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Posts posted by Rene11664880918

  1. I'm not sure how silly your question is but I know I have an even sillier one.....

    I can't figure out how to set the WB on my camera. I've tried to use AUTO but I never like the results. I usually try many settings and test shot until I find the one I like at most. No matter how much I read about it I don't get it. For instance If I shoot under a incandescent light, I'm supposed to set it in incandescent and using 1/3 EV steps, am I supposed to go - or +? I read that you go + to make it warmer or - to make it cooler. Theorycally it makes sense but I can't get it right until I have test shot about 6 times! So far that I like about RAW coz I just adjust it on Lightroom but I don't really need 10M pictures. I'd rather use a gray card but my card is very old and it doesn't look gray anymore, I just need to find a new one. shooting with film I never had this much problem. I'm not sure if what I'm saying makes sense! I just hope someone understands what I mean and could give me a hint in how to make that process shorter! Like a formula or something!

  2. Just curious! When I download the pictures from the camera (D80) into my PC I

    usually connect the USB cable, turn on the camera and explorer opens up

    automatically. Then I just copy the folder and re-name it. I can as well do

    almost the same with the SD card, just place into the build in drive and

    explorer opens up. I think doing it with the SD card is easier and faster. So,

    I was wondering, taking the cards in and out from the camera and the PC would

    cause any wearing or a malfunction to either one (camera, cards, PC)? I guess

    the same goes with the USB cable, plugging in and out on the camera and also

    the USB hub on the PC. Any comments on this?

  3. First of all, thank you guys for the info! Yeah! The 28-70 it's really big and heavy, over 900g. I went around and I was very lucky, I think, coz I found a 35-70 in a small store. The owner told me that lense was used only a few times IN THE STORE ONLY and coz it's an old lens he used put it on sale with the used stuff! I don't know if it is true but I only paid about 230 USD which I thought it was better than buying a Tamron or Sigma. It looks brand new and it comes with 1 year Nikon warranty. I thought for that price I should give it a try and if later on I really want the 28-70 then I'll buy it but I think this will be good enough! Well, THANKS!
  4. Recently I bought an ED 80-200 F2.8D(New) and I?m really please with it BUT

    now half of the time I need a wider lens.

    I went to the shop to see and try the AF-S ED 28-70 F2.8D(IF) but even the

    clerk asked me if I was sure that is the lens that I want. Then he pulled out

    a Sigma 24-60 F2.8 EX DG. Then he showed me the catalog of a Sigma 24-70 F2.8

    EX DG Macro, Tamrom SP AF 28-75 F2.8 XR Di LD IF Macro and Tokina 28-80 F2.8

    Now the thing is I can get either one of these 4 glasses for 1/3 of the price

    of the Nikon one. I came home to check any posts about the Nikon lens but what

    I found go back to 1999 and basically what they say is that it is great but I

    couldn?t find anything comparing to those other I just mentioned. Also, they

    were talking about a 35-70 F2.8 but I can?t find that in any store homepage

    here. Any advise and comments will be very appreciated! Thank you very much!

  5. Maybe you haven't read the last post, the first store I checked I think they haven't updated their home page. The second store I looked up they already have them there. the third camera Panasonic Lumix LZ7 32,800 Yen. The price she will find will be almost the same everywhere coz they are brand new and as far as I know Casio cameras are very popular. Good luck!
  6. Matt screen! Got it! Yeah! it might not make sence! I take many pictures of Nishikikoi (Fancy carp) I e-mail them to costumers on the spot! My lap top is old and I need a new one, I can get a PC but I want to try Apple, new chalenge! Yes, I use a portable hard disk too. Thank you guys!
  7. Hi Henry! If you are looking for a compact camera tell your relative to go to a electronic store. Uhmm! She can find any of the follow anywhere in Japan: YAMADA DENKI, K?fs DENKI, LAOX, JOSHIN, SHINDEN, KOJIMA DENKI, PC DEPOT. Anywhere she goes she will find them. All of those stores are always kicking each other selling as cheap as they can trying to call as many costumers as they can. I don?ft know about those models you are saying but just last years about 10 of my European costumers bought Casio cameras here in Japan coz they say they are cheaper than in Europe. These costumers were British, Italians, and Dutch. EXILIM CARD EX-S770RD I just check on the net and this is the latest they have, maybe different name in Europe, the price is 42,700 Yen. The latest Panasonic is LUMIX DMC-FX50-K and it has the same price!
  8. No argue about that Mike! You are correct! I also long time ago bought Adobe Acrobat 5.0 and they expend time and money developing Acrobat 8 but for the use I have of Acrobat 5 I won?ft expend more money buying 8. 5 is all I need! Photoshop, I have bought 5,7 and CS2. I love it, and I keep buying it again. About Lightroom, I love it and I don?ft mind buying it, to be honest, making my company buy it for me. I was just really wondering how different the release for sale is. I?fm sure I didn?ft read the fine print, the beta will stop working at the end of the month? Will Lightroom be release before the end of the month or there will be gap where we can not have either one?

    Hey, sorry if I said anything wrong!

  9. Please don?t be upset! I know this question should be in some other forum but

    I know many or should I say MOST of you use Apple computers, besides I know

    all of you are always willing to help and YES! I?m lazy to be looking for an

    apple forum. Anyway, I?m a windows user, I have 2 desk tops and 1 lap top. I

    decided the lap top gotta go and since I?ve always wanted to try an Apple I

    decided to get an iBook pro. I only use my lap top to get my mail when I?m on

    the road and since I got my DSLR they are always together to download and fix

    my pics. So, basically the lap top will be only for mail, CS2 and Lightroom.

    I?m only waiting for the new OS (Leopard) to come out and I will buy it. My

    question is: looking at Apples home page they give me the option of getting a

    GLOSSY screen. I was reading all about it and I don?t understand. To make it

    easy, to play around with CS2 and Lightroom WHICH SCREEN SHOULD I GET? And why

    I always get an (?) instead of (') here? Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

  10. I think it was in January when I downloaded Adobe Lightroom Beta 4.0 I think.

    Well, I love it! I don?t even remember when was the last time I used CS2!

    Anyway, now Adobe Photoshop Lightroom will be on sale, cool. My question is,

    myself being just an amateur and not trying to become a pro photographer

    should I pay to have this great software or should I just keep enjoying my

    free Lightroom Beta software? I mean, is it different? Is it so much better?

    Also, what?s with CS3 Beta? I?m just getting used to CS2, should I now get

    CS3? Hey! Thanks for any inputs on this! Take care guys!

  11. I was working so I didn?ft get in details when I posted my last message. This may be useful to any one else coming to Japan. If you are buying anything in any specialist store, for instance a camera in a camera shop, always get a catalog. In the catalog you will find the makers retail price. The system in Japan works like this: The makers, let?fs say Nikon doesn?ft sale directly to any store, they sale to wholesalers and the wholesalers to the stores. If the retail price of a camera says 100,000 Yen the SUGESTED wholesale price will be around 50% of the retail price (50,000 Yen) and the store might be getting it around 5% under the suggested wholesale price (47,500 Yen). Now if you keep that in mind, take a look at the price they are asking and NEVER be afraid to ask for a better price. After you get a better price you can make an offer. Make sure the offer you make doesn?ft upset them (Be reasonable). This rule applies to chain stores and individual stores too. The only places you can not ask discount are at what they call here HOME CENTERS, uhmmm! Stores like Target, K-Mart, Sears. Which reminds me, in this called home centers you can get good prices in camera KITS like a Nikon D80 and a 18-70 lens kit but they don?ft sale just lenses or just cameras and you won?ft find accessories either. Just in case you are wondering, I know all this coz that is what I do for living in Japan. My family owns a wholesale company. Also don?ft try to get better prices in anything that is around 100 USD coz you won?ft get any. In small accessories you will pay retail price. Also, if you find any new discontinue models, let?fs say a Nikon D70?fs you might get a really good price, they might even pay you to take it! (Joke). I hope this help you or any one else coming here!
  12. Hi there! I live in Japan and I can tell you that you won?t save any money buying in here UNLESS you really know where to buy. Big stores have the same prices everywhere (+ or ? a few bucks). They will match the price of any other store if you tell them. If you know the place, especially in Tokyo you can find small shops then can give you a better price IF they have in stock what you are looking for. If you want used equipment you can find it very cheap in very good condition (even with warranty). I will suggest you take a look at the big stores: KAMERA NO KITAMURA, YODOBASHI KAMERA, BIG KAMERA, and a few other but do it for fun coz if you are coming from the States you won?t save money. If you are coming from Europe you my fight good deals. Good luck and enjoy your trip!
  13. Thomas's choice was the one I was going to recommend! I'm not sure what kind of phones you got in the States but in Japan all phones come with very good cameras. If you could get a Sharp they are the best on this side of the word. Here is a picture taken with a Sharp phone with a 3.2M camera.
  14. I agree with Evans, the battery grip gives me a good balance with my 80-200 2.8 lens. About the flash I got the sb-600 but some how I don't like using it, I should had bought a faster lens instead. The remote control or the cable release is a must when you shoot with the 200 lens. Then again, as Anthony said "If you have to ask you might not need it" Have fun!
  15. Thanks everybody! I ordered the Martin Evening book, they will send it on Monday (Amazon). I also ordered the Bruce Fraser books but they don't have them so it's going to take about 3 weeks to get them. Yes, I like Scott Kelby's books, specially the way he explains things, it's so easy to understand and his humor too.

    Well, Thank you all!

  16. OK. Here are a few shots:




    This was taken as JPG and the noise level was less.




    From here on they are all RAW and none of them had been Photoshopped beside changing the format to JPG. Noise is much higher here. This is what I meant by being to tight. my son is almost out of the frame.




    This shots are not the best but they were the average. And the last shot, well, I was tired of shooting at kids, this seemed more interesting at the moment!




    Thanks for your advice! Regards!

  17. Mark! Dan! Are you guys around? My son played today and finally I got the chance to use the new glass!Well, Mark... you don't have to worry anymore coz I'm happy with the results. As you told me I set the camera on continuous and dynamic AF mode. also this time set the white balance on tungsten light instead of auto like the first time. I also set the noise filter BUT I'm not sure if I did it right. I set it on HIGH. As far as I know the shots are not great but there is a big improvement. I just have to get used to shoot basket ball games. I have a few problems.

    1-. This time I was down in the court and the 80-200 was too much. I had no room to play with the zoom and it was tight.

    2-. I shot JPEG and for the first time RAW too but there is so much noise. More than before. Was I supposed to set the filter in LOW?

    3-. As I said I set the white balance at tungsten but I didn't want to touch the value so I left it at "0". The pictures came out a bit too blue I think, maybe not, coz the walls and the floor was blueish already, you tell me please!

    4-. I was shooting on Shutter Priority mode 1/250 at F2.8 but I didn't have the time to go buy a monopod and a tripod was out of the question and the result was a lot of blurred pictures. I'll be more prepared next time.

    I can't download any shots right now coz my son is playing on my desk top and my lap top will freeze if I open those pictures in here. I'll do it as soon as I can.

    If you guys can tell me about those settings I will appreciate it or you can wait until you see a couple of shots.

    Thanks in advance!

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