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Image Comments posted by sonnyde

    The "Egg"

    We visit here often. My daughter and her husband live and are Pastors of a church near by. Beautifully composed, nice angle. Good work! <>< Sonny <>< i have a night photo of this scene in my portfolio see what you think! Regards!


    Just beautiful, one of the best portraits I've seen. Compliments to Anna too, beautiful model, beautiful pose, beautifully captured! Nice work! <>< Sonny <>


    Who couldn't love those eyes. I think her skin is a bit over done. Looks like bronze, but other then that minor critique i love her expression and yes that's an excellent description of her, determined. She's a beautiful model, very nice portrait. keep shooting! best regards, <>< Sonny <>


    As an x-navy man I had my share of tears saying good-bye to my daughters and wife, but also experienced those overwhelming emotions of pure joy that first day back home. This picture rekindled those emotions and caught me by surprise when I filled up as I viewed it. That may sound like a personal note, but I think it's a testament to what separates an ordinary photo from a great photo and this is a great photo. You captured, in that little girls face, what I can personally attest to as capturing the true emotion of a moment. Great- job. As a side note: glad it was a picture of this soldier’s safe return. God bless our service men and the families that stand behind them. This picture is priceless. <>< Sonny <>

    Sun Break


    The road way just in front of the lodge we were staying at shortly after

    day break. Hope you like it. Any constructive comments are always

    appreciated. <>< Sonny <><

  1. Is this church in the Mountains of Spain that features a boy's choir? I was there around 1982 when I was in the Navy. We climbed high in the surrounding Mts. and took a cable car nearly straight up the side of the Mountain. Thanks for bringing this gem back to life for viewing. All I have is photos taken with a cheap 110 instamatic and I was just a young guy having fun. Beautiful work> Thanks for sharing it... <>< Sonny <>



    Taken of my daughter during our visit in S. Africa. Took some time

    exploring and taking photographs along a seldom used rail way track.

    Practicing perspective and angles. Comments always appreciated <><

    Sonny <><


    Once again you caught Emma perfectly here. The overall color and tone really accent her hair color, facial tone all punctuated by her shirt. Even the darkened exposure works very well here. This photo almost mimics a 'painted' portrait found in a gallery. The wall in the background, while being simple, is a perfect back-drop. Keep working with Emma finding the right combinations to capture her natural beauty. Your other portraits were well done also, but this is the stand-out. Nice work--keep shooting! <>< Sonny <>
  2. Trying and practicing. Tried my best to capture the awesome beauty of

    this beach. I may have missed, but it's fun learning. Constructive

    comments are greatly appreciated (and needed...LOL). <>< Sonny <><

  3. From our recent trip to S. Africa. My daughter left (who is serving in the

    Peace Corps in central S. Africa) and my wife enjoying another beautiful

    African sunset high above Cape Town. Comments always appreciated,

    <>< Sonny <><

  4. Having fun practicing (learning) editing techniques. This is a sequence of

    3 different photos from my bungee jump. The camera was from the

    owners and operators of the jump site so i have no idea what type it

    was. The jump was done in S. Africa off the Bloukrans Bridge (702 ft)

    above a low level river this past July 4th. Yes it was a rush> Hope you

    enjoy the photo. <>< Sonny <><

    Not Born Free


    Lion cubs that were orphaned. Picture was taken at a 're-intergration'

    center for lions. I was able to play and feed them. Amazing animals. I

    felt this shot captured their sad story. Constructive comments always

    welcomed. <>< Sonny <><

    Spanish Sunset

    Beautiful. Question, how do you keep from getting 'hot-spots' in the sky during extended exposures? Nice details, love the lines drawing your eyes away to the horizon. <>< Sonny <>
  5. First attempt at ‘quality’ sunrises. One of a series. I have an interest in

    putting silhouettes in the foreground to frame out the scene. Should the

    foreground have more detail of left as is? Unfortunately I did not have my

    tripod and had to improvise. Constructive comments can only help,

    thanks for viewing <>< Sonny <><


    Reth, this is a very nice rendention of a popular setting. The color tone you chose is different and works very well giving a serene atmosphere. The heavy use of the shadows fits perfectly giving just enough details while keeping the empty "isolated-aloness" theme intact. I may have over analyized this, but a good photo should do that to the observer. Nice work! <>< Sonny <>
  6. Having some post editing fun with a term used by military pilots

    called, "flying in the bubble" (keeping their plane level and true based on

    the cock-pit instruments). This was taken of the Blue Angels at the

    Jones Beach Memorial weekend air show on LI, NY.


    of the set you put on the critique board I like this best. It clearly shows her beautiful eyes and innocent, relaxed expression. Nice work!. <>< Sonny <><
  7. Taken at Jones Beach, LI, NY during the Memorial weekend air show. I

    positioned myself using the umbrella for a sandwich effect of the jumper.

    This is my first time trying to capture so much movement at an event.

    For those who do this as a living my hats off to you as I found new

    respect for the difficulty of shooting at these events. Hope you like.

    Comments Always appreciated. <>< Sonny <>< PS of the 150 or so

    photos I shot only about 10 were even close to passable!! I put some of

    them in my portfolio- visit if interested in my feeble attempt. (LOL)


    Deb this a beautiful and imaginative photo. The stark black background really adds drama and accentuates the subject and bubbles! She is a cute little girl very well captured here. Very nicely done! <>< Sonny <>
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