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Image Comments posted by dseltzer


    Very nice capture and I like the combination of hard, dark "framing" with the softness of the sun. This is one of the better sunset shots I've seen.



    Thank you, Tamara, for passing along your granddaughter's favoring my pic. Being picked out by a five-year-old is one of the best compliments one can get! And Jim, you are so kind to take time to look at my work. Your comments, given the quality and scope of your work, are so meaningful to me.


    Happy Shooting!




    I love this shot... the position of the bird, the all but frozen motion, and it's such a unique pose. The detail in the closer wing is just great. I try to take hummer pics and I'd be proud to have this one in my collection!


    I've always been drawn to this kind of shot, and this is a good example of the genre. The composition seems well balanced and pleasing to the eye. Good DOF and clarity, but it seems a bit dark. The contrast seems fine, but I think I'd try moving the curve a bit.



    Your work is simply wonderful. I've admired it since I joined PN. In fact, your picture of the fisherman with the illuminated net is one of the first that caught my eye when I first came here. I'm certainly interested in how you achieve your results, but that's quite secondary to the pleasure and other emotions evoked by your very excellent work (however you do it!).


    To John M. - I share your sentiments and to add my very un-expert opinion, it looks to me like the light is quite consistently from the upper left with the only exception the light on the reader's face. I'd bet that's a bit of dodging... no more than that. Whatever the PS technique, the shot is extremely well seen and composed, technically beautifully executed, and one I'd gladly have in my own portfolio if I had the gift Rarindra posesses.

  1. ...it looks very much like most of my attempts at scenic shots, and I don't specially like mine either. To me this shot is kind of drab, doesn't have a particular point or area of interest, and while it's technically OK, it just isn't unusual or special. I wish I could define it better for you, but the shot just doesn't "pop." Maybe increasing the contrast and cropping out some of the foreground would help.
  2. This started as full color and it just struck me that it might look

    good, maybe better in B&W. Having done little B&W work, it would be

    most helpful for me to know how this shot falls on others' eyes.

    Thanks for any comments.


    Thank you, Dave, for your thoughtful and valuable critique. What you said is exactly the kind of feedback that I hope for and find so helpful. It has real substance to it and actually helps guide me to examine, consider and study elements of the photo from a fresh vantage point.


    This is the kind of composition I'd like to shoot. I like the depth, the shapes and just the overall peacefulness of the scene. It seems well seen. I'm curious about the camera settings as the shot looks a little softer than I'd expect in the foreground, and the darkness in the right lower quadrant disturbs me a little.

    Little Helper

    If the green is bleeding onto her skin I can't see it. The child is precious and her pose and expression make me smile. The photo seems well done in terms of focus, depth of field, saturation of colors, and composition. Overall, this is a photo I'd like to have taken.

    Father & Daughter

    Tamara, thank you for looking and giving me your critique. I'd like to understand what you mean by richer lighting, and if that might be something that could be manipulated in Photoshop. I agree the flip flops could be/are(?) a distraction, certainly part of the beach scene, and I just didn't want to crop in any closer to the figures. Also, if I had orchestrated the scene, I'd have had both looking at the other, and the father's left leg needs to be held higher to match his daughter. Anyway, if you see this post, please let me know more about the light.
  3. Thanks to B and Rachel for your comments. I think I understand what you mean about an angle bringing out the symmetry. I will experiment with that and if it looks worth another look I'll post it and let you know. Thanks, again. I really do appreciate getting feedback and ideas. ~ David
  4. I'm drawn to the symmetry and depth of this type of picture, and I

    would like to know how others see it, what you like and don't, and how

    you think it could be better. Thanks for looking and for any and all

    comments. ~ David



    A cooperative subject and nice light (I think). Aside from adjustments

    going from NEF to JPEG and a minor crop, there have been no changes to

    this shot. I don't think this is anything extraordinary, but I am

    curious to know if others think well of the composition and technique.

    Thanks for looking.

  5. Steve and Michael! I'm glad you like the composition 'cause I worked on it. I took a lot of frames and waited for the right position of the butterfly in relation to the out-of-focus stems in the background. Also, I consciously tried to get the subject within the left and bottom thirds. I'm not thrilled with the sharpness, even with tripod and remote cable release. Any suggestions?


    Thanks again for commenting! David


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