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Image Comments posted by dave.englund


    I like the composition very much. The boat in the foreground is wonderful. I'm also enjoying the dreamy quality produced by the slow shutter speed and moving water. And I'm partial to blues anyway, so I love the deep blue theme. Beautiful!

    Valley View

    I like the composition. But the foreground is too dark and the background is too light for my taste. Have you tried graduated ND filters? That would allow you to tone down the light and get a more even exposure overall. Just one man's taste though. I think these mountains need to be my next trip! ;-)

    Clinging On

    Ian, I really like the powerful diagonal lines in the image. I also like the texture of the rocks. The color, which varies little, seems to give it a one dimensional quality though. I wonder what it might look like in B&W. Just a thought. Congrats.

    Reflections (4)

    Seems like a fine image as is. But, I think I see another story here. A crop perhaps down the middle, leaving the dark side of the large rock and the left side of the image in tact with the four compatriots. Then, name it "Friends!" Congrats.



    It's pretty much unlimited Terry. Here's a blurb that I found at the top of my upload page...


    You are a subscriber, and your quota is currently unlimited . With a Gallery portfolio of 47 photos, using 29 megabytes of storage, you are within your quota. See Guidelines on Allowed Number and Size of Photos.


    I have uploaded images larger than 1024 wide, but since it makes it hard for folks to see the whole image on screen I've gotten into the habit of resizing everything so its no wider than 1024. That's still big enough so there's enough detail to pretty well judge an image. I think membership was only $25/yr. I throw that much away on stuff I never use, so figured "why not?" -Dave Englund


    Nice DOF and sharpness in light of the fact that you were on a moving platform! The sky feels a bit blown out. Maybe a specific selection and tweak the levels on the sky? If there were more blue there it would really balance out the shot.


    I like the image. But can't give it more than 5/5 because of the size - not possible to view critically at the current size. Anyway, nice shot!

    Framed Roots

    Well, I'm either too generous with 7/s, or there's too many talented and creative people posting tonight! And, this is another fantastic image:-) Awesome composition. Wonderful color. Amazing textures due to outstanding DOF. Congrats!
  1. I like it! I was trying to decide if the old street sign was too prominent (running into the tops of the buildings), but considering the subtle symbolism (a cross) it seems fitting that it would have the overshadowing position. Congrats!


    Yea, I agree. The water moving over that rock in the foreground is sooo cool, and the water swirling all around it is spellbinding. I'm really enjoying your technique with giving water movement. Now stop making it look so easy! ;-)
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