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Image Comments posted by afshinazizi



    Wow the wonderful lighting on her face...
    and the happy smiling...
    Like this work...

    Hello Alberto my friend, how are?
    I really missed you in all moments of being far from P.N
    Wish to be here more and also see, enjoy and learn from you and your works... 

  1. Hiiii Pnina
    How are my friend?
    Like the concept in this work, the way you are showed the man at the end of the line, the darkness infront of him and light at the back show that there is no more hope and happines in his life the maybe no more reasons to continue this life, and the best way, ending this life...
    Inspiring work...
    keep on working conceptual...;) 



    Oh hello friend of past years...
    Really happy to see your critique on my work and happy yet you remember me... .
    Thanks alot, i like and try to be active  here again after long times of being far from P.N... ;)

    Thanks again



    Thanks alot Stan, Im happy you feeld same as me about noise, darklighting&...
    Yeah, after along time being far from P.N i see yet unjustify raters are rating like their past... and the moderator of P.N hasn't yet tried to solved it by stopping recent rating froum and... .

    Thanks again
    Best Wishes 




    Really wonderful work
    Everything is perfect.
    I really miss you and your works...
    Wish to see your new uploads here on P.N at 2011
    Best wishes from Iran 

    All Green



    Che axe khoobi, manzreye vaghean zibaee dare in tasvir va ranghaye ziba.

    Fekr konam age rah dasht " mane ee nabood" va mishod kadr ro bishtar be chap charkhoond behtarazinam mishod!

    TFS Nima joon :)



    Oh, what a bad news!

    I can't belive it, can't belive missing you my dear friend.

    It was always a honor for me to know such a great friend like you, I've learned alot from you and what I've learned from you with be a great Guide for me in my life.

    after long times being far from P.N kow i would come your portfolio and say hi again to yoou, my dear friend, but know i am seeing bad news in comment. i'm really sad and shocked in this news my friend.

    Rest In Peace my lovely friend :(

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