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Image Comments posted by kopi

  1. excellent observation and both subjects are very well placed within the frame. One immediately makes the link between them.

    What is the tale behind that statue ? Looks very interesting, allthough I'm not sure I want to walk past it with my little daughter lol


    I find the scene in itself interesting enough, but regrettably the PS blur on the background, which I find rather sloppily done, ruins the photo for a big part for me. Thought it would be better to explain the rather low score
  2. excellent photo. like the up-close viewpoint, without losing a strong composition. that bit of motion blur is a bonus in this case. And good that you retained some detail in the background. Very beautiful
  3. It's a great photo in the sense that the moment you captured is really fab, but in my opinion it is somewhat ruined by your post processing. It mainly bothers me with the boy. I suppose you wanted to make him stand out more from the bg, but for me you overdid it. Now it just feels like you cut and pasted him from another picture. It feels fake. And as he's an important part of the photo, it (partly) ruins the picture and viewing experience for me.

    I prefer b&w btw, but think both versions suffer from the same problem.

  4. My humble submissions and kind request, please justify your so poor rating on my work " The hands of Alchemist" or please upgrade your ratings, Koen my friend!

    Best regards and let us be friends, sorry if I ever offended you with my poor ratings, Mr.Koen Pieters,



    The custom of receiving nothing but an exuberance of praise must have started to lead you to believe "good" and "very good" are in fact an insult of your work.

    As for your insult, comfortably hidden in honeyed words, suggesting my 'poor' rating would be my vengeance for a poor rating you once might have given me... nice try, but no cigar :o)


    Good photo btw


    Case closed






    Very beautiful portrait. More a classical portrait than the typical "look, a homeless guy" kinda thing. For me it's a portrait of a man... who happens to be homeless. Anyway, very beautiful


    Very much enjoyed viewing this. when the photo opened - top part first - I was quite disappointed at first, that same top part being rather uninteresting. but then the downward scrolling made it all very relevant. It's all about the bottom part, be it that the top part has to be there to make the overall sense of perspective, patterns and distance work. a little gem of a photo.
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