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Posts posted by danbliss

  1. Joe, I am a big fan of the tilt and shift. I have an old Linhof 2x3 Tech IV (although I don't use it much anymore). It would

    be nice to have movement on the 5d.


    David, the IR thing does sound like fun. I have not thought about it seriously before.


    Tim, I like the pin hole thing. It sounds like a fun weekend project too.


    Alan, I am curious about the experiences that people have had with adaptors using other brands of lenses. And, you are

    right about the 5D. My comment about the 5D was meant as a joke, because of all the hype around its replacement. I

    expect to happily use my 5D for a long time to come.



  2. I have a (soon to be outdated) 5d. I am curious about opinions regarding quirky lenses. I suppose lensbabies are the first to come to mind.

    Anyway, I was thinking what lens should I consider that I never thought to consider. :-)



  3. I think kids are often much brighter than we give them credit for. I'd go with the slr. I'd get a short prime, and I tell him to

    shoot in aperture priority for the first year. I might turn off the autofocus too. An adult might take months to get a hang of it,

    but a kid will get it within a week. Depend on how careful your son is you might get a cheap 35mm camera, which will cause

    little concern if destoyed. Around that age I was playing with my dad's om2. I am glad I learned how to control the camera

    early. Of course you know your son. Any advice anyone gives should probably be ignored. :-)



  4. I absolutely love my 24mm 1.4L. It is by far my favorite lens, but it is not that light, and, to be honest, I couldn't shoot a

    decent street photo to save my life. I thought the "real" street photographers liked the 35 to 50mm lenses. The answer

    is probably to rent a couple of lenses for a long weekend. The choice will probably be obvious to you after do that. Dan

  5. You waited this long... what is a few more weeks? I love my 5D, but I wish it had weather seals and self cleaning. If there

    is no announcement at Photokina then I'd go for it. Did you really want our advice? You probably already know what you

    want to do. :-)

  6. I have been to the Monterey Aquarium a number of times. A monopod would never have been an issue any of the those

    times. It wasn't that crowded. I am sure that it is mostly due to laziness on the part of the owners. Ban anything that

    might possibly cause a problem under the most inconceivable of circumstance. It doesn't matter if it reduces the value

    of the experience to the person attending, so long as it makes the lawyers happy.


    I think it is sad that places are pushing serious photographers out. I think the motivations are a bit spurious if not down

    right suspicious (forced to buy official images). Of course a monopod could be used as a club, but it is just not a

    serious issue. I am not aware of any gangs of monopod brandishing thugs canvassing the streets for unsuspecting victims. A camera could be used to beat someone, so should they ban cameras? How about heavy shoes? Those

    little glass breaking hammers could easily fit in your pocket. What about pocket knives? Clearly, we must enter all

    museums and, well, any public spaces completely naked... which would be amusing. Hey, it would probably make for a

    good photo. Doh... no camera.



  7. Josh - I like the new look. Thank you for working on it. I do have one issue with the

    display of portfolios, top photos, etceteras. The array of photos don't resize to the

    window width. Now the page uses only part of the window width, and I have to scroll

    down to see all the photos, making it more difficult to view and use. It is a bit annoying.

    I hope you can fix this.


    In any case, I like the new look. Thank you for your efforts.



  8. I don't know if anyone from the NYCLU reads this. If they do, I want to say thank you.


    I would prefer not to be arrested for taking photographs in public places. I am not great

    at street photography, but I do like it. Who else besides NYCLU (or ACLU) is going to try to

    protect us from the misguided intentions of overzealous law enforcement. It makes me

    sad to think that we have come to this.


    As far as limit of photography placed on European photographers, it is also sad to think

    that we will not see the likes of Cartier-Bresson again. Is there a ECLU?


    Once again, thank you NYCLU,



    P.S. I don't want to seem insensitive to those who are concerned about terrorism. For

    what it is worth, I was on the way to the airport on the morning of 9/11. If I had

    scheduled an slightly earlier flight, I would have been on one of those planes (Boston to

    LA). However, the NYC police actions are, as are many "anti-terrorism" actions,

    misguided, unproductive, and, most importantly, diminishing that which we love most

    about the US.

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