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Image Comments posted by gjhigh

    The Old Lion

    Cool photo the broken nose drifting eye, the battle scar's are very dramatic. Lighting is superb, a very strong image.I would like to have had the rest of the hat included in the photo but that is just my personal preference.
  1. Great Social Commentary, I have been finding the same kind of impact around a lake I like to fish. Something I did notice about this photo. First thing a little strange is the beer bottles all have caps on them, no self respecting beer drinking party animal would put a cap back on an empty beer,also the water bottles still have water in them. Some one must of scared the litterbugs away just before you came upon the scene. You scored some brews huh?



  2. Left side verse Right side, Good verse Evil? Click on view Large to

    see a better representation of the photo. If you don't like it why? I

    took the original used each side of the face duplicated it flipped the

    copy combined for L and R.


    Cute Kids great expressions on their faces I have a couple of things that I see that could have made the shot for me, I would like to not have had the little boys shoe cut off the bottom of the photo, if you could have just pulled back just another foot or 15 CM's and if it could be straitened just a bit. Otherwise just an outstanding photo.
  3. Why Rate a Photo Low or Medium and not tell what you don't like about it? I can see if you rate a Photo high you think it is good no explanation is necessary. I always would like to have an idea of how to improve a photo. I figure if you put your work up for review you should be able to take the hits and learn from it.



    Very Interesting, I will have to think about this one for a while, it reminds me of an expressionism style of painting and I can not for the life of me pick out the artists name from the dank realm of misfiring neurons encapsulated in my thick skull. But definitely expressionism in style and definitely art work and nicely done.



    Mining Giants

    I also, would not crop the photo, I would like to have seen the point of focus centered on the face of the workman He is a little blurred where the wheel hub is quite sharp, over all very good photo.



    Love the framing job it really enhances the flower I also like the softness of the photo great color. I think this works very well nice setup and delivery.


    through the grass


    Awe, to be where you never have a shortage of magnificent sunsets to capture. Great contrast and color, plus lovely artistic placement of the grass and sun. Wall Hanger!


  4. We didn't have it to bad ,kind of worried about the basement flooding but the pump kept it dry. Just 15 to 25 minutes down the road a lot of folks lost everything.Osawatomie Kansas is totally under water the highest ground is where the "Kansas Insane Asylum" is located. The town is surrounded by two rivers the Osage and Potawatomie. There is an Indian legend stating that a village in between two rivers cannot be touched by a tornado, since there is a body of water on each side. A tornado has never touched down in Osawatomie. I guess the native Americans that got booted out of the area are having their last laugh. They didn't explain to the founding fathers that the big sucking wind may not get you but we can't wait till you get a big rain. :}P.S. I could hold out for a day or two as long as the basement stays pumped out, around 400 bottles of home made wine down there to sample.



    You can't really appreciate the detail in this photo until you view it in the large mode. I like the detail of the front door, a few two many mason jars of clear stuff and they got the door upside down. Looks like the oval should have been a window. Did the original photo have more landscape in it? In some ways I would like to see what it would look like with a bit tighter crop on the right and just below the stairs. I think it would make the shot more dramatic and intriguing. Just my opinion, good capture great contrast and detail.






    I like this, if the cross is a grave marker it is creepy enough in its own right but the IR really ups the spooky atmosphere of the shot. The horizon seems to be tilted to the left just a bit. The person must have been a blacksmith do you have any info on the grave date etc., just curious?


  5. Not the photo the sign, It breaks my heart being a bank fisherman.

    Great photo the clarity of the sign and background. Interesting that the boat was the dominate item in the photo for me I had to pull back to see the sign. That type of thing always gets me in trouble you see a great looking pond get ready to hop the fence then a farmer comes and points out a no fishing sign.

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