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Image Comments posted by gjhigh

    Rob Portrait


    Looking for Critiques and Comments.

    What can I do to improve this? Taken with natural lighting removed

    background color due to wanting to pull the subject out of

    surroundings that blended with the subject.


    Have to say I really like this one, the color is very good and I like where you have framed the clump of grass. Nicely done. I would like to see the sky just a little bit different it looks just a little to white on my monitor. I think I would try to adjust the contrast or darken it just a little.


    I like the detail and the fade on this photo I think you really get an idea of how it would feel to have a gun pointed at you. Looking down the barrel I think all you could focus on would be exactly what you captured. I also like your color rendition of this one, good shooting.


    Plenty of character in this photo, you have captured three very distinct individual personalities and they are sure visible. I would like to see just a little less shadow on the faces not necessarily a fill flash maybe a reflector to lighten up the right side of their faces.
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