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Image Comments posted by dave.englund


    Absolutely wonderful composition. I am very much enjoying the swirling patterns that seem to lead me further into the image. And the contrasts of red-orange, rust-brown, deep blue and the white clouds are very, very pleasing. Congrats!
  1. Thanks so much for your kind words:-) Focusing on the charred tree trunk was sort of an experiment in focus point - trying a relatively small f/stop (f/20) while focusing about 1/3 into the field of view. When I viewed the image at home I wondered what to do with that tree trunk, and the interesting texture drew me to including it rather than trying to crop it out.
  2. I'm really enjoying the highlights in the image - the white sails and the white boat as well as their reflections, and there's just enough definition in the background to put the shot in context. Congrats! -dbe

    wooden fence

    I am enjoying the composition a lot. I just find myself wishing the logs had a bit more definition. Though I know finding that magic f/stop and DOF are challenging. I'm still trying to figure it out myself, and each lens seems to have it's best f/stop at various focal lengths. Still, very enjoyable.
  3. Why f/22? Ah, well Carsten...let's just say I'm still pretty much a newbie when it comes to serious landscape photography;-) This shot was one of several I took at a local area lake (about six blocks from my house) where I was practicing with hyperfocal focusing. Actually, after taking a critical look at the shot I embarked on some rather serious research that led to this post over at the Luminous Landscape discussion forum (my most disciplined experiment with hyperfocal focusing can be seen in this post). All of that is to say, you're right, f/22 is less than steller, I know that now;-)


    Still, this image turned out pretty good for one of my first serious attempts. I also had some success with applying a nic Efex warming filter to the shot. In the original the sky was blown out. I applied a graduated orange filter to the image overall, with most of the emphasis on the blown out sky. So, I am learning there are two parts to this creative process - what we do in the field with camera in hand, and what we do at the PC with mouse in hand;-)

  4. Very cool shot. I like the tilt to the right, and the moon really adds a another level of interest. And, of course the colors of the spring are great. Plus, I'm heading to Yellowstone for the first time myself in the near future, so this is really peaking my interest! Thanks.


    Composition has some merit, but the out of focus background is distracting rather than enhancing. Need to work on depth of field (DOF) and use hyperfocal distance technique so both foreground and background are in focus.
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