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mariellen romer

PhotoNet Pro
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Image Comments posted by mariellen romer



    In fact its a branch and some leaves, run through a few PS treatments, it was a tad out of focus but I simply loved the colors in it, so wanted to keep them in some way. Not to disappoint, in my "Swansea" folder I have some real reflections, one far too bright super cranked-up PS (i was playing a bit) and the other, absolutely as it was taken on the day with no alterations.....


    Your new noctournes are looking very beautiful, full of atmposphere as are so many of your pictures.






    Sheryl, these wonderful scarves are woven by Randall Darwall, the most amazing weaver, they are far more beautiful in real life then I've captured them here. If you ever get a chance to see his stuff, grab it! They are silk in the main and the colors are out of this world.

    Beech Cathedral

    I's not my imagination - they were more profuse a few years ago! here you have set the bench mark for how to do these blue bells. Mine are in or near Micheldever too, but looking nothing like! Kudos to you on these luminous images...
  1. Ransford, I am not sure, but I think maybe the reason the RHS is OK in this color version is because. the rest of the pic is very B/w (well, sepia-ish). The eye is saying "color pic? Give me some color then.." and the green stems with complimentary red dots are almost the sum total of what there is to be had, color-wise. I like it in color because you can feel the bright sunlight of the day - but you can in the B&W version as well.





    I stumbled across a link in a forum here on PN which I can't find now :-(, but you might try the following: Glenn Norris site here on PN, and the two links below. If you follow the strings in Glenn's site there is quite a lot

    of discussion around HDR. The little I have skimmed would indicate that its not a push over, needing patience, no small amount of tech understanding and plenty of willingness to apply fiddle factor. And an eye, which you certainly have.


    http://www.vanilladays.com/hdr-guide/ AND the links fm that site: http://www.vanilladays.com/hdr-guide/#credits




    This is going to be absolutely fascinating to see how you get on if you decide to investigate!! I have the day job which gets in the way (well thats my excuse)....so I'm counting on you to zoom ahead.


    Re the creative impasses - I wonder if you have an artisitc community some where near you. I know very little of Florida, I rather imagine there must be a gazillion, but could be sooooo wrong. I myself find that visiting craft shows, or art galleries, just set my head sparking ...not just sparking but fizzing, overflowing with ideas ...and I'm wondering if you had a access to a group whose standard was a) high and b) diverse, you might find motivation and pacing that one doesn't get working alone. I am not speaking of being competitive, but the energy of someone who is hell bent on creating is infectious, and personally speaking when I am exposed to such situations energy comes out, revitalises my own work in new ways and direction. I was speaking to interior architect recently and found very interesting her story about working in an open plan office of designers - they truly do take in ideas from the advanced and the newbies alike as a recognised part of the creative process, The open space they work in is how they make some of that exchange happen.


    If you told me you were taking up painting again, it would not surprise me.



    Very good to hear from you, you have been missed. Hope you are taking things easy, letting things mend as they need to. There is no speeding up nature.


    In fact this 'buzzy' little bee *is* in color above, near the bottom of the "springtime in Britain" folder. I tried to capture it as you say, with dark against light, but he was hopping around so much in the end I often end up pressing button and prayin'. Yes I left the stem in so there was a sense to what appeared in the picture, and in fact to echo the stamen in the flower, a similar splay of struts fanning outward from a central point.


    I have to say I don't find your shots at all mediocre, but we are sometimes our own worst critics. I think your work is art, derived from the botantical; it feels to me that you give it a meticulous approach which mine definitely does not have - all the more to admire in yours. (If you ever had the mind to try HDR photos I think they would be dynamite.)


    I'll post again soon. Please don't lose heart (!) or faith in what you have achieved so far and what you have yet to do.


    Best wishes, Mariellen

  2. yes, things like this tucked all over parts of Swansea especially in the regenerated docks/Marina area. This one down a drive probably no one sees it except a few that walk down there. Have done a little bit of scuba and its exactly how the bubbles look, so it caught my eye too.
  3. Colin, as a great fan of British country churches of all kinds, this picture and the discussion was very intersting. I'm not so sure I'd actually call it symmetrial either. The two staqined glass windows flanking he plain one, yes. But the lines of pews and indeed the brightest part of the pic, are classic golden mean on x anbd y axes. To me it didn tlook symmetrical until you said so!...

    Korean Fall Leaves

    I know what you are saying about mother nature. I think that if you throw ANY kind of PS treatments at a pic, you (anyone) has messed. If oyu had seen that green in real ife, you might have moved to anogther vantage point. Cropping, is similar, to messin'. My view is, go ahead and mess...and you're right, once you see the green, the eye is drawn to it ...you'd get some one else, far more experiunced in PS than I am, who might even bump up the lightness on the two major leaves ...etc etc. Well guess I've opened the pandora's box ..still a lovely pic..

    Korean Fall Leaves

    wonderful colors all the way through. If i was being very very very nitpicky, and you were looking to photoshop, i'd probably make the green part of the stem on rhs black like the rest of it, and clone out the bit of white on the right leaf. But what a gorgoeous picture, its very very nice.



    Can't resist taking shots of the trees in full bloom..makes me

    sneeze just to look at them!! Originally I had cranked up the

    saturation on this but decided it was better subtle so took it off

    again, leaving a pattern of light and shade to play - any thoughts

    for improvement?



    my kind of pic taken in my kind of weather as well. Love the green, grey and motion in this one.Not so many of these in my stuff but come the winter, there will be more. Great result for a handheld on that long lens. Good to see a fellow IBMer rocking the visual world.


    best wishes, Mariellen.

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