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Posts posted by Rene11664880918

  1. Are you guys still looking up at this thread? First of all let me say that I love all the shoots

    above and that goes for yours too David! Since you are shooting Tmax 3200 I'm sure the

    grain that I see there is what they call NOISE, right? Myself I really like it, I just wonder why

    when it comes to DSLR's every one hates it so much? There must be something I'm missing,

    so pardon my ignorance and teach me! Great job! Cheers!

  2. Uhmm! You guys got me lost there... Anyway, I sold all my inexpensive FD glasses but they

    offered me around 20 USD for my T90 so I'll keep it until it breaks. All I have now is the 50

    f1.4 and the 35-105 f3.5


    I haven't been able to find much about the 85 f1.2L. I supposed it is really sharp and must

    be good for portraits coz of the large aperture being able to blur back grounds. That's all I

    know or guess about it. Uhmm! Oh well!

  3. Hey John! Do you need the serial number of the camera to download the firmware? When I

    bought mine, I bought it in Japan and the manual was in japanese. I tried to download the

    PDF manual from Nikon USA but they asked the serial number and when I entered it they

    sent me to the japanese site and of course they only had a japanese PDF. I'm not sure but if

    they do the same with you, maybe they will sent you to Nikon Taiwan, per se and maybe you

    can download from there. Just a thought! Give it a try!

    Good luck!

  4. Thank you Lindy! We had been waiting for you! That camera looks really nice! I found 2 of

    them so far. Just a bit too much money for me. 1 is priced at roughly 1,500 USD and the

    other 1 around 900 USD. I was surprised coz I had never seen or heard about those! Peace!

  5. He!He! Yeah! Douglas, you are right! I didn't mean crappy! I meant inexpensive! SORRY! I

    have a 28 2.8 but I barely use it. The thing is when I was in high school I started with my

    AE-1P but since I was just a student I could never afford to buy the expensive glasses and

    later on photography was just to kill time on weekends. Anyway, the reason I wanna keep

    the 50 1.4 is because... uhmm! It is just a MUST. After I read here about the 35-105 I

    bought it and that is the glass that stay in my camera all the time. I'll check and keep in

    mind the 100 2.8. Oh! 8 x 10? That is close to A4 right? That's the biggest I go! Thank you

    for your time!

  6. Around this time last year, I was going to use my T90 and when I loaded the batteries and try to test it I

    got EEE on the digital display and HELP in the viewfinder. Long story short, I got it fixed just after I had

    bought a Nikon D80. Well, I was so happy that I got it fixed but since last week I started to get the same

    error marks. This time I remove the batteries and put them back on and the error marks go away. I'm just

    afraid it will break again. So? I'm thinking that maybe I just should sale it or trade it in a the camera shop

    for a lens or something. I'm also afraid they will make me a ridiculous offer.


    1-I also have a AE-1P, should I keep the flash (300TL) to use with the AE-1P?


    2-Also I have many crappy lenses, I mean, I like them but I don't have any L lenses or anything like that.

    If I sale my T90 I'm planning to keep only my 50 f1.4 and 35-105 f3.5 (Which I just bought a few months

    ago and I love it) I notice that 85 f1.8 L is still very expensive any comments about it? The reason is that I

    don't care about getting cash but I think if I trade the camera and the lenses for that 85 I could get a

    good deal.


    3-Any other lens you guys would recommend? I don't telephoto, maybe portrait or wide angle.


    Thank you every one! Any advice will be appreciated.

  7. Uhmm! Interesting! Priorities! That's all! Do you wanna take a picture or do you wanna see

    the show or none of THEM? The artist got the right to perform under his own conditions.

    The audience got the choice to attend under those conditions or not. Simple. no hard

    feelings about it. The other day, I was in a street festival and I kept shooting things,

    people, etc. Then some one I know, who doesn't know what a camera is for just said to

    me: "You look like HENTAI" (Hentai means sexually abnormal oriented person in japanese).

    Uhmm! I just thought that he is an ignorant and YET he got a right to his own opinion! Oh

    well! So how's the weather?

  8. I'm sorry I don't know that much but isn't it like when you take a picture without media and

    the picture is like in some type of memory in the camera? have you tried to format the card

    with your computer directly in a card reader? On the bright side, you don't have to worry

    about loosing your pictures! Good luck!

  9. Martin... Welcome to the Mac world. you will love it! I just changed myself a few months

    ago and now I'm running windows in my Mac only to use the software from my bank, and

    the trump games, of course. I was in the same position as you. I didn't know anything and

    I tried to use Parallels. It was too complicated and made the lap top a bit slow. I

    uninstalled it and ran Windows from Boot Camp for a while. Just last week I found out

    there was a new software, FUSION. It costs just $80.00 bucks. After reading reviews about

    it, I bought it. It's great. All you do is install it and the first time you run it a window will

    show were you can create a virtual machine OR just choose the Boot Camp. That's what I

    did. Now I can run Windows applications right from the dock on my Mac. I recommend it!

    Good luck with your Mac.

  10. Thanks for your fast replies! Well, yeah! I shoot RAW but I was wondering if there was a

    correct setting. Uhmm! Right now we are having all kinds of Summer festivals in Japan and

    just last night I was out there shooting a lot. Fire works, parades, cars with lights,etc. If any

    one has the time please take a look and advice me! Tonight I wanna give it another try!


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