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Image Comments posted by danbliss

  1. Hi Lucy, I am glad that the photo has caught your attention. The processing was not that agressive. There was no selective change of contrast. The processing including image-wide reduction of saturation, modification of levels, and application of an unsharp mask.
  2. I like the moment you captured. I like the texture on the wall. The glare of the headlights works for me. I like the difference between the orange and the white lights. If I had to make one possible suggestion, it would be to consider a slightly different cropping, maybe taking a little off from the right. It seems just a little off balance to me. But... what do I know. In any case, it is a wonderful interesting photo.


    daisy #14

    Thank you for the kind comments. I have versions where all the petals are sharp (which would make "those" people happy), but I felt the limited depth of field was more interesting. If we all liked the same thing then it would be a boring world.
  3. So here is my question... Do you get bored putting up such wonderful photographs? You know, with perfect composition, tone, and texture. Do you ever want to put up a bad one just for fun? :-) Thank you for sharing your wonderful photographs with us.


  4. Thank you for your kind comments.


    As far as the reflection on the photo, I think you are right. It's funny, I was going to dodge it a bit to soften the reflection, but after a while the reflection started to grow on me. It was the outside trying to creep in to this isolated place. That's probably overly symbolic. In any case, thank you for your kind comments.



    Action high key


    The photo is a lot of fun. The model is attractive, and the hair is wonderful. I wonder if it would have been slightly stronger, if the flash had been off the camera, or if there had been fill from below. The shadow under the face is a little harsh. In any case, the photo is great fun.


    Time to go home...


    I am very fond of the color, the composition, and the shadows. The contrast makes it almost crunchy (maybe there is a better word). For a moment I thought it might be stronger if it were a bit sharper, but I changed my mind. I like it just the way it is. Nicely done.


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