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Image Comments posted by danbliss

  1. You captured a wonderful moment, and you have done so wonderfully. I love how the repeated building spires disappear into the distance, like little spikes waiting to pop the balloon, creating just a little bit of tension. I love how that contrasts with the roundness of the balloon. Maybe I am reading too much into it. Anyway, the subtle colors are amazing. I wonder if it would be ever so slightly stronger if you had cropped a tiny bit off the left and the bottom, which would draw more attention to the main spire and balloon, but I am probably wrong. In any case, really wonderfully done. Dan


    Very cool shot. I like the composition. I like the high contrast gritty feel. The reflections in the water really add to the whole effect. I am not saying it would be any stronger, but I wonder what the effect would be if it were rotated ever so slightly less, but I am probably wrong. In any case, it is a wonderful photo. Well done. Dan
  2. I like how the cables are light on the illuminated side and dark on the shadowed side, working perfectly against tonal change of the sky across the image. Lovely tones too. Nicely done. Dan

    "Cowboy Tryouts"

    It is a wonderful photograph. The only suggestion that I could make is make it bigger. I'd like to see it a little better. In any case, you have captured a wonderful moment and mood. Dan

    Old Clock

    Cool photograph. I like the colors and the shallow depth of field. I think it is a really good idea. I will offer a couple of suggestions, which you almost certainly should ignore. I wonder if it might be stronger if the central point of interest (the closest cog, based on where the focus is sharpest) had more of a lighting emphasis. I also wonder if it might be slightly stronger without the shaded border, but that is just a personal taste thing. Anyway, I think it is an interesting photograph. Dan
  3. Arnulf, I agree comments are more important than ratings, and I really appreciate everyone's comments.


    Karina, yeah, in retrospect I would have shot another one closer in. Closer is almost always stronger, but I did want to get the whole body and the background. One advantage of shooting in medium format is that I can crop a lot and still have good image quality. Of course, it is not the same as moving close, but if you have a different cropping suggestion I can definitely try it.


    Once again, thank you everyone for your comments.


  4. Two things to say: 1) It is an amazing photography, 2) For the water, yuk. She is braver than I am. :-) Anyway, you have a beautiful and brave model, and you have made a beautiful and interesting photograph. Nicely done. Dan
  5. Thank you for the comments. It all happened so fast... I did try to work the position of the fountain and statue in. He ran, literally ran, up to me and started giving me a little grief. He wasn't serious and I could tell. Anyway, after a couple of minutes of talking, he said "want to see something cool." I sputtered sure... The response to this photo is interesting. Based on ratings, it is clear that some people really don't like it. If we all liked the same thing, the world would be a boring place. I am glad you enjoyed it.


    Thanks for looking,



    I like the stacking of the horizontal layers. It has a nice compositional balance between the rock in the foreground and the rock formation at the top. Amazing texture on the rock formation too. Nicely done. Dan


    I clicked on the photo before I saw your name. After I saw your name, I though "Ah, of course, another beautiful photo from Paulian." It really is nicely done. It is very peaceful. The colors, white of the waves, the clouds, the rocks, everything is perfect. The pier is visually interesting. I wonder if I want to see more of it, but that can be left for another photo. Nicely done. Dan


    This is a really wonderful photo. I textures and the shapes around the judge. I also like the repeated shapes around him. Great lighting too. Nicely done. Dan


    The photo has great composition. I love the lines. I really like the tones too. It might be an image compression thing, but some of the highlights seem to be blown out, at least on my monitor. In any case, I really like it. Dan
  6. I agree with Jan. They clearly messed up by not getting your permission, but maybe it will end up for the best if you can develop a relationship with them, providing them with photographs in the future.


    You might also want to post this question to one of the forums. You might get a more thorough set of responses. The business forum http://www.photo.net/bboard/forum?topic_id=2041 might be a good place.


    Congratulations. Dan

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