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Posts posted by rashed

  1. <p>My friend Gordon, thank you and your image done in the conversional dark room the way it is, superb my friend and to me it is not the same, 2 major elemets here are far different than the one on the first page with my full reespect to every one, the eyes and the lips makes the high key her stand up in its full form.<br>

    Thank you my friend and wishing you all of the best.</p>

  2. <p>I was always refering to non rating images, at the moment there is no POW without rating, even this is out of what is more important which is the real photography which I been aiming at, still the POW could well be 2 instead of 1.</p>

    <p>I have sugessted this before as matter of a personnel interest no more, one rised by the elvis and other left for the members to choise from 3 images , this way we have POW a week, and it is also why not a photo without rating, many here now a days do not let the rating option open because of the rating un controlled procedure.<br>

    This is just my personnel ideas, might sound crazy and not exceptable to my friends here but why not me and other feel free to express our selve while living in what suposed to be a free world.</p>

  3. <p>My friend, <a href="http://www.photo.net/photodb/user?user_id=1562599">John Galuszka</a> and my friend, <a href="http://www.photo.net/photodb/user?user_id=714827">John Shriver</a>, thank you a lot for your help, I did see inside the flixable black plate saying 120 now.</p>

    <p>The Toyo 6X7 I have received recently from B&H did not fit my Toyo Field 45 CF camera, there must have been another frame to fit it with, I did ordered and received earlier the horseman back , thats 6X9 which is fitting into my camera but thats 220 not 120 and we do not have 220 films avialble, I would prefer the 120 films as I made a large order and bought alot while in Thailand.<br>

    I do have the sliding frame work with the Mamiya 6X9 back for my Toyo View camera and I am not sure if this frame work and back can or not fit the Toyo Field 45 CF.</p>

  4. <p>I did my friend Jeff, I been brought up working in a dark room with my father, I did all sort of work in a dark room, thats still remain within the original photography process, I have my own full equiped conversioanl dark room.</p>

    <p>My friend thank you for your input and please except my respect for your person and my best regards and wish's for the new year.</p>

  5. <p>I did this input here because I see the original photography for some people loosing its quality, ok we modernize and live into the world we are in today, this is very human and I have no complain with his but I still love to see the world of photography maintaining its originality and those who do not have the faith to work digital while still and will continue to shoot images with their cameras , specially those whom are still shooting films, those people shall be given the same attention, attention given to the digital world.</p>

    <p>It is clear now a days, that an image which is not digitalized hardly been look at by most people here, but those people I do not look at as being attached to the Art Of Photography, that why who ever do the picking and posting of the POW should been different and should have been photographers and not just digital world programmers or so on.</p>

    <p>My all respect still mantained for every one .</p>

  6. <p>Dear friend <a href="http://www.photo.net/photodb/user?user_id=423056">Michael Chang</a>, I have some very nice images here on photo.net, the question why don't you call yourself a photographer ?</p>

    <p>There are people here with no images at all or with some very low skill 3 or 4 images and they still call themself photographers and photographic teachers ?</p>

    <p>This is the case here in my part of the world, there are the same people , they teach photography, wrong photography and people unfortunatly beleive in them where at the end f the day, those teachers do teach nothing and those learning from them never learn any thing right.</p>

    <p>I been added on one our photographic forums as photographic teacher, on another forum, a gest of honers, but I am not so and tried to make those people than I am not so, I can only help with what I know no more, I always loved photography as I have seen my father practising it the whole of his life and I did have my hand on some of the world best cameras and lenses, but I never wanted to live for photography, this is my hobby, this is what fells my spare times, this is what keeps me away from other bad things in life and this is what makes me focus on the beauty of God Creations _ but I am not a photographer.</p>

    <p>Dear <a href="http://www.photo.net/photodb/user?user_id=423056">Michael Chang</a>, with the quality of your images here, yes, you can call your self a photographer other wise I would call you so with great respect.</p>

    <p>I do not understand, some people when they say they are photographers on this thread while having only 8 photographs of the same intenral lay out and all of them luck the compelete composition, light and so on, all of them 8 non of them have that picture with frame in side the cader, Oh, my xxxx how such aperson so easily call him self a photographer , are we into cheating others or cheating our selves, do such statment makes fool of us or we just fool ourselve ?</p>

    <p>I am so sorry but I learnt here from some very high quality people to tell what I feel is right and never be scared of the income.</p>

    <p> </p>

  7. <p>Good Evening every one , my friends.<br />Last 5 or six weeks we been seeing images of POW which are all been manuplated digitally or by some other sources, why don't we see original images which are not been manuplated and left for discussion where as the real photography measures are concerned, like exposure valus, composition, DOF, perspective, tones and so one.</p>

    <p>I am not against manuplation work, I do a lot of it my self, but for biggerners it is nice to guide them through the basic princibles of photography before getting them into mauplation work or even conversional dark room work, isnt that how should the begginers start to improve their talent and skill ?</p>

    <p>There are so many whom posting their images orignals as been shot and they also deserve to have their images posted fot discussions, or am I wrong ?</p>

    <p>Thank you my friends and wishing you all of the best.</p>

  8. <p>Since I bought my Toyo view camera, I had with it 2 setes of 6X9CM backs with the sliding adopters for the focusing screens.<br>

    I still could not find weather these 6X9cm backs are of the 120 or 220 types, there is nothing mentioned on the backs also there is no such thing as ,odel type that I can searh for it on the net.<br>

    They do have small numbers which more looks like a serial number than the type of the backs.<br>

    Today I have received the toyo 120 6X7 bak for my toyo field CF camera , but if the mamiya ones are of the 120 type, I would prefer using then for the sacke of the 6X9cm format.<br>

    Is there an internal way to find out what these back are designed for 220 or 120 or should I take a photo of thm and post them here may some one can figure them out ?</p>

    <p>Thank you and wishing you all of the best .</p>

  9. <p>Thanks to all of you my friend, My friend Micheal , I have also noticed those spots while using the stop bath after the developer when processing prints, I will use the water continuse water is ok for me , I have the running water in the dark room my friend and I also have heater with temperature controller which I thing will do maintain the same temp. as the other chemical.<br>

    I do appreciate all of the technical information given by my friend <a href="http://www.photo.net/photodb/user?user_id=4774668">Alan Marcus</a>, and if the ratio been maintained correctly by mixing the vinegar and the water , it might also not result in causing those spots, it is just I still did not understand in case I do need the stop vinegar bath how much vinegar I need to add to one liter of water, please.</p>

    <p>Thank you all , I do appreciate all of the inputs.</p>

  10. <p>Long time back I used vinegar as stop bath for print developing, I do not know if it is necessary to use the stop between the developer and fixer while processing B/W film or not and what would be the effect if the stop bath not been used during the process.</p>

    <p>Would the food vinegar be good to use as a stop both or not, or it is not necessary in the first place, I am so sorry, this is the best I could manage to explain my need English wise.</p>

    <p>Wishing you all of the best.</p>

  11. <p>I have recently made number of orders with B&H and found this Live Chat thing is very successful, the people at B&H also been responding to me in a great and very friendly manners.<br>

    I have today requested them to speed up my latest order as I am going on holiday for a while and need to receive my order before I leave here, I only finished making order yestrday but just few mints back I have received an Email confirming that my order already been shipped which also having a trackng number from UPS and it did show on UPS tracking system.<br>

    This Chat channel I beleive has made a great different specailly for people like me being very away from the State and I must thank B&H people for their great job.</p>

  12. <p>My friend <a href="http://www.photo.net/photodb/user?user_id=419409">Edward Ingold</a>, I tried my best to losen the eye piece as been told here, it turns haf turn with the blind in position but it do not turn any more, the only thing for me was missing is the battery was not inside the camera, as soon as I installed the battery the eye piece turn on until its fully open that with the blind closed.<br>

    But I will try it again my friend to make sure I was not wrong again and not to miss guide any one.</p>


  13. <p>Thank you very much my friend Shun, I will try it now.<br>

    Yes my friends it did open now, I was not having the battery inside the camera earlier, this is may bw why it did not work.</p>

    <p>Thank you a lot and wishing you all of the best.</p>

  14. <p>I understand that there is a lock to prevents accidental removal of the eyepiece, but now to install the zigview I need to remove the eyepiece and I do not know how to release that lock facilitiy, I would approcaite it if some one could help me with that.<br>

    Thank you and wishing you all of the best. <br /></p>

  15. <p>I will not let the rating bother me by any means, it is the community input to my images ( their comments ) in this site which makes me progress and improve, I would prefer been told whats wrong with my image in order for me to avoid it in the future than some one just telling me or writting WooW on my image which is meangless and of no much help to me.<br>

    Happy New Year to every one and to photo.net</p>

  16. <p>Very nice statment from my friend</p>

    <p > </p>

    <p ><a href="../photodb/user?user_id=5245443">John A</a></p>


    <p>One way to look at it is to just call yourself whatever you like as we all know that others will call us whatever they want</p>

    <p>while we been going through our electrical engineering practical study with the National Power in England, we had to go through a first aid course for 2 days on compeletion of the course one of our group students, went missing for a week and I been asked to go to his place and ask him why he do not attend his classes.<br>

    So I went to him and asked him the same question, he stright away told me that he no more need to be an electrical engineer any more after receving his first aid cirtificate, he told me that he is now a doctor and he like to practise medical with his ciritficate !</p>

    <p>2 or 3 or 10 images here of makes no photographer of a person, some times I feel that there is so much in this art than just few photos.<br>

    I am learning bits and pieces but I can not call myself a photographer, I do not dream during the day while the sun above my head but live my day in according to my capabilities and understanding.</p>


  17. <h1 >Mamiya 220 Film Back </h1>

    <p > </p>

    <p >I kow there is a press plate problem if I use 220 film on a 120 back but what I do not know, will there be a problem if I used 120 film on 220 back, please ?</p>

    <p > </p>

    <p >Thank you and wishing you all of the best.</p>

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