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mariellen romer

PhotoNet Pro
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Image Comments posted by mariellen romer


    Glenn, I love the idea. Lovely colors,composition as well. I'm wondering if the very small shards are detracting a bit, as they seem to make the picture look out of focus....
  1. Yep, it sure is ...cropped version, which gives the baseline pic a lighter color set to work with. Oh dear it looks like I am entering into my "squares phase" lol. Future biographers (yeah, riiiight) will be able to track my progress >cough< by tracking which PS feature I was messing about with in any given week. Kinda works though for me, gets less smudgy than the swirls which run more risk or merging into a generic mud color. Hmmm. Maybe i try this with door knob too ...


    Dude, you have taken the words *right* out of my mouth!! Amazing. And the trick is to have a HUGE quilt stash, as we quilters call it, (I am still aspiring to *quilt* but I do have a large stash), and you just go hunting! You line up the squares (I'm thinking) on your design wall - you have to standback to see the entirity - and then shuffle 'em until its done. If you don't have what you need *oh dear* what a great excuse to go shopping :)))), I'd go see my fave store Quiltworks Northwest in Bellevue which I only get to visit when I am over there once in a blue moon. Then its sew straight seams, the easiest of all. If I get to trying this I'll post the picture....just don't hold your breath, I keep taking pics instead of sewing..!



    Welcome aboard. I'm pretty new to PN as well and spent a large part of my Xmas hols 06 trawling this site with my head spinning, just looking at stuff. The thing I am learning is that you can crop the bejabbers out of a shot and actually find some good lines/colours/angles too. I'll have a go at this one with some suggestions if you are interested. I've got some Disney pics posted too, at the time was not aiming with a 'photographer' eye - cropped some of them for PN and lo even nice pic shots get even more interesting close up, or taken from different angles.


    You've got 4 - 6 good abstracts in here, if that is the direction you want to go. Or, if you want to go whole pic, I agree lose post LHS, and crop sky right down if not out (harder in this pic I know).


    My guess is that you are not doing anything to these pics in terms of enhancement. Even Microsoft picture editor "autobalance" (sorry if you are a linux /mac guy) will boost them, or Photoshop/equivalent if you have it. See if the colours sing a bit more loudly. Those Disney/Universal studio guys - Disney in particular - are pure threatre artists, they do nothing by accident, vamp it up for all you are worth. My tuppence ha'pe'r'oth ...


    Post more pics man, this is not a venue to be shy in.....

    The Dragon


    Nice one Gabriella - I feel at home with a fellow "liquifier"!! Its a new toy for me, I probabaly make lots of mistakes, but its so much fun. I like how you have brought the shadows into the light area, and the dragon breathing brown flames.

    I hope you will post more of your photos, manipulated or otherwise...

    Solstice Journey

    I'm with poor Wayne on the going past photoshop theme....only its the bank manager that will kill me, i've only just got the camera, and am a complete newbie on PS! Thanks for opening new doors ...


    Ok Shawn, see what you think. This has been a very interesting exercise and I've learned a lot from it, so thank you very much. I've actally created two new folders on my portfolio where you can see how it developped, especially door knob where each step is labelled. I think the overall trick is to have quite distinct colors BUT ones that go together. The greeny-yellow in the balloons pic didn't work at all for me, and that its why i artifically add the lines on some flowers like the pink rose elsewhere in the folder. Anyway see what you think, if you want me to take any down then I'll be happy to do so. Best wishes, M


    ...as they say here. Which of your pics shall I work with, see what happens? Seems a shame to meddle with such perfect pin-sharpness as you produce but its in the name of artistic exerimentation/science...

    Cute Boy (No.9)


    Priceless...wonderful shot!

    Cant see where to comment on your portfolio as a body of work so will use this point to say its gobsmacking, a huge range all equally well executed. A real pleasure to look through, well done.

    Fence & Barn

    I love these barn shots. Composition and light good. Not sure if I would have included top of trees closest to you? Possibly cropped grey shed? However still works for me, red pops nicely.



    Nope, honest to God. They are made of silk organza, very very light, about quarter inch across. Hand dyed (not by me unfortunately) and sit in a puffy kind of way if you gather them up softly and squish them a tad into a cup.. which is what I did. The cup is cobalt blue glass (I have a blue bowl i put some of the glass stuff in too, shoot it through the side of the bowl). But what you have here is birds eye view with me craning to get far enough away to get SOME of it in focus. Cropped tight as well.


    Hmmmmm. Under water, hey? Now that *is* an interesting idea...! watch this space...



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