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Posts posted by erik_skipit

  1. Raw files are huge files that take up massive amounts of space,anyone who shoots a lot is going to have to invest in a nymber of storage drives...Raw is really not practical to shoot and if you have a slower system they will take forever to load....I have never had anyone look at any of my images and say wow too bad that was not shot in raw....Some people swear by raw images...Again massive storage space needed......
  2. Justin....Love the dog shots man,really nice images, 2nd one down is way cool....


    Well guys...Now i'm confused...Seems the 17 by 70 gets both of your votes as does the 16 by 50....The reason i'm not considering the 50 by 135 is often times on my model shots i am up close tying in the surronding area...My model shots are as much about the girl as they are the setting...I think that makes them stronger shots....The last image Justin...What did you shoot that at or do you even remember by chance?


    Attached...Image of Jordan...<div>00RIR1-82879584.thumb.jpg.98b13d3acec06cf7aa141d1e62fb1f51.jpg</div>

  3. Pete....Honestly...I have no clue as to testing a lens...Theres a ton i am just learning...Like i just learned that at the far ends 16 or 50 in this case,you hit noticable distortion...I was told never to shoot at the far ends of the lens....Making a 17 by 70 even more appealing....


    I am assuming the lens toyr refering to is the 2.8 lens?


    Image attached....Shot with a 70-300 APO i switched over to multi frame shooting for this lil guy....Boy was he small.....I was in the car lol he was by the road,mom was no where around...Some parents these days leaving their kids unattended....<div>00RIMh-82855884.jpg.8ceb95f80f5b01e48039184872161a86.jpg</div>

  4. Javier....Hello....Thankyou =) ....Most images look 10 times better in a print then on the monitor...Seriously....As for my model...On the freelance end i've been round modeling a long time...What she does is not nearly what models in the big competitive markets do,CA,FL and NY....In terms of glamour etc etc....You have models as young as 14 doing lingerie....And working with some very high end photographers.....In this day,for freelance,jeans an t-shirt stuff might be nice but its not getting anyones attention....Glamour sells....Its what gets attention.....I'd put Jordan up against any jeans an t-shirt model her age,garuntee you Jordan gets 10 times more attention from higher end photographers....I could say a lot more on this but nuff said...
  5. Justin thanks...Yeah....I have Myspace...I'm getting on too many sites to keep track....Blah....I should be editing...Instead i'm typing...Hell not even typing as i cant type but saying i'm typing sounds better then saying i'm pecking lol...Hunt an peck thats what i do lol.....
  6. Trent....What you say is very true...Hand held macro shots almost dont work in my opinion....Heres a hand held shot i did of a Parrot,Macro...I know this is just going to show as a link and not the image...Oh well...Take a look if curiousity gets the best of you...One of my few hand held macro shots that turned out...This image in a 12 by 18 print is very intense....<div>00RIKS-82841584.jpg.c3031ce0cceae8ec73f85eddb11a9de4.jpg</div>
  7. Adam....Feel free to discredit any of my shots lol...I may not agree with you but feel free....And thankyou as well......


    I am really big on Jordan and you'd just have to know the industry...I have had a number of models that i've managed stalb me in the back...Jordans stuck with me hard core,seen me at my worest with personal family tragadies and seen me very depressed again sticking by me....


    I have a huge portfolio...While my mom was recovering i shot and took care of her...Taking her on road trips to get her out of the house an something to do...Getting way off topic here lol....I'll post another image then done on this thread....


    Again Adam thankyou so much for the kind words.....<div>00RIKG-82837584.jpg.82cae03ab6ba15ce9e5a362c47b47207.jpg</div>

  8. Pentax does not give nearly enough options for lenses...I am going to get the Tameron 17 by 70...Its a 2.8 to 4.5

    lens...I thought about the 16 to 55 2.8 lens but i like that little bit more distance....There is not another 2.8 lens that i

    have seen that has a good wide low end like 16 or 17 and gets out to 70 or 80....


    I'll be getting a straight 50 also....However i was told to get like a straight 35 thats equal to a straight 50 in digital



    Anyone have the 17 by 70?....Probably not...Any thoughts on the 16 by 55 2.8 lens?....


    Justin maybe i could get some input from your dog??? lol....

  9. Pete those are really nice!!!.......Hin....I hope you dont mind my image i'm posting is from 2007,a winter sceen,more of a Fine Art image...Classic American sceen...This is my favorite image i have ever taken!!!.....<div>00RIHt-82823684.jpg.ebeaca79151f42d12e3a5813f8923763.jpg</div>
  10. Be it shot at night or in harsh light what are some images you've come up with....


    I am really limited as to what i can do having very cheap lens...The image i am posting was shot at night,no strobes

    or speed light....Went from complete darkness to extreme light in a instant....Shot at 5.6,tri-pod thats a given,ISO

    4oo i think....This was a tough shot..As were any from that night.These were shot outside....**NOTE** And i did not

    even realize this,one of the guys did....What Jordan is doing is VERY dangerous,it just takes a shift in the breeze

    and that flame is right in her face...One of the guys yelled at her to get right up beside him....These guys are trained

    professionals and had a "safety" standing near by with 2 wet towels....We were invited to their practice....Had i

    known or thought Jordan was in any danger the shot would of never happened.Safety on any shoot is top priority....


    This image like all my images is sized for web use....<div>00RIHk-82821584.jpg.82f6cfe0bb2dd5198f7a7b16a3b97be7.jpg</div>

  11. Thanks Justin....I have heard of the K30D but am not going to wait...I have the ist and am sure the K20D will be a good step up...I never shoot over 800...Well i think i've shot at 1600....800 gets too grainy though....Not bad but it is a bit.....Thanks again....
  12. Too dark may depend on whos viewing them on what....LCD screens are much brighter then the old CRTs...The old CRTs though have better color....(this info coming from a man whos wifes father is a engineer whos specialty is color imagery)


    Again it will depend on the monitor people are using so the feed back you get Jermal might not be accurate and it depends on ones Monitor calibration....


    I learned on the Adobe forums the ONLY way to get true calibration is to use a hardware tool like Spyder3....No software tool with accurately calibrate a monitoor....


    So again....Becareful the feed back you get as monitors the image is viewed on vary greatly....<div>00RI88-82751584.jpg.a732b131f48bc07753261b320506f3bb.jpg</div>

  13. Leo....What about a Blue Healer???


    Adam....I shoot everything just right now my sceenic stuff is tied up on my portable drive an my USB ports tied up with this stupid mouse....On my way to the store to get a new mouse right now lol....Thanks Adam...Nice explination there and ummmm yeah dont mind my poor spelling lol...There went back an fixed one word lol......


    I'll post a night shot KNOWING someones going to say its too dark...Night,dark huh go figure....<div>00RI6w-82743584.jpg.276b019f5cfef1afcd06200814ea507d.jpg</div>

  14. Okay...IQ...


    No i'm not asking if theres any smart people on the forum....There are some very well spoken people being very

    critical of me lol...Well spoken and intelligent....They seem like good guys as well....


    What i am asking is i have read reviews on the K20D compared to the K10D and they mention IQ a lot...How the IQ

    is much better....I think i know what this is in referance to but am not completely sure....So...Whats the IQ referance



    It will be a huge step up from the Pentax ist that i have...A camera that i bought thats a so called Gray market

    camera...It now has about 3 hot pixels...Which can only be seen at 200 times magnification but that they are there

    bugs me...Be nice to have a new,smarter camera...... =)

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