very oft pictured subject is tough enough, Sergei you have managed to execute the picture to perfection as well. Makes one think. Love the texture, tone and pose of the model. Hats-off ! thanks for sharing.


    Lovely capture there Majid ! the image seems to have a bit of blue tinge overall (or is it just my old eyes playing tricks..i donno) , other than that, the composition, sharpness, out-of-focus areas are superbly rendered. Thanks for sharing.
  3. Jeff,


    IMHO this is a masterpiece ! The foreground is contrasty with yellow flowers on green and immediately draws attention which is then picked up by the metal wire/guide and posts and leads one into the picture. For me the interesting bit was how another series of parallel lines suddenly forces one into a new direction of view to...towards the mid-right, which creates a tension that keeps the eye coming back to the middle of the picture to search for details and figure out what the hell is going on. The fringe sun and clouds are a beautiful topping. I am impressed by the composition, colours and the performance of the lens that you have used as it has spared you from flare. All in all this is a superb picture, thanks for sharing.

  4. Joze,


    you have managed to create an intriguing image here. The slight slant of the door and the leftmost window create a tension in the image and eye constantly wanders back he right window which mysteriously seems aligned. In all this drama, there is this beautiful texture on the floor that invites exploration. wonderful.


    This picture screams colour and texture ! very simple and beautiful. one nit : Would have been nice to see the corners sharp as well. All in all a lovely picture and thanks for sharing !
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