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Image Comments posted by gjhigh

    Boys' dream


    Marco, Great capture this photo should have a story with it.  Love the colors and contents I see a guitar in the background the walls look to be old cooler doors, the upper ones could be speakers. 


    Abstract Dragonfly



     Great abstract they are one of my favorite bugs to try to capture images of. I had one land on my lap top when I was in Austin Texas this weekend sitting  on  my son in laws deck, he stayed and allowed me to run my finger along his body 5 or six times just like he was a cat getting a little petting. A first for me.



    I love it, digital art is one of my favorite things not only do you take a photo then you put life into it by doing something unique. The colors are exquisite.



    Tia Maria


    My eye is drawn to the room behind the lady, the lighting  IMHO isn't balanced enough to make her be the primary focus. The harsh highlights on the left side of her body and wall. I like how the photo tells a bit about her the religious Icons on the wall and flowers on the table. I think if the door was closed it may have put more focus on her. That's just my observations in a nut shell for all its worth. Still a good photo I like it.


    My Daughter



    Thank you so much for sharing your daughters photo site. I am recovering from back surgery and needed something to take my mind off of just being stuck here in Kansas and not being able to even drive. Being home bound is giving me time to at least look and learn from others on line.  Great work on her part she has a very good eye and perspective and a very inspiring web design.

    Greg Highberger


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