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Image Comments posted by sonnyde

  1. Fernando, simply beautiful to look at. The opposing colors of the dull, industrial, depressing, lifeless grays punctuated with a carnival like uplifting spray of bright colors is a story in itself. (An escape from the drudgery of the hard working blue-collar existence who are always hoping for a brighter day? ) How?s that for a deep analytical critique??? Lol Nice work!

    <>< Sonny <><



    I came to visit your portfolio and glad I did. WOW this photo is powerful and can provoke great discussions and debates over it's meaning. Excellent idea and an expression of your artistic eye and imagination captured on film! Challenges me to shake the cobwebs and get back out shooting. Thanks. <>< Sonny <>< p.s. your portfolio is looking good....I'll be back.

    Stationary time

    Anything I might say would only pale in comparison and not do the justice this photograph deserves. Looking at it is all that's required to take your breath away. <>< Sonny <>



    First the obvious.......sexy, flirty and teasing. Now the technical: beautiful color, tone and focus. This photo is playful and certainly teases the viewer. Very attractive model whose expression suggest, confidence and wouldn't you like to see more? And yes she is sexy and playfully being a tease which makes this photo all come together! My congrats to this beautiful model and to you for capturing a picture that has a lot to say. Well done. <>< Sonny <><

    Now I'll stop starring.......... :)




    As we were eating I saw this impromptu set up at the end of our

    table; I took aim and fired some shots. I played with the colors and

    contrast to add some interest. Comments always appreciated. <>< Sonny


    Sweet home

    Can I spend a weekend here? Beautiful use of lighting and shadowing. This is an eye catcher right up there like one of Thomas Kinkade's paintings. A visual attention grabber. Nice work! <>< Sonny <>


    Visually beautiful (good comment for a photograph! LOL) but this stands above so many like it. The color, tone and mood of this photograph convey the sometimes-frightening and exciting feel of heading out to open sea with 'stormy' clouds looming. The pier in the foreground sends the eye right out to the ship as it passes by. I served 9 years in the US Navy and this recaptured many memories and feelings of sea travel. Thanks, I really like this photo! <>< Sonny <>



    Experimenting with digital alterations. This is an altered version of

    one submitted earlier by the same title. I chose this because it has

    a haunting, surreal dimension to it. I used framing here to keep the

    viewing angle 'boxed in' like tunnel vision. Comments always

    appreciated. <>< Sonny <><


    Dramatically simple. Love this technique. Thanks for sharing and inspiring me to get more creative without getting complicated! <>< Sonny <>

    Half Life 3

    Samir, as I came back to visit your portfolio this one sure caught my eye. I wondered for a while, why did it catch my attention?? Color, yes, that is very good, composition is good too, but something else???.I finally concluded it's the dramatic contrast of the sky and ground. Then I thought just how powerful this photograph really is. I say that because it held my attention for a long while causing me to think about it. Isn't that what photographs that excel beyond the ordinary should do? Keep clicking away my friend. I?ll be back? <>< Sonny <>


    Well done. I love the sport and as an x-attack men the expression on the goalies face was one I use to love to see when i was in close and taking aim as this player was. This is a great capture!! <>< Sonny <>

    dog walk


    Love it! Cheap pink hair die job, $10, cheesy yellow jacket $50, even cheesier outfit for dog $55; the face on the woman to the right.......priceless!

    this is a winner!! Well done. <>< Sonny <><


    Very well composed, although naturally, I should say, great eye to capture a 'disturbing' moment. I too in my portfolio have 2 �disturbing� shots so I appreciate your work here. The background of course sets the story and this picture tells a sad story. Thanks for sharing this one well done! <>< Sonny <>


    As an X-lacrosse player and advid lover of the sport this was beautifully captured. This is a good glance into sports more finese moments. Well done! <>< Sonny <>
  2. WOW this stopped me cold and I found myself starring a long while at it. Power, speed, intensity, beauty, ferocity, this captures it all. This is one to be very proud of well done! <>< Sonny <>
  3. Since I was asked, yes the phone was included purposefully when I composed the shot as symbolic and she was also sitting on a mailbox to further that symbolism. I unfortunately couldn't capture the saying on top of the poster and the mailbox without pulling back to far. The date on the bottom is crucial if I am going to chronicle her departure, time there and return. My photographic inexperience accounts for the shadowing and overexposure of her shirt, but I think this picture works and is a personal favorite. Thanks for your interest. <>< Sonny <><



    Shamu Escapes


    Absolutely beautiful As I commented on your other photograph this techniques is visually stunning. The photo comes alive; I love this one very much! BRAVO!! <>< Sonny <><



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