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Image Comments posted by dseltzer

    Machu Picchu

    Lovely view and I like the angle. It feels like I'd like to see a wider view, especially on the left, maybe 10-20% width increase. It also might look better if you cranked up the contrast and a touch of saturation. Then I think it'd "pop."

    Machu Picchu

    Lovely view and I like the angle. It feels like I'd like to see a wider view, especially on the left, maybe 10-20% width increase. It also might look better if you cranked up the contrast and a touch of saturation. Then I think it'd "pop."

    Ilyena - 7

    There's lots I like about this shot, but I have to agree it looks overly bright on her face, chest and shoulder, and the sand in the front right. The reflections on the umbrella are nice, but if I may be so bold, might you try burning the overly bright areas? You might even try applying a gradient in front right. I think the concept for this shot is a good one.



    Interesting pic. Surreal. Novel idea for drawing one's interest.

    No need to guess... just need to read upside down and backwards... not as slippery as you may have thought.

    Flooded Petunia


    I was so inspired by David Rabinowitz's "love and loss" - POW for week of September 24,

    2007, that I got Flaming Pear's Flood Filter and started playing. This is one of my first

    experiments. I hope David Rabinowitz takes this as the sincere compliment to his work that it


    Friends (2)


    Such naturally beautiful young women, and they do have lovely smiles. What really strikes me is their eyes and how bright and sharp they are in this pic. They really sparkle. As well as being a technically very good shot, I'm moved by the natural warmth and happiness you've captured here. Really well done!


    (A pretty minor afterthought is that I might be tempted to darken the highlighted hair on the left. It's just a little distracting.)

    Beeing There

    My reaction to the oof purple flowers is that they add a sense of depth to the image, as well as the complimentary color. I like 'em! To me, this composition is just well done all 'round.


    Couldn't look at this one without commenting. Wonderful expression - as in so many of your portraits - and the lighting, tones and range seem great to me. I also like the DOF... seems just right. AND, **those eyes** WOW!
  1. Serendipity is (to me, anyway) being in the right place, at the right time, *and* knowing what to do. You obviously meet all these criteria with this terrific shot. BTW, I agree with the power point (well, area) being the eye and the dining partner.

    love and loss

    David, Thank you so much for the technical info! As for using PS and filters, I don't apprehend the problem and I agree very much with what Frank Gaffney wrote. Your creation is just that, a creation, and it doesn't matter if it's purely photo, partly PS, pen and ink, mixed media, or whatever. It's art. It's a vision you had and brought to life, and photography is certainly the primary medium... which involves, as I understand it, many, many tools, such as the cameras, lenses, film, digital media, lens filters, and on and on to whatever an artist wants to use. However you do it, I like your work very much, and congratulations on achieving POW!


    I like this image and I think it's well seen and composed. The colors are very nice and the overall feel is good. If I were to change anything, I'd try to have more contrast and detail in the bodies of the rocks.

    Olive 26

    Ah! Another example of art at work. The image of Olive 26 has lead to spirited discussion and has set reactions, and their further consequences, in motion that are expanding thinking and leading to greater tolerance and willingness to consider different vantage points and points of view. Just dyn-o-mite stuff! I wonder if a new category for rating were added to Originality and Aesthetics, say "Impact," or "Ability to Expand Thinking..." some way to try and rate (and comment about) the quality of someting that might be called "Artistic," or "Artistry..." art!

    Olive 26

    Very funny, Gordon! Back to the photo, what really strikes me is the strength and length of the discussion this photo has caused. Never mind the technical aspects, or how one defines avante garde jazz, or anyone's particular interpretation of the meaning of Olive's expression, this image has really touched and moved people, stimulated great discussion and, IMHO, done exactly what a work of art is meant to do.

    Olive 26


    Lyrical doesn't describe this photo for me, at least not in the sense I think of lyrical, but that's really playing word games anyway. Thinking musically, I'm also having trouble connecting Rap with this image. What does come to mind is Bartok - to me strong, dissonant in places, very interesting, surely musical, but in very much it's very own way.


    The model's pose is fascinating. I, too, am drawn to her posture, spread fingers and expression which for me come together as exasperated, mildly questioning, irritated and like, "And your point would be...?"


    On the technical side I'd have to say it would work better for me if the reflection of the trees were lighter, and the trees a bit more distinct. As it is, the trees and lake seem ambiguous to me, and not necessarily so coordinated with the model's communication. Actuall, when I first looked, I didn't make it out as a lake and trees and thought the artist might have flipped and repeated a line of clouds... old eyes maybe?


    Overall, it is a very interesting picture, but coming fairly late into the discussion I'm having trouble distinguishing my reaction as being to the image, the discussion (wonderful!) or both.

  2. Thanks so much for commenting on this and my other photos. I really appreciate your observations and suggestions. Your comments on the Bee have helped me understand what was bothering me that I couldn't identify. Receiving the kind of constructive critiques you've given me is a big reason I'm here at PN!

    The Priest Is Out


    I so appreciate all the comments... very helpful.


    Sherida, I certainly don't mind that you worked on this shot and I like what you did. I'd left the left side there for balance, but it obviously isn't necessary and cropping it draws attention to the priest. Thank you!


    Shay, No question the eye is drawn away from the priest, and I think it would be better if he is lightened. I'll try it and maybe post it in my portfolio. Thanks for taking the time to give me good ideas.


    Joseph, I'm so glad you like the pic. I'll play with the foreground, though I'm not quite sure what you'd consider foreground... I mean where's it start? Thanks for stopping by and for the encouragement!



  3. Gordon, this is just wonderful. The composition just carries me away. This is an image I think I'd never tire of looking at, in fact, one I'd seek when I need to be calm and peaceful. Thanks for sharing this beautiful image! ~ David

    The Priest Is Out


    I'm really curious to know what others think of this. I like the lines

    and contrasts, and I think the light is OK, but I'm afraid the priest

    walking away is probably too subtle. It would also be really helpful

    if you could comment on this as a B&W, as I haven't done much of it

    and want to get better. Thanks so much for looking!

    Just A Bee


    Please look and comment/critique - I like doing close-in work, but I

    know I have much to learn technically and about composition. So, I'm

    really interested in whatever you might suggest to make this kind of

    shot better. Thanks!

  4. Fascinating, indeed! And a really interesting shot with great clarity and DOF. The ice really looks nearly impossible. One question: there's something just left of center that could be spray, but being as regular and linear as it is, it looks more like reflection off a window or something. I think I'd be tempted to remove that in PS.
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