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Posts posted by Rene11664880918

  1. Rene?. Rene? I feel like talking to myself! He!he! Yeah! That Epson Stylus Pro RX 700 must be something like what I was talking about, just different model or something. I think 8x10 must be something like A4 size paper or very close. That would be just what I need coz as I said before I don't do any professional work, only personal in a hobby level. Thanks for the input.


    Paulo, hey! Thanks, BTW I do back up my files in DVD and in auxiliary HD. I'll try to find out about those dedicated film scanners, the truth is I have never seen one and as I read here in the forum they don't have them everywhere. I will look into it and also your advice about ordering scan at the print shop sounds good. I didn't know they do that. I will look into that too. Thank you all and don't be upset if I show up again asking dumb questions!


    Regards, Rene'

  2. I think Conrad is right! If cash is the problem you should just wait. I have only got rid of two glasses in 25 years, 1 was an Osawa lens. I bought it coz it was cheap but after I shot a roll of film with it I never used it again. The second was an FD tele-converter. I found out the hard way thet it was better to buy a longer lens. The lenses that I like I can't sell them even if I don't use them. So, Yeah! If you like what you have keep it and wait. If you didn't like them that would be a different story
  3. Hi again every one! It's always nice to find people trying to help! Thank you! Here is a picture of those printers I'm talking about. They are more than printer and scanner together, they are also color copy machines, they have infrared receivers built in (I can just use the infrared transmitter in my mobile phone to make prints of pictures I've taken with it), come with a card readers built in, etc. On the picture you can see the flat head scanner looking lid, inside it has the accessories for 35mm film. I'm sure they are not that great coz they cost just around 400 USD.


    Anyway, what Upe Vantonni said is exactly what I do with my digital files. I save them by the month or by the especial event and if I shoot with film I want to keep the files together otherwise I'll end up with photo albums, slides and DVD's all over the house. I don't do any professional work, photography it's been just a hobby for the past 25 years.


    Beau Hooker? What is ?sub-par?? I'm sorry, but I'm just getting into the scanning part of the trade and that doesn't ring any bells! The second part is what I was thinking about. Have the films processes in a lab without printing them and then just do the rest at home. I don?t print much at all. Let?s say I only print about 10% of what I shoot, maybe less, but I keep everything in my drives and DVD's. In the past, before I had a digital camera sometimes I would scanned a few pictures, directly from the PRINT to send to friends but NOT every single copy.


    I?m sorry to be such a pain in the neck but I have no idea of what I?m getting into. I just know I don?t want to give up my film cameras. Thanks for all your help.

  4. Since I bought a DSLR I haven't been shooting with film anymore. Where ever I

    go I only take with me a D-80 and I leave home my two film cameras (T90 & AE-

    1P). Basically it's just coz I can comeback home and store in a hard drive

    whatever I got right away. I don't like the idea of neglecting my film cameras.

    Is it possible to shoot film, develop it and scan it so I can stored it

    together (chronologically) with my digital files? I went to the store to check

    some Epson printers, there are 3 types that come with a film scanner, PM-T990,

    PM-A970 and PM-A920. I look them up on the net and it seems that in the USA

    they have different model numbers. Can any one tell me how this can be done? I

    really don't know if this printers just print from the film into the paper or

    can they also store the files into the hard drive. Also, do I have to scan

    frame by frame or do they scan automatically a whole strip of film? Since I

    already have 2 printers can this be done with a regular scanner? (they are

    cheaper). I was reading here about some Nikon scanners but I can't find any on

    the Nikon Japanese site. Since I have no idea about all this, any help and info

    will be very useful! THANK YOU ALL!

  5. My opinion is that they are really great cameras and were produced for many many years. My AE1 Program serial number is 1715818. As you can see is very high. They are still in used after 30 years and you can find them used almost everywhere. So yeah, I would say they are very common. If you have one please take good care of it or if you are planing to buy one and you can find it, i will recomend it to you. You will love it.
  6. If you are from Europe you might find it cheaper here! If you are from the States, just forget it. Go check up Map Camera, in fron of The Shinjiku station, you can't miss it. You will also find there Yodobayashi Camera, another big store with the best prices in Japan. Just yesterday my costumer bought one but he is from England and he was happy about the price he got.

    good luck!

  7. There is a book I can recommend, "The Digital Photography" by Scott Kelby. It's very easy to understand coz he explains everything in a very simple way. I'm sure you will get many more suggestions here. A great software would be "Adobe Photoshop Lightroom" and almost every one will agree with that.


    "Is there a way to get a copy of Adobe software without having to pay hundreds of dollars to get the software?"


    Yeap! There are many, many ways, but I'm sure you won't get any hints about it.

  8. I had 2 batteries in the MB-D80 and I noticed that the display was showing

    around 75% of battery power. Just for curiosity I click on the menu and went to

    BATTERY info. It tells me that the battery in the left chamber has only 1% of

    power and that the one on the right chamber has 79% charge. Is that the way it

    is supposed to work? The camera is always working with 1 battery and after it

    is discharged automatically changes to the one with full power? Anyhow I think

    that is great so you can always fully recycle the batteries instead of only

    topping them off. Any comments?

  9. I know for most of you this must be really boring already but please, be

    patient! Any comments, arguments, people being right or wrong as long as you

    say what is in your mind helps a lot. So here it is:


    In my company I have all types of lighting for aquarium systems. Lamps with a

    reading from 1.000K to 20.000K. Yesterday I had nothing better to do so I

    started shooting some of my fish and trying all kind of lamps. Not to make it

    too long I notice that I got the best results when I used "Truelight". That's

    the name of the lamp. The company that makes it assure that it is the closest

    to natural light with a reading of 5.500K. They recommend it for all kind of

    fish, reptiles and to use in offices. I thought that was really interesting.


    Today it was a really nice day, sunny and Uhmm!, almost a blue sky! I took my

    camera and got on my motorcycle heading to the mountains. It didn't take me too

    long to realize that the best WB setting on my D80 would be "Direct Sunlight" I

    started shooting and using all the 7 values that the camera gives me (-3 to

    +3). I came home and when I was looking at the RAW files on Lightroom I got a

    reading between 4,600K to 5.350 but the pictures were still in the bluish side

    of the scale. Then in 1 of the shots I used the little WB tool. I used it in a

    place of the picture where there was some snow. Surprised me when it gave me a

    reading of 5.500. I also notice that after the changed had loaded the result

    was the closest to what I had in my mind according to what I had seen in the



    Now the question?. After a photo session, the end result of the frames are in

    target close to 5.000K, would you say that it is a good starting point? I mean,

    from there on you can increase or reduce the temperature according to your

    taste, style and artistic abilities.


    Thank you all for your patience and pointers!

  10. You've heard the pros, now a few words from a begginer! I've been using a DSLR for only 3 or 4 months. I'm having so many problems adjusting to it after 20+ years of film. I also don't have the time to be shooting all day so what ever I can get on the weekends I shot it in RAW then during the week whenever I have the time in my office I sit in front of a computer and play around with the pictures. This way I'm learning a lot and I really like the idea that with only one frame of RAW I can come out with ten different imagines. In a while if I get to master digital shooting I might change to JPEG coz I don't really need large prints, A4 size is good enough for me. I have also tried shooting RAW+JPEG but basically I notice that if I get the setting wrong (which happens VERY often) that's the end of it for the JPEG so I stopped doing that and I'm basically learning to process RAW. I'm also sure that if I had more time to expend behind my camera I would and wouldn't wanna bother with RAW.
  11. I wonder how much money the person that came out with the *ist name end up with! On the other hand, who knows? Maybe *ist is a really good name looking at the reaction of all of us! I think it made a good impact coz myself I have no idea what kind of cameras Pentax have produced before but if you ask me right now *ist would come to my mind right away! Yeah! Coz of the stupid name!
  12. Hi! I'm not a pro and maybe I shouldn't be replying to your question but I've been using Adobe Lightroom and they have this tutorials and stuff that you can see on the net and I learn a few tricks there in how to make those blacks really black without over doing it. I can't find the URL but I'm sure some one will show up and know what I'm talking about. Eithere way you can go and snoop around in the Adobe site! If I finally find the URL I'll be back and post it for you!
  13. Hi there! Basically it's just marketing! When you buy a camera kit there is a chance that it is your first camera and makers try to pull you to their own brand. The best way to do it is by giving you a nice price. People looking for a body only means they have their own equipment already. Maybe 1 or 2 bodies and 5 lenses. Because you have all this already you have to keep buying the same brand otherwise you have to buy everything again, therefor, you pay the price coz even if the body is expensive it is still cheaper than buying everything again. Does it make sence to you? Let's see what every one else says! Regards!
  14. Jerry! Hey! My mistake! Yes, you go + to make it cooler and the camera is a D80. Now, would that work in any setting? (Fluorescent, Sunlight, Flash, etc) What about AUTO? Why do I have an scale from -3 to +3 if it is auto?


    ROB: "You never had this problem because you never had this level of control." You gotta point there, he!he! What I really wanted to say is that I never got a blue picture from my film camera so I didn't worry about WB settings, using a card was always fine!


    Thank you guys! I'm shooting pictures at the ceiling in my office and people are looking at me now!

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