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Image Comments posted by kopi


    very strong photo. like the slightly higher angle and how the girl is right in the middle, really pulling all the attention towards her. Nice dof too



    First of all think this is outstanding work. I believe I haven't seen your photos before, so definately need to catch up. Guess Magritte's influence is quite obvious here, but that's no critique.

    some details bother me a bit though : somehow the size/dimensions/scale of the man vs the ladder vs the tree doesn't seem right. Basically the man seems too tall. If the rope is supposed to run to the ladder, then it doesn't feel quite right to me (it rather seems to run to something behind the umbrella, and hidden by it, up in the sky). Last, somehow I miss the handle sticking out from under the umbrella.

    Still, this is all assuming that what you are portraying here is a man about to walk the rope with the umbrella in his hand. And perhaps my assumption is wrong to start with. It's also quite surreal, so perhaps the details I mention were exactly meant to look that way. Or worse, perhaps this is a 1 shot photo, unmanipulated, meaning all the above are the words of a fool :o)

    But back to the first sentence, as I don't want you to get the wrong impression... this is outstanding and eye-catching work.




    he he... aren't we people funny creatures.

    Having said that, I would undoubtebly be standing right with them doing exactly the same thing if I were there :o)

    good observation of la condition humaine


    just had a look at the other two 'kids faces' in your portfolio. and find this one has a very different feel. the others are very amusing, where as this one actually has something chilling. Almost like a still from a horror movie. but they are all very good


    Same here. very good photo, but with some reservations about the vignetting and especially the white outlining of the man in the fg that is a bit too obvious. but overall a pleasure to look at.

    Colors of Lisbon


    One of the better photos I've seen today. works on three levels. There is the backdrop with all the windows, doors, colors, lines and shapes. there is the action going on in front of it, and finally the little scenery inside.

    Terrific. One thing... I might be wrong, but it seems to me this has a slight counter clockwise slant. the pavement looks straight but the lines in the house don't. Think it would be better the other way around.

    Anyway, congrats on a terrific photo

    Portrait (color)

    allthough quality wise they are the same, the previous one had more impact for me. In that one he looked like a mob boss. here the pose makes him look more slick. Because of the cinematographic quality I prefer the former impression. But still good


    Good photo. the determination in the front boy's face basically makes it. but live the inclusion of the fathers in the bg. They seem to be as relevant to this photo as the motorcycles.

    Jovenes monjes

    this is a very good one, my favourite of your Thailand photos. almost like a sequence shot, with the orange of the robes standing out nicely against the temple ruins. The long format goes well here as well

    clovni in paradis


    love the scene you captured. Very strong composition as well, with the inclusion of the clown leaning against the wall and especially that one clown popping his head in on the right (amusing in itself).

    What I don't like is the bg... or at least what you did with it.


    Like the stark contrasting b&w tones. And can't think of anything even slightly negative to say about the model or her pose. My nibble is the blurring of the bg. quite well done around the hair, but find it a bit sloppy around the hand.
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